U.S. To Allow Former 45 Fixer Michael Cohen To Publish Tell All Book.

Good news! Should be an interesting book. Timely too.
If there was anything new to find out we would already have it and democrats would be going for another impeachment lol

Here is what "We" know.
1. 45 ordered Cohen to pay off Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels"), an Adult Film Actress

2. 45 order Cohen to pay off Karen, a Playboy Model.

3. 45 lied about ordering Cohen to pay these Women off so they would not talk about his extra-marital affairs with them.

Which of course, as God Fearing, Mother Loving so-called "Christian" you as Cons chose to ignore.

What the DOJ tried to do and failed was to violate Michael Cohen's First Amendment Right To Freedom of Speech. What billy boy barr did was Unconstitutional. The only reason Cohen was returned to custody was to prevent him from publishing his book.

Cohen was involved in a lot of the deals the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward (something you chose to ignore) 45. That tower in Moscow comes to mind.

But the real truth is that 45 and his butt boy barr do not care about the Constitution, but you don't care about that either.
You're full of shit influenced by a derangement because the election didn't go your way
Most people call it TDS
fucking stupid son of a bitch wake the fuck up
What happened to Mary Trump’s tell all book? How about John Bolton’s book?

I find it strange that there weren’t any tell all books about O, but lots about Don. Anyone have theories as to why this is?
Just a theory, but could be, to know him is to know he sucks, (big time) and he doesn't exactly engender loyalty to those that know him up close. I've though he sucked from afar for quite a while now.
That could be. There is no doubt he’s an asshole and likely very disliked by those who work for him.

Idon’t think O was all that liked either, though.
Obama was boring....but respected the office he sat in, so the others working for him, did the same, even if they differed with him.

Trump has shown ZERO respect for the office he holds, has broken every ethics rule for the office, since he showed up.... thus his admins that leave, have no respect for him....And tell all.

His niece, simply knows him, and fears for our Nation, with him at the helm! :eek:
What happened to Mary Trump’s tell all book? How about John Bolton’s book?

I find it strange that there weren’t any tell all books about O, but lots about Don. Anyone have theories as to why this is?
maybe obama was really boring, and there was not much to tell. or maybe

Who cares if the Felon writes a book?!

He showed up to testify before Congress under oath twice, and both times he committed perjury. What do you think he is going to do without being under oath, writing a Tell-All book for the money to pay his lawyer fees?

As soon as it hits the streets you sheep make sure you run right out and buy it.....

Obama was boring....but respected the office he sat in, so the others working for him, did the same, even if they differed with him.

The POS violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, trampled both Constitutional and Civil rights, and flat out lied to the American people, right to their faces just like Slick Willy did. He spied on American citizens, reporters, th media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Presidential candidates, and even on a newly elected President. He collaborated with the Russians, extorted a Ukrainian PM, interfered in other nations' elections, attempted to rig ours, and was caught attempting a failed political coup.

'Respected the office'?

Bwuhahahaha.... He, like his daddy, fuckin' HATED this country and sought to eliminate it as a world power and influence. He did everything he could to bring about a transition to oppressive, big government Socialism. He openly declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY change this nation, The radical anti-American, socialist onslaught we are seeing, facilitated by socialist Democrats, are the fruit of his labor.

He was educated by communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and frequently quoted Socialist Saul Alensky, was mentored for 2 years by Black Liberation Theology (Socialism) America-hating, racist 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, was buddies with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers....and in 2015-2016 the Democrat puppet-masters were able to convince willing sheep like you that his past meant nothing. LOL! (Can you smell it? That's PISS, not rain!)

And troll-sheep like you are still trying to re-write history and convince anyone willing to listen that Barry was not / is not exactly what he is.

His administration was officially named the most criminally non-compliant administration in US history in regards to obeying the FOIA and FRA. he is the most scandalous, most criminal President is US history.
Obama was boring....but respected the office he sat in, so the others working for him, did the same, even if they differed with him.

The POS violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, trampled both Constitutional and Civil rights, and flat out lied to the American people, right to their faces just like Slick Willy did. He spied on American citizens, reporters, th media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Presidential candidates, and even on a newly elected President. He collaborated with the Russians, extorted a Ukrainian PM, interfered in other nations' elections, attempted to rig ours, and was caught attempting a failed political coup.

'Respected the office'?

Bwuhahahaha.... He, like his daddy, fuckin' HATED this country and sought to eliminate it as a world power and influence. He did everything he could to bring about a transition to oppressive, big government Socialism. He openly declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY change this nation, The radical anti-American, socialist onslaught we are seeing, facilitated by socialist Democrats, are the fruit of his labor.

He was educated by communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and frequently quoted Socialist Saul Alensky, was mentored for 2 years by Black Liberation Theology (Socialism) America-hating, racist 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, was buddies with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers....and in 2015-2016 the Democrat puppet-masters were able to convince willing sheep like you that his past meant nothing. LOL! (Can you smell it? That's PISS, not rain!)

And troll-sheep like you are still trying to re-write history and convince anyone willing to listen that Barry was not / is not exactly what he is.

His administration was officially named the most criminally non-compliant administration in US history in regards to obeying the FOIA and FRA. he is the most scandalous, most criminal President is US history.
Good news! Should be an interesting book. Timely too.
If there was anything new to find out we would already have it and democrats would be going for another impeachment lol

Here is what "We" know.
1. 45 ordered Cohen to pay off Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels"), an Adult Film Actress

2. 45 order Cohen to pay off Karen, a Playboy Model.

3. 45 lied about ordering Cohen to pay these Women off so they would not talk about his extra-marital affairs with them.

Which of course, as God Fearing, Mother Loving so-called "Christian" you as Cons chose to ignore.

What the DOJ tried to do and failed was to violate Michael Cohen's First Amendment Right To Freedom of Speech. What billy boy barr did was Unconstitutional. The only reason Cohen was returned to custody was to prevent him from publishing his book.

Cohen was involved in a lot of the deals the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward (something you chose to ignore) 45. That tower in Moscow comes to mind.

But the real truth is that 45 and his butt boy barr do not care about the Constitution, but you don't care about that either.

Cohen cannot profit from a book about his crimes.

You called Trump a "5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward". What is Joe Biden?

What about that tower in Moscow?
That this trump character needs 'fixers' in itself should at least raise some suspicion in the minds of trumpbots, but so far, no. I'm convinced they don't have the capacity for critical thinking. They operate on chants and buzzwords. MAGA, locker her up, lock her up, etc.
Good news! Should be an interesting book. Timely too.
If there was anything new to find out we would already have it and democrats would be going for another impeachment lol

Here is what "We" know.
1. 45 ordered Cohen to pay off Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels"), an Adult Film Actress

2. 45 order Cohen to pay off Karen, a Playboy Model.

3. 45 lied about ordering Cohen to pay these Women off so they would not talk about his extra-marital affairs with them.

Which of course, as God Fearing, Mother Loving so-called "Christian" you as Cons chose to ignore.

What the DOJ tried to do and failed was to violate Michael Cohen's First Amendment Right To Freedom of Speech. What billy boy barr did was Unconstitutional. The only reason Cohen was returned to custody was to prevent him from publishing his book.

Cohen was involved in a lot of the deals the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward (something you chose to ignore) 45. That tower in Moscow comes to mind.

But the real truth is that 45 and his butt boy barr do not care about the Constitution, but you don't care about that either.

Cohen cannot profit from a book about his crimes.

You called Trump a "5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward". What is Joe Biden?

What about that tower in Moscow?

Yes he can. He is writing about what he did for Donald Trump. He was convicted on victimless crimes. No one was defrauded so there are no victims.

Biden doesn't act like a third world thug either. Trump is willing to attack anyone in the military who does their duty. Trump attacked Lt Col Vindmann. Vindmann was wounded fighting for his country and was attacked because he did his duty.
Good news! Should be an interesting book. Timely too.
If there was anything new to find out we would already have it and democrats would be going for another impeachment lol

Here is what "We" know.
1. 45 ordered Cohen to pay off Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels"), an Adult Film Actress

2. 45 order Cohen to pay off Karen, a Playboy Model.

3. 45 lied about ordering Cohen to pay these Women off so they would not talk about his extra-marital affairs with them.

Which of course, as God Fearing, Mother Loving so-called "Christian" you as Cons chose to ignore.

What the DOJ tried to do and failed was to violate Michael Cohen's First Amendment Right To Freedom of Speech. What billy boy barr did was Unconstitutional. The only reason Cohen was returned to custody was to prevent him from publishing his book.

Cohen was involved in a lot of the deals the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward (something you chose to ignore) 45. That tower in Moscow comes to mind.

But the real truth is that 45 and his butt boy barr do not care about the Constitution, but you don't care about that either.

Cohen cannot profit from a book about his crimes.

You called Trump a "5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward". What is Joe Biden?

What about that tower in Moscow?

Yes he can. He is writing about what he did for Donald Trump. He was convicted on victimless crimes. No one was defrauded so there are no victims.

Biden doesn't act like a third world thug either. Trump is willing to attack anyone in the military who does their duty. Trump attacked Lt Col Vindmann. Vindmann was wounded fighting for his country and was attacked because he did his duty.
I thought you leftists said he defrauded the American people.
I agree! Plus, Cohen is free to engage with news organizations and use social media. So, we may hear some juicy things about Trump before the book is released.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised that liberals want to read a book written by a convicted felon.

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