U.S. Income Inequality Now Worse Than In Many Latin American Countries

Honest question, Koios: why would you expect anyone to give you a civil answer?

You are intellectually dishonest, you ignore and dismiss most evidence that reveals the idiocy of what you post. You are often stumbling drunk when you post, creating slop with your logic and your typing. So why would anyone respect you or treat you seriously?

No. Did I give you a sense I was here for the civility? Hahahahahahahaha.
Yet you have the gall to bust on me for lack of civility.

Like anyone needed any more evidence that Marxist knuckle draggers like you have multiple sets of rules.
The absolute gall of YOU, of all people, to whine about a different set of rules for different people, MISTER rules for others but not for you!!!!!!!

It took habitual violations of the 48 hour rule for you to finally lose your rep, and now in violation of the rules you have it back!!!!

Guidelines for Giving out Negative Rep Revised 07/25/2012:

Members may NOT negatively impact the reputation of the same person more that 1 time in a 48 hour period. If a member negatively impacts another person's reputation more than 1 time in a 48 hour period (2/48 Violation) the following will happen:
All accumulated reputation will be zero'd out
Loss of all ability to give reputation (negative/positive)
Loss of all ability to receive reputation (negative/positive)

All your other privileges will remain intact. You will still be able to participate on the boards.

Be forewarned that once you have been zero'd out and lost your ability to give/receive rep, it will be PERMANENT. NO EXCEPTIONS.

The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are the most shameless hypocrites on Earth.
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Sue USMB, asshole.
That was not the point a$$hole!
YOU bitch about the hypocrisy of double standards while you are the living embodiment of hypocritical double standards.
Get it a$$hole?
If you still don't get it,read my sig.
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Right. Of course the numbers for the top 50 are higher than overall. But trying a 500K number just does not cut it. But believe what you will

Comrade, it is documented fact. Salary.Com is THE authoritative source on compensation in the United States.

That it deflates the class warfare and hatred you spread is irrelevant.
You fell back to paint chips??? Shit, U'08, I was so proud of you when you evolved to huffing oven cleaner. You're digressing.

How very disappointing.

I'm just the commentator - the consumption is on you, sparky.
So, I have been a bit busy, so did not go out to find actual numbers for ceo pay. Here is a piece that covers it well:
"So much for the new austerity.

The average U.S. chief executive earned more than $11 million last year in salary, stock options and other compensation, according to a new analysis by the Economic Policy Institute. That’s about 231 times more, on average, than workers.

That ratio has shrunk a bit since the height of the dot.com bubble, when a ballooning stock market inflated CEO compensation to 411 times that of working stiffs.

And it’s smaller than the pay gap calculated recently by the AFL-CIO, the umbrella federation of unions representing about 12 million U.S. workers. Their analysis concluded that the typical CEO of an S&P 500 Index company made 380 times the average wages of U.S. workers in 2011.

Whatever. What's clear is that the pay gap between U.S. CEOs and rank-and-file workers is higher than anywhere else in the developed world. And it has been accelerating over the last few decades. In 1965, the U.S. CEO-to-worker compensation ratio was roughly 20 to 1.

Here are some additional stats to put the oh! in CEO:

-- 725%: That's how much average CEO compensation increased between 1978 and 2011, according to EPI.

-- 5.7%: That’s how much the average worker’s compensation increased over the same period.

Bottom line: It pays to be CEO."
U.S. CEOs paid 231 times more than average workers - Los Angeles Times

And here is the wsj report on compensation of 456 of the largest firms in the US:
CEO Compensation - The Wall Street Journal Online

As usual, you on the left are openly lying.

I'll grant you that the LA Times is lying in their piece, little surprise there. If we follow the link they use as a source we find;

(—especially the trends favoring the top 1.0 percent—had been reversed in the recent downturn)
Earnings of the top 1.0 percent rebound strongly in the recovery | Economic Policy Institute

Once again, we find the hate filled left putting forth false date, the earning of a tiny minority, as if it were the norm.

The Times openly lies;

{The average U.S. chief executive earned more than $11 million last year in salary, }

That's a direct quote, and a blatant lie, as their own cited source directly contradicts the claim. The average of the TOP 1% of CEO's is $11 million.
l, you on the left are openly lying.

And yet neither of the sources are remotely left wing, and one has clearly right wing owners.

What are you talking about?
Well, it looks like that $11 million figure isn't too far off....

The head of a typical public company made $9.6 million in 2011, according to an analysis by The Associated Press using data from Equilar, an executive pay research firm.

That was up more than 6 percent from the previous year, and is the second year in a row of increases. The figure is also the highest since the AP began tracking executive compensation in 2006.

CEO average pay jumps to almost $10 million - Business - US business | NBC News
l, you on the left are openly lying.

And yet neither of the sources are remotely left wing, and one has clearly right wing owners.

What are you talking about?
Ah, the irony! When you're not using tired platitudes, seems you default to outright BS:

Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA NewsroomWhat I was saying was the above in response to you comment. I wouldn't have thought it was that difficult. Sorry about the confusion.
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l, you on the left are openly lying.

And yet neither of the sources are remotely left wing, and one has clearly right wing owners.

What are you talking about?
Ah, the irony! When you're not using tired platitudes, seems you default to outright BS:

Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom
What I was saying was the above in response to you comment. I wouldn't have thought it was that difficult. Sorry about the confusion.
Uncensored, Meathead -

I don't consider the LA Times or the WSJ to be left wing, though clearly some people do. Liberal, possibly, but left wing....hardly.

It does seem to be an American fundamentalist hobby to attack any media source people dislike as being somewhere out past Pravda, campaigining for Stalin. Realistically, I think most major media sources are a little more moderate.

Don't let this stop either of you from commenting on the material posted.
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Well, it looks like that $11 million figure isn't too far off....

The head of a typical public company made $9.6 million in 2011, according to an analysis by The Associated Press using data from Equilar, an executive pay research firm.

That was up more than 6 percent from the previous year, and is the second year in a row of increases. The figure is also the highest since the AP began tracking executive compensation in 2006.

CEO average pay jumps to almost $10 million - Business - US business | NBC News

From your link;

Equilar found that 84 percent of Fortune 100 companies

Same game; reporting Fortune 100 companies as the "average."
Income inequality doesn't fly real well in these boards. I find it troubling that people don't care that they are making less than they did 40 years ago and are going no-where income wise. Some don't care, some don't realize it and others have accepted it and gave up.

it is sad that the rw'ers, at least on this board, are willingly clueless on this point.
Equilar found that 84 percent of Fortune 100 companies

Same game; reporting Fortune 100 companies as the "average."

The figure is (clearly) the average amongst Fortune 100 companies. It does not suggest that Forbes 100 companies are average.
Meathead -

So you are saying that the stats posted are false?

The LA Times flat out lied. Following the link revealed that what they reported as "average" was instead clearly labeled as the "top 1%" by their source.

The issue is the Times is an agenda driven propaganda rag, with the goal of fostering class warfare on behalf of the party.
Uncensored, Meathead -

I don't consider the LA Times or the WSJ to be left wing, though clearly some people do. Liberal, possibly, but left wing....hardly.

It does seem to be an American fundamentalist hobby to attack any media source people dislike as being somewhere out past Pravda, campaigining for Stalin. Realistically, I think most major media sources are a little more moderate.

Don't let this stop either of you from commenting on the material posted.
You said, and I quote, "And yet neither of the sources are remotely left wing, and one has clearly right wing owners.

What are you talking about?"

Now, I will not quibble about the semantics of "not remotely left wing". Do so if you wish, retract or just move along.
The LA Times flat out lied. Following the link revealed that what they reported as "average" was instead clearly labeled as the "top 1%" by their source.


I may be missing something here, but I checked the links, and I don't mention of the Top 1% of CEO's.

This seems clear to me:

"CEO pay went up in 2011. Again.

The average CEO pay of companies in the S&P 500 Index rose to $12.94 million in 2011. Overall, the average level of CEO pay in the S&P 500 Index increased 13.9 percent in 2011, following a 22.8 percent increase in CEO pay in 2010."

There is an entirely related stat on the 1% vs 99% thing at the bottom of the page, but I'm wondering if you might have misread the stat?

The issue is the Times is an agenda driven propaganda rag, with the goal of fostering class warfare on behalf of the party.

It is strange that the people earning $12 million are not fostering class warfare - but the people reporting the fact are.

Meathead -

As I commented earlier - I don't consider either to be at all left wing. If you do, that's fine. It's a subjective issue.
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The LA Times flat out lied. Following the link revealed that what they reported as "average" was instead clearly labeled as the "top 1%" by their source.


I may be missing something here, but I checked the links, and I don't mention of the Top 1% of CEO's.

This seems clear to me:

"CEO pay went up in 2011. Again.

The average CEO pay of companies in the S&P 500 Index rose to $12.94 million in 2011. Overall, the average level of CEO pay in the S&P 500 Index increased 13.9 percent in 2011, following a 22.8 percent increase in CEO pay in 2010."

There is an entirely related stat on the 1% vs 99% thing at the bottom of the page, but I'm wondering if you might have misread the stat?

Meathead -

As I commented earlier - I don't consider either to be at all left wing. If you do, that's fine. It's a subjective issue.

You DO realize that the S&P 500 represents far less than 1% of American companies, don't you?

The top 500 are the elite of the elite. It's like taking the earnings of the Rolling Stones, and claiming that the average rock band, playing in bars and garages, make that kind of money. It's not just dishonest, it's insultingly stupid.
Meathead -

As I commented earlier - I don't consider either to be at all left wing. If you do, that's fine. It's a subjective issue.
Of course it's a subjective issue. That you do not find either to be "remotely left wing" proves it. I linked a UCLA (not a bastion of right wing thinking) study which concluded that both the LA Times and the WSJ news reporting were among the furthest to the left. Once again:

Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

Given that, it is rather easy to see the subjectivity involved in your comment, which renders it pointless unless prefaced with something like, "In my (very) subjective opinion...".

Without such a preamble, I trust that you can clearly see why I called it BS. It also belies your lack of moderation as well as objectivity despite your efforts to build such an image.
Churchill once spoke of "a sheep in sheep's clothing" which is oddly appropriate here.

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