UAH says 4th warmest year on record


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The global average anomalies by year (2013 was the 4th warmest since satellite monitoring started in 1979):

1979 -0.170
1980 -0.008
1981 -0.045
1982 -0.250
1983 -0.061
1984 -0.353
1985 -0.309
1986 -0.244
1987 +0.013
1988 +0.012
1989 -0.207
1990 -0.022
1991 +0.020
1992 -0.289
1993 -0.245
1994 -0.108
1995 +0.013
1996 -0.076
1997 -0.049
1998 +0.419
1999 -0.056
2000 -0.061
2001 +0.107
2002 +0.218
2003 +0.187
2004 +0.108
2005 +0.260
2006 +0.186
2007 +0.204
2008 -0.009
2009 +0.209
2010 +0.398
2011 +0.130
2012 +0.170
2013 +0.236

UAH v5.6 Global Temperature Update for Dec. 2013: +0.27 Deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

This was also made possible with tying for second warmest dec on record!!!:eusa_whistle: Not bad for a -enso year. Not bad at all.
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Ya has nothing to do with the fact global temps went up a 3rd of a degree by 1998. I repeat you dumb ass of course years will be warmer then before the raise. get back to us when the actual temperature goes up past 1998.
I don't count 1998 or 2010 as they're nino years.

I count the means of the temperature slope through time...
And the AGW cultists show that they will cherry pick info to make their religion be true.
And the AGW cultists show that they will cherry pick info to make their religion be true.


I just cherry picked spencer data set. One of the few skeptics with any real data....

It is cherry picking to chose 1998. Get that through your thick head!
It is cherry picking to chose 1991-1993 because of the volcano.
While still in a slight negative phase, ENSO in the Pacific is projected to slowly creep to slightly positive over the next six months. Not enough to call El Nino, but the long heat-sucking La Nina phase is ending.

So, denialists have about a year left before they start looking completely ridiculous. They ought to use it to repair their reputations and apologize. That will make it go better for them in the long run.
Ya has nothing to do with the fact global temps went up a 3rd of a degree by 1998. I repeat you dumb ass of course years will be warmer then before the raise. get back to us when the actual temperature goes up past 1998.

Currently, in the real world, 2010 is tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record globally.

All of the warmest years on record have occurred since 1998. Even the coolest years since 1998 are warmer than any of the years on record before 1998.

If an El Niño event develops this next summer, as they are now saying looks possible, then either 2014 or 2015 will very probably be the new hottest year on record. With more record breaking years and decades to come.

The Earth is rapidly warming up because of mankind's activities, and that warming is going to continue for quite some time, and that warming is already changing climate patterns that have been fairly stable for thousands of years, and those changes will get more severe and more devastating to human civilization and survival in the decades and centuries to come.

All of the reality defying nonsense your little cult of AGW denial can come up with isn't going to affect those facts one iota.
Ya has nothing to do with the fact global temps went up a 3rd of a degree by 1998. I repeat you dumb ass of course years will be warmer then before the raise. get back to us when the actual temperature goes up past 1998.

Currently, in the real world, 2010 is tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record globally.

All of the warmest years on record have occurred since 1998. Even the coolest years since 1998 are warmer than any of the years on record before 1998.

If an El Niño event develops this next summer, as they are now saying looks possible, then either 2014 or 2015 will very probably be the new hottest year on record. With more record breaking years and decades to come.

The Earth is rapidly warming up because of mankind's activities, and that warming is going to continue for quite some time, and that warming is already changing climate patterns that have been fairly stable for thousands of years, and those changes will get more severe and more devastating to human civilization and survival in the decades and centuries to come.

All of the reality defying nonsense your little cult of AGW denial can come up with isn't going to affect those facts one iota.

Lying suits you so well.
Ya has nothing to do with the fact global temps went up a 3rd of a degree by 1998. I repeat you dumb ass of course years will be warmer then before the raise. get back to us when the actual temperature goes up past 1998.

I wouldn't count the warming of the 1990s as real positive forcing warming as Mount Pinatubo did have a huge negative forcing on the climate. It was the first vei 6 volcano since 1912...Not only Pinatubo but Hudson was also a vei 5 that occurred at the same time.

I've come to the conclusion that upwards of 1/3rd of the warming from 1991-2000 was the rebound of this. So .2 x .3 = .066c, so .2 - .066c = .134c/decade of warming...This agree's with the warming from UAH.

.08c per decade of the past 4 years isn't counting the likely nino or two we will see the next 6 years. The nino event the 80s, 90s and 2000s seen. We will see.

We haven't had a single vie 5 within the 21st century.
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Great, the liberal global warming tin foil hat intellectuals who seem to be running the Country think the world started in 1979. It's so freaking cold in the mid-west that it is colder than the surface of Mars. A Russian ship that (wisely) chose summer time in the southern hemisphere to approach Antarctica by sea is stuck in the ice and the global warmists tell us "don't rely on what you see and what you hear, you gotta have faith".
Vei 4s produce .1km^3
VEI 5s produce 1km^3
Vei 6s produce 10km^3

It takes 10 4's to make one 5 at the most....

Takes 100 4's to make one 6.

Understand that the shape of the 1990's was dictated by 1. volcano's and 2. super nino.

2000-2010s have been shaped by enso events.
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Vei 4s produce .1km^3
VEI 5s produce 1km^3
Vei 6s produce 10km^3

It takes 10 4's to make one 5 at the most....

Takes 100 4's to make one 6.

Understand that the shape of the 1990's was dictated by 1. volcano's and 2. super nino.

2000-2010s have been shaped by enso events.

Your buddy claiming 2005 and 2010 were warmest years ever doesn't help your cause, I notice you did not say anything to him.
Vei 4s produce .1km^3
VEI 5s produce 1km^3
Vei 6s produce 10km^3

It takes 10 4's to make one 5 at the most....

Takes 100 4's to make one 6.

Understand that the shape of the 1990's was dictated by 1. volcano's and 2. super nino.

2000-2010s have been shaped by enso events.

Your buddy claiming 2005 and 2010 were warmest years ever doesn't help your cause, I notice you did not say anything to him.

The full globe surface temperature datasets say that...Uah is of course a satellite temperature dataset.
Vei 4s produce .1km^3
VEI 5s produce 1km^3
Vei 6s produce 10km^3

It takes 10 4's to make one 5 at the most....

Takes 100 4's to make one 6.

Understand that the shape of the 1990's was dictated by 1. volcano's and 2. super nino.

2000-2010s have been shaped by enso events.

Interesting stuff man. I'm gonna have to look into it because I've never heard of this before... but interesting. I'll get back to you about it
Great, the liberal global warming tin foil hat intellectuals who seem to be running the Country think the world started in 1979. It's so freaking cold in the mid-west that it is colder than the surface of Mars. A Russian ship that (wisely) chose summer time in the southern hemisphere to approach Antarctica by sea is stuck in the ice and the global warmists tell us "don't rely on what you see and what you hear, you gotta have faith".

Seneca, Oregon, 1934, -54 F.

Embarrass Tower, Minnesota, 1996, -60 F

Wyoming, Riverside, 1933 -66 F

Wisconsin, Couderay, 1996

But it never has been cold in the middle of the country before, right?

[ame=]The Blizzard - Jim Reeves - Tall Tales Short Tempers - YouTube[/ame]
Vei 4s produce .1km^3
VEI 5s produce 1km^3
Vei 6s produce 10km^3

It takes 10 4's to make one 5 at the most....

Takes 100 4's to make one 6.

Understand that the shape of the 1990's was dictated by 1. volcano's and 2. super nino.

2000-2010s have been shaped by enso events.

Your buddy claiming 2005 and 2010 were warmest years ever doesn't help your cause, I notice you did not say anything to him.

In the real world, 2010 and 2005 are, in fact, acknowledged by scientists and meteorologists as the warmest years in the instrumental temperature record that goes back to the 1800s. There is strong evidence in the research on temperature proxies that indicates that these recent years are the warmest years in millennia.

10 warmest years on record
The global average anomalies by year (2013 was the 4th warmest since satellite monitoring started in 1979):

1979 -0.170
1980 -0.008
1981 -0.045
1982 -0.250
1983 -0.061
1984 -0.353
1985 -0.309
1986 -0.244
1987 +0.013
1988 +0.012
1989 -0.207
1990 -0.022
1991 +0.020
1992 -0.289
1993 -0.245
1994 -0.108
1995 +0.013
1996 -0.076
1997 -0.049
1998 +0.419
1999 -0.056
2000 -0.061
2001 +0.107
2002 +0.218
2003 +0.187
2004 +0.108
2005 +0.260
2006 +0.186
2007 +0.204
2008 -0.009
2009 +0.209
2010 +0.398
2011 +0.130
2012 +0.170
2013 +0.236

UAH v5.6 Global Temperature Update for Dec. 2013: +0.27 Deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

This was also made possible with tying for second warmest dec on record!!!:eusa_whistle: Not bad for a -enso year. Not bad at all.

"4th warmest year on record" is another way of saying that temperatures have been flat.
I don't count 1998 or 2010 as they're nino years.

I count the means of the temperature slope through time...

Hey, if we can just not count all the data that disproves our pet theories, we can prove virtually anything!
Ya has nothing to do with the fact global temps went up a 3rd of a degree by 1998. I repeat you dumb ass of course years will be warmer then before the raise. get back to us when the actual temperature goes up past 1998.

Currently, in the real world, 2010 is tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record globally.

All of the warmest years on record have occurred since 1998. Even the coolest years since 1998 are warmer than any of the years on record before 1998.

That's another way of saying "temperatures have been flat."

If an El Niño event develops this next summer, as they are now saying looks possible, then either 2014 or 2015 will very probably be the new hottest year on record. With more record breaking years and decades to come.

The way things are going, it looks like 2014 will be the coldest year on record in 20 years.

The Earth is rapidly warming up because of mankind's activities, and that warming is going to continue for quite some time, and that warming is already changing climate patterns that have been fairly stable for thousands of years, and those changes will get more severe and more devastating to human civilization and survival in the decades and centuries to come.

All of the reality defying nonsense your little cult of AGW denial can come up with isn't going to affect those facts one iota.

Yada, yada, yada. We've all heard this boiler plate propaganda 1000 times.
Currently, in the real world, 2010 is tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record globally.

All of the warmest years on record have occurred since 1998. Even the coolest years since 1998 are warmer than any of the years on record before 1998.

That's another way of saying "temperatures have been flat."

Only if you're very, very I guess it could seem that way to you, little crackpot. Sane people laugh at you.

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