U.S. to Withdraw About 7,000 Troops From Afghanistan, Officials Say

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Asked the same questions about Syria...Why are we still there? What have the Afghan done for us (besides growing more poppies?)

The Trump administration is withdrawing roughly 7,000 troops from Afghanistan in the coming months, two defense officials said Thursday, around half of what the American military has there now.

Mr. Trump made the decision at the same time he decided he was pulling American forces out of Syria, one official said. The move is likely one of the first steps to end the United States’ involvement in the 17-year-old war.

The 14,000 American troops currently in Afghanistan are divided between training and advising Afghan forces and a counterterror mission against groups like the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. The reduction, one official said, is in an effort to make Afghan forces more reliant on their own troops and not Western support.

Read more at nytimes.com ...
Well, seems DOPers are admitting these wars were useless after ALL! Then.

And Osama was in PackyStain anyways and we spent little there.
But for a fast in and out chopper ride.
It’s about time our Middle Eastern adventures came to an end. How many thousands of our soldiers died for absolutely nothing? It’s sickening.
It’s about time our Middle Eastern adventures came to an end. How many thousands of our soldiers died for absolutely nothing? It’s sickening.
Nope they died to make some well-off corrupt CORPS. billions. Gotta love the survivors that get nothang.

btw WWII vets are the best, they knew what was right to fight for.
7,000 still there, and the numbers will go back up as the killing starts up.

We need to get the remaining 7,000 out asap and let the killing go on.

Afghanistan isn't a nation. It is a collection of warlords and tribal elders. They have been killing each other since the beginning of time. We cannot stop that. What we can do is keep them confined as if Afghanistan were one large asylum for the criminally insane.
7,000 still there, and the numbers will go back up as the killing starts up.

We need to get the remaining 7,000 out asap and let the killing go on.

Afghanistan isn't a nation. It is a collection of warlords and tribal elders. They have been killing each other since the beginning of time. We cannot stop that. What we can do is keep them confined as if Afghanistan were one large asylum for the criminally insane.
More or less true. So we need to bring a yuge number of them home with us who helped us for decade plus is it
Why do we still have a police presence in black neighborhoods? Or in any white democrat locales? Or in any American communities? We should leave them right now!
So we are going to privatize our military, wonder how much that will cost us. They do not need to follow the rules of engagement.

President Donald Trump is reportedly cutting 7,000 U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

This month, in the January/February print issue of the gun and hunting magazine “Recoil," the former contractor security firm Blackwater USA published a full-page ad, in all black with a simple message: “We are coming.”

Is the Afghan war about to be privatized?

If Blackwater returns, it would be the return of a private security contractor that was banned from Iraq, but re-branded and never really went away. By 2016 Blackwater had been re-branded several times and was known at the time as Constellis Group, when it was purchased by the Apollo Holdings Group. Reuters reported earlier this year that Apollo had put Constellis up for sale, but in June the sale was put on hold.

Blackwater’s founder and former CEO Erik Prince has courted President Donald Trump’s administration since he took office with the idea that the now 17-year Afghan War will never be won by a traditional military campaign. Prince has also argued that the logistical footprint required to support that now multi-trillion dollar endeavor has become too burdensome. Over the summer and into this fall Prince has engaged heavily with the media to promote the privatization; particularly as the Trump administration’s new South Asia Strategy, which was crafted with Mattis, passed the one-year mark.

Mattis is out, and Blackwater is back: ‘We are coming’
Seems we are leaving the arena after 17 years of combat...............

Perhaps that is why the War Hawks are pissed.

What is amazing is now the Dems are the War Hawks from their TDS...............Amazing isn't it.
It’s about time our Middle Eastern adventures came to an end. How many thousands of our soldiers died for absolutely nothing? It’s sickening.
I wouldn't say "nothing" but we have stayed WAAAAAAAAAY TOO LONG.

Time to play wack a mole with the terrorists. If they pop up in large groups send over a special guided gift to meet them.
Asked the same questions about Syria...Why are we still there? What have the Afghan done for us (besides growing more poppies?)

The Trump administration is withdrawing roughly 7,000 troops from Afghanistan in the coming months, two defense officials said Thursday, around half of what the American military has there now.

Mr. Trump made the decision at the same time he decided he was pulling American forces out of Syria, one official said. The move is likely one of the first steps to end the United States’ involvement in the 17-year-old war.

The 14,000 American troops currently in Afghanistan are divided between training and advising Afghan forces and a counterterror mission against groups like the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. The reduction, one official said, is in an effort to make Afghan forces more reliant on their own troops and not Western support.

Read more at nytimes.com ...

Good. We don't need to be there.
7,000 still there, and the numbers will go back up as the killing starts up.

We need to get the remaining 7,000 out asap and let the killing go on.

Afghanistan isn't a nation. It is a collection of warlords and tribal elders. They have been killing each other since the beginning of time. We cannot stop that. What we can do is keep them confined as if Afghanistan were one large asylum for the criminally insane.

One of the best commentaries on the farce I've read in a long time.

Thank you.

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