U.S. weighs special forces in Syria, helicopters in Iraq

The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






G0000 has trouble with the here and now.
Still waiting to hear the Republican plan other than, "Whatever Obama does, we're against that."

Well, considering he's never been right about anything, well, that's a no-brainer.
It's the coward's way out to watch the other guy fumble around while never offering a plan yourself. Any jackass can criticize the other guy's plan. It takes guts to put a plan on the table.

And history will tell if Obama has been wrong about everything, not you.

Look, president Dickweed helped create this fucking mess... it's just hilarious watching all the Bush bashers now howling in unison to Obama sending troops into Syria.

You're all a bunch of cowards and hypocrites. This guy is one disaster after another... domestic and foreign. No need to wait for history, it's readily apparent to anyone who bothers to take their Obama goggles off.
I'm still not hearing a plan...
Tke it up with Obama. He's the CinC after all.
Notice how Obama sent his lackeys to make this announcement as he was to much of a coward to do it himself..
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






G0000 has trouble with the here and now.
Tards have difficulty comprehending "the planet has ever known".

The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known
Posting pictures is not proof. Just saying.
Of all religions Islam probably has tortured and executed more than any other.
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






G0000 has trouble with the here and now.
Tards have difficulty comprehending "the planet has ever known".

The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known
Posting pictures is not proof. Just saying.
Of all religions Islam probably has tortured and executed more than any other.
And yet none of you bigots has provided a shred of evidence.

Just because right wing propaganda outlets feed your confirmation bias with doom music and breathless reportage every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone does not make your bald assertions true.
The Muslims will turn on our special forces and kill them like fish in the barrel, this will equal to more dead and wounded troops...

Why? Russia wants to be the big man in the ME, and as we near 90% energy independence, let's say "go, Putin, go."

The Arabs do not deserve American blood and treasure to be spilt on their behalf: they are not worthy.

I am inclined to agree. The Russian agenda is clear-----very imperialistic----
but once they WIN the Levant------they are kinda stuck with the mess which is
islamicism and Baathism

I agree.

Let the Russians have the ME. That shit hole always has been and always will be a mess.

My thoughts about are more "nasty" than are yours------if they try to control that
mess------it will be a MILLSTONE around their necks-----just as the Chechens are.
For my part------they cen tie the millstone about their necks and then take
a long walk on a short pier
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






G0000 has trouble with the here and now.
Tards have difficulty comprehending "the planet has ever known".

The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known
Posting pictures is not proof. Just saying.
Of all religions Islam probably has tortured and executed more than any other.
And yet none of you bigots has provided a shred of evidence.

Just because right wing propaganda outlets feed your confirmation bias with doom music and breathless reportage every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone does not make your bald assertions true.
Well, how do Muslims treat their women and children?
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






G0000 has trouble with the here and now.
Tards have difficulty comprehending "the planet has ever known".

The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known
Posting pictures is not proof. Just saying.
Of all religions Islam probably has tortured and executed more than any other.
I am imagine Christianity has done as many or more.
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






G0000 has trouble with the here and now.
Tards have difficulty comprehending "the planet has ever known".

The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known
Posting pictures is not proof. Just saying.
Of all religions Islam probably has tortured and executed more than any other.
I am imagine Christianity has done as many or more.
When is the last time you have seen or heard of Christians beheading people they disagree with??
Sounds like Vietnam all over again. Will take the next Republican president to clean up the mess Obama has made.
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






G0000 has trouble with the here and now.
Tards have difficulty comprehending "the planet has ever known".

The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known
Posting pictures is not proof. Just saying.
Of all religions Islam probably has tortured and executed more than any other.
I am imagine Christianity has done as many or more.

You can imagine all you want but you would be still wrong. That is what is wrong with you Jake, you imagine so much that just isn't so.
I read the baboons were pretty tough on the monkeys back in the day...I wonder if g0000 has pictures of dat, yo....
The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known






G0000 has trouble with the here and now.
Tards have difficulty comprehending "the planet has ever known".

The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known
Posting pictures is not proof. Just saying.
Of all religions Islam probably has tortured and executed more than any other.
And yet none of you bigots has provided a shred of evidence.

Just because right wing propaganda outlets feed your confirmation bias with doom music and breathless reportage every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone does not make your bald assertions true.

you have no basis for your comments I am a registered democrat. I learned
about islam from muslims and history from lots of books---some written hundreds
of years ago. -----and other very valid sources. In my youth I never watched
THE NEWS ---much----only a little ------the only news I got was from the generally
LIBERAL periodical NEWSWEEK------TIME magazine was considered on the
verge of NAZI by my mentor (my eldest brother). My grandmother marched in
UNION DEMONSTRATIONS when she was 14---and on. Considering the times---
conservatives would call her a COMMIE JEW. Real history----Islam is responsible for genocides exceeding 200 million (a very big number) in its
1400 year history. ----of course that is THEN----but the real problem is that based
on the same beliefs the blood still flows (PS I was born in the USA as were my parents and my maternal grandmother-----I doubt that there is a single republican in
my entire extended family)
G0000 has trouble with the here and now.
Tards have difficulty comprehending "the planet has ever known".

The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known
Posting pictures is not proof. Just saying.
Of all religions Islam probably has tortured and executed more than any other.
I am imagine Christianity has done as many or more.
When is the last time you have seen or heard of Christians beheading people they disagree with??

historically------people acting in the name of Christianity equaled or exceeded
muslims in terms of bloody murder. -----but right now muslims are making up
for their deficiency IN SPADES. Christians murdered Montezuma just to get
their bloody hands on Mexican gold with the blessings of very ardent catholic
Queen Isabella. Josef and Magda Goebbels considered
themselves and acted as if they were ardent catholics
G0000 has trouble with the here and now.
Tards have difficulty comprehending "the planet has ever known".

The fact is the Muslim cult is the most violent "religion" the planet has ever known
Posting pictures is not proof. Just saying.
Of all religions Islam probably has tortured and executed more than any other.
I am imagine Christianity has done as many or more.

You can imagine all you want but you would be still wrong. That is what is wrong with you Jake, you imagine so much that just isn't so.
Takes no imagination, only knowledge, to know that I am right and you are not. It is normally that way with you and me. Stay with me, and you will learn a lot of good stuff.

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