Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends accounts

It’s perfectly appropriate to take the necessary precautions when dealing with rightwing hate groups and their propensity for violence.

Unite the right participants have proven in the past their willingness to use murder as a means to intimidate and advance their agenda of hate, bigotry, and racism.
It’s perfectly appropriate to take the necessary precautions when dealing with rightwing hate groups and their propensity for violence
I am so sick of this DAMN LIE. There is no violence except on your side. Stop trying to disrupt another legitimate rally with threats of violence.
It’s perfectly appropriate to take the necessary precautions when dealing with rightwing hate groups and their propensity for violence
I am so sick of this DAMN LIE. There is no violence except on your side. Stop trying to disrupt another legitimate rally with threats of violence.

You mean that guy didn’t stab and kill two people for defending a Muslim woman on public transit? And Dylan Rooff didn’t murder 8 people in a black church, and a woman wasn’t run down and killed in Charlottesville last year?

And those are just the deaths that come quickly to mind.
So much for public accommodation law. :auiqs.jpg:
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
So much for public accommodation law. :auiqs.jpg:
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Yeah.....View attachment 209793 View attachment 209794 View attachment 209795
Yeah... who started it?
So much for public accommodation law. :auiqs.jpg:
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Yeah.....View attachment 209793 View attachment 209794 View attachment 209795
Yeah... who started it?
Showing up for the sole purpose of preventing your opponents from exercising your first amendment rights is NOT protected by the First Amendment.

Soon, things are gonna change for the tards. I think they know this, and THIS is why they've become totally unhinged.
But BLM and the Black Panthers is OK.


WHITE people are the new target for discrimination and hate by the fascist democrat party, just ask the NYT and their new WHITE HATER RACIST writer, Jeong. But they're not alone, youtube, twitter, facebook and the like are all in on banning conservative WHITE people.
It's been a long time coming and way overdue.
Suck it up, cupcake.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends numerous far-right accounts

White supremacists and white nationalists heading to Washington, D.C., for Sunday’s second Unite the Right rally may have trouble finding a way to get there or a place to eat, according to reports.

The rally comes on the one year anniversary of white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, where on Saturday, police blocked off streets and mobilized hundreds of officers downtown as a precaution.

Early Saturday afternoon, a group of 20 Antifa protestors with fists in the air marched through downtown Charlottsville holding a flag saying “Antifascist action.”

Meanwhile, in preparation for the rally near the White House, Uber and Lyft told drivers they have a right to kick a passenger out of car if they are harassed or threatened, The Washington Post reported.

At the same time, the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington sent out a toolkit informing restaurateurs of their legal rights to refuse service to white nationalists and other political fringe groups, The Washingtonian reported.

Meantime, Twitter suspended numerous accounts associated with the Proud Boys, a controversial group of right-wing chauvinists on Friday on the eve of the anniversary of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, the Guardian reported.

The Proud BOys were in no way associated with the Charlottsville rally.

Twitter is a bunch of fucking assholes.
Even when the left isn't confronting their enemies they violate the law and rights of others in their own Rally's. They've been dealt with too kind by the police. Stop giving them so many chances. Just arrest them!

4:50 gets good!

... Unite the right participants have proven in the past their willingness to use murder as a means to intimidate and advance their agenda of hate, bigotry, and racism.

fear, Hate, Anger and Violence are the Four Horsemen of the Right Wing Resurgence. Get used to them. They’re not going anywhere any time soon.
So much for public accommodation law. :auiqs.jpg:
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Yeah.....View attachment 209793 View attachment 209794 View attachment 209795
You are behind the times on your propaganda....
So much for public accommodation law. :auiqs.jpg:
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Yeah.....View attachment 209793 View attachment 209794 View attachment 209795
Yeah... who started it?
Showing up for the sole purpose of preventing your opponents from exercising your first amendment rights is NOT protected by the First Amendment.

Soon, things are gonna change for the tards. I think they know this, and THIS is why they've become totally unhinged.

They are going to change and the white supremacists are going to be sent back to the swamps and rocks they crawled out from under.

Decent people are disgusted by you.

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