U.S. Warns It Can't Guard Part of Mexican Border


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
East Japip
About 3,500 acres of southern Arizona have been closed off to U.S. citizens due to increased violence at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The refuge had been adversely affected by the increase in drug smugglers, illegal activity and surveillance, which made it dangerous for Americans to visit.

"The situation in this zone has reached a point where continued public use of the area is not prudent," said refuge manager Mitch Ellis.

"We need support from the federal government. It’s their job to secure the border and they haven’t done it,” said Babeu. “In fact, President Obama suspended the construction of the fence and it’s just simply outrageous.”

"We need action. It’s shameful that we, as the most powerful nation on Earth, … can’t even secure our own border and protect our own families.”

FOXNews.com - Uptick in Violence Forces Closing of Parkland Along Mexico Border to Americans

Of all the things the federal government is suppose to do, isn't securing our nation/borders on the list? wtf is wrong with our government?
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"We need support from the federal government. It’s their job to secure the border and they haven’t done it,” said Babeu. “In fact, President Obama suspended the construction of the fence and it’s just simply outrageous.”

Yes it is an outrage. Obama fails at the number one priority of the Federal Government. His inaction has and will continue to cause the death of Americans. His inaction is a threat to America's safety. The violence from the drug cartels are horrendous. However, Obama's inaction allows terrorists to waltz right into America. Obama's inaction shows the true enemy of America that he is. Obama is a pathetic president.
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It'll be a cold day in hell before any libturds show up in here! They out kissing calderone's azz.
I just saw a bit on the news about a guy who has dedicated his life to getting Osama bin Laden. Don't we have Americans that are willing to bring the war into Mexico?

During WW2, the German invasion of Britain was dashed not only by those Spitfires shooting down German bombers but by British bomber raids on Germany. You can't let the enemy control the battle. Bring the war to the enemy:Mexico!
I just saw a bit on the news about a guy who has dedicated his life to getting Osama bin Laden. Don't we have Americans that are willing to bring the war into Mexico?

During WW2, the German invasion of Britain was dashed not only by those Spitfires shooting down German bombers but by British bomber raids on Germany. You can't let the enemy control the battle. Bring the war to the enemy:Mexico!

Are you saying declare war on Mexico?
So instead of using resources to keep Illegals out, we are using them to keep citizens out of a US Park. Isn't that backwards? Wow I guess that is their answer, keep American citizens away from the border lets patrol for citizens on their own lands instead of illegals. What Citizens can't see can't hurt them right?

While we are at it lets sell Alaska back to the Russians and sell Lousiana back to the french. I would not be surprised if Obama is actually considering this at least his administration.

This is out of control and slipping further and further into chaos.
We are quickly coming to a point where we will need to deploy active military to these areas and consider Mexican military across the border an act of war.
We're in Afghanistan and Iraq, and some of you people want to declare war on Mexico? :cuckoo:
We're in Afghanistan and Iraq, and some of you people want to declare war on Mexico? :cuckoo:

Using the military to shut down the border and chase crossers away =/= declaring war on Mexico lltle Bertrude.
Using the military to shut down the border and chase crossers away =/= declaring war on Mexico lltle Bertrude.

Bring the war to the enemy:Mexico!

Moron. What slur are you going to use against Hispanics? That's one group you haven't used a slur against yet. Though you did piss on someone in Mexico and call them a whore.
We are quickly coming to a point where we will need to deploy active military to these areas and consider Mexican military across the border an act of war.

Hmm it would be easy to deploy training wings, brigades to the area, excellent training and battle ready troops. A win win. Puerto rico Has a navy base there that drops bombs for training on their land of which most puerto ricans do not like, transfer it. Eglin AFB was testing the Moab on the base move it to the border no mans land. All of these will not happen but It can be done.

And in a training brigade or Wing the Troops are cycled out so frequently that bribery and other corruption would be removed. And they are already on a high state of alert with all the training. I mean just put signs up like at every base now, Do not enter Deadly force authorized only authorized personell with permission of the commander. Live ordanance no tresspassing. You do not have to declare war just train.

Only thing is the government may hire Illegals to build the infrastructure for the bases. So ya win some lose some
We are quickly coming to a point where we will need to deploy active military to these areas and consider Mexican military across the border an act of war.

Hmm it would be easy to deploy training wings, brigades to the area, excellent training and battle ready troops. A win win. Puerto rico Has a navy base there that drops bombs for training on their land of which most puerto ricans do not like, transfer it. Eglin AFB was testing the Moab on the base move it to the border no mans land. All of these will not happen but It can be done.

And in a training brigade or Wing the Troops are cycled out so frequently that bribery and other corruption would be removed. And they are already on a high state of alert with all the training. I mean just put signs up like at every base now, Do not enter Deadly force authorized only authorized personell with permission of the commander. Live ordanance no tresspassing. You do not have to declare war just train.

Only thing is the government may hire Illegals to build the infrastructure for the bases. So ya win some lose some

Nothing will be done to protect the border under the present administration. Soon the USA will be in the chaotic mess that Mexico finds itself in.
We are quickly coming to a point where we will need to deploy active military to these areas and consider Mexican military across the border an act of war.

Hmm it would be easy to deploy training wings, brigades to the area, excellent training and battle ready troops. A win win. Puerto rico Has a navy base there that drops bombs for training on their land of which most puerto ricans do not like, transfer it. Eglin AFB was testing the Moab on the base move it to the border no mans land. All of these will not happen but It can be done.

And in a training brigade or Wing the Troops are cycled out so frequently that bribery and other corruption would be removed. And they are already on a high state of alert with all the training. I mean just put signs up like at every base now, Do not enter Deadly force authorized only authorized personell with permission of the commander. Live ordanance no tresspassing. You do not have to declare war just train.

Only thing is the government may hire Illegals to build the infrastructure for the bases. So ya win some lose some

Nothing will be done to protect the border under the present administration. Soon the USA will be in the chaotic mess that Mexico finds itself in.

I believe you are quite correct.
U.S. Warns It Can't Guard Part of Mexican Border... DUE TO SHEER LACK OF POLITCAL WILL.

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