Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends accounts

Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Yeah.....View attachment 209793 View attachment 209794 View attachment 209795
Yeah... who started it?
Showing up for the sole purpose of preventing your opponents from exercising your first amendment rights is NOT protected by the First Amendment.

Soon, things are gonna change for the tards. I think they know this, and THIS is why they've become totally unhinged.

They are going to change and the white supremacists are going to be sent back to the swamps and rocks they crawled out from under.

Decent people are disgusted by you.

Your smearing good conservatives Americans as white supremacists is going to blow back in your face someday.

And the more hate you put out there, like that, the worse it will be when it happens.
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Yeah.....View attachment 209793 View attachment 209794 View attachment 209795
Yeah... who started it?
Showing up for the sole purpose of preventing your opponents from exercising your first amendment rights is NOT protected by the First Amendment.

Soon, things are gonna change for the tards. I think they know this, and THIS is why they've become totally unhinged.

They are going to change and the white supremacists are going to be sent back to the swamps and rocks they crawled out from under.

Decent people are disgusted by you.

Your smearing good conservatives Americans as white supremacists is going to blow back in your face someday.

And the more hate you put out there, like that, the worse it will be when it happens.

Again with the false equivalency. I’m not even mentioning conservatives. “Good” conservatives don’t like white supremacists either. A lot of them are moving to the Democrats.

But here’s the reality. If conservatives don’t disavow white supremacy, or they’re willing to tolerate them to continue winning elections, they’re going to pay a huge price.

Conservatives are a political group with no party at the moment. Republicans have embraced massive deficits, big government, trade wars, tariffs and racism as the party of Trump. What part of this agenda appeals to “good conservatives”.
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Yeah.....View attachment 209793 View attachment 209794 View attachment 209795
Yeah... who started it?
Showing up for the sole purpose of preventing your opponents from exercising your first amendment rights is NOT protected by the First Amendment.

Soon, things are gonna change for the tards. I think they know this, and THIS is why they've become totally unhinged.

They are going to change and the white supremacists are going to be sent back to the swamps and rocks they crawled out from under.

Hopefully they will take you people with them.
even mentioning conservatives. “Good” conservatives don’t like white supremacists either. A lot of them are moving to the Democrats
By "white supremacy" you mean ANYONE opposed to a multicultural/Balkanized America.

We know this because as a globalist hell-bent on destroying America as the Founders gave us, you not only attack real conservatives, but your National SOCIALIST brothers and sisters who at least recognize the Importance of a MONOLITHIC, unified AMERICAN culture.

You don't get to speak for "conservatives." You don't get to define Conservatism -- not with any authority anyway.
So this is a new right?

Meanwhile, in preparation for the rally near the White House, Uber and Lyft told drivers they have a right to kick a passenger out of car if they are harassed or threatened, The Washington Post reported.

Showing up for the sole purpose of preventing your opponents from exercising your first amendment rights is NOT protected by the First Amendment.

Soon, things are gonna change for the tards. I think they know this, and THIS is why they've become totally unhinged.

They are going to change and the white supremacists are going to be sent back to the swamps and rocks they crawled out from under.

Decent people are disgusted by you.

Your smearing good conservatives Americans as white supremacists is going to blow back in your face someday.

And the more hate you put out there, like that, the worse it will be when it happens.

Again with the false equivalency. I’m not even mentioning conservatives. “Good” conservatives don’t like white supremacists either. A lot of them are moving to the Democrats.

But here’s the reality. If conservatives don’t disavow white supremacy, or they’re willing to tolerate them to continue winning elections, they’re going to pay a huge price.

Conservatives are a political group with no party at the moment. Republicans have embraced massive deficits, big government, trade wars, tariffs and racism as the party of Trump. What part of this agenda appeals to “good conservatives”.

Except that republicans, conservatives and Trump have all repeatedly disavowed white supremacy and racism,

and vile lefty liars like yourself still keep smearing us.

Your lies are tearing this country apart. You should be ashamed of yourself.
It’s perfectly appropriate to take the necessary precautions when dealing with rightwing hate groups and their propensity for violence
I am so sick of this DAMN LIE. There is no violence except on your side. Stop trying to disrupt another legitimate rally with threats of violence.
Right.....no RWr mowed people down in Charlottesville....none of them ganged up to beat a black man with sticks....and none of them fired a gun at anti-fascist protesters either.
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Yeah.....View attachment 209793 View attachment 209794 View attachment 209795
Yeah... who started it?
Showing up for the sole purpose of preventing your opponents from exercising your first amendment rights is NOT protected by the First Amendment.

Soon, things are gonna change for the tards. I think they know this, and THIS is why they've become totally unhinged.

They are going to change and the white supremacists are going to be sent back to the swamps and rocks they crawled out from under.

Decent people are disgusted by you.

Your smearing good conservatives Americans as white supremacists is going to blow back in your face someday.

And the more hate you put out there, like that, the worse it will be when it happens.
Did we miss you condemning those Alt-Right/NAZI/neo-confederates at Charlottesville.
It’s perfectly appropriate to take the necessary precautions when dealing with rightwing hate groups and their propensity for violence
I am so sick of this DAMN LIE. There is no violence except on your side. Stop trying to disrupt another legitimate rally with threats of violence.
Right.....no RWr mowed people down in Charlottesville....none of them ganged up to beat a black man with sticks....and none of them fired a gun at anti-fascist protesters either.

The actual nazis are not on our side. Stop your lying.
It’s perfectly appropriate to take the necessary precautions when dealing with rightwing hate groups and their propensity for violence
I am so sick of this DAMN LIE. There is no violence except on your side. Stop trying to disrupt another legitimate rally with threats of violence.
Right.....no RWr mowed people down in Charlottesville....none of them ganged up to beat a black man with sticks....and none of them fired a gun at anti-fascist protesters either.

The actual nazis are not on our side. Stop your lying.
Looks like you misspoke just like trump claims he did in Helsinki.
Who's side is this guy on?
Showing up for the sole purpose of preventing your opponents from exercising your first amendment rights is NOT protected by the First Amendment.

Soon, things are gonna change for the tards. I think they know this, and THIS is why they've become totally unhinged.

They are going to change and the white supremacists are going to be sent back to the swamps and rocks they crawled out from under.

Decent people are disgusted by you.

Your smearing good conservatives Americans as white supremacists is going to blow back in your face someday.

And the more hate you put out there, like that, the worse it will be when it happens.
Did we miss you condemning those Alt-Right/NAZI/neo-confederates at Charlottesville.

Probably. Liberals are well known to have terrible communication skills, ie poor reading comprehension and very strong reality filters, for starters.

But, on the other hand, you know as well as I do, that in this country, ACTUAL nazis, are so rare and so unpopular that anti-nazism can be assumed until given good reason otherwise.

Of course, your conflating "alt right" and even "neo-confederates" with Nazis, is problematic.

Libertarians are often considered part of the Alt Right, and only a lying asshole would pretend they are nazis.

And smearing some proud southern American as a "nazi" just because he opposed tearing down historical statues? Even more of the act of an asshole.
It’s perfectly appropriate to take the necessary precautions when dealing with rightwing hate groups and their propensity for violence
I am so sick of this DAMN LIE. There is no violence except on your side. Stop trying to disrupt another legitimate rally with threats of violence.
Right.....no RWr mowed people down in Charlottesville....none of them ganged up to beat a black man with sticks....and none of them fired a gun at anti-fascist protesters either.

The actual nazis are not on our side. Stop your lying.
Looks like you misspoke just like trump claims he did in Helsinki.

No, I didn't. YOu are just too blinded by your partisanship to understand me.
Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends numerous far-right accounts

White supremacists and white nationalists heading to Washington, D.C., for Sunday’s second Unite the Right rally may have trouble finding a way to get there or a place to eat, according to reports.

The rally comes on the one year anniversary of white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, where on Saturday, police blocked off streets and mobilized hundreds of officers downtown as a precaution.

Early Saturday afternoon, a group of 20 Antifa protestors with fists in the air marched through downtown Charlottsville holding a flag saying “Antifascist action.”

Meanwhile, in preparation for the rally near the White House, Uber and Lyft told drivers they have a right to kick a passenger out of car if they are harassed or threatened, The Washington Post reported.

At the same time, the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington sent out a toolkit informing restaurateurs of their legal rights to refuse service to white nationalists and other political fringe groups, The Washingtonian reported.

Meantime, Twitter suspended numerous accounts associated with the Proud Boys, a controversial group of right-wing chauvinists on Friday on the eve of the anniversary of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, the Guardian reported.

Its a fake Soros funded event, no one gives a fuck
So much for public accommodation law. :auiqs.jpg:
Kicking out a fare for harassment or threatening? That's really an issue for you?
WHAT harassment or threatening? Get a fucking grip.

If there's HARASSMENT or THREATS at their rally, it will START from people OTHER than the Unite the Right people. It ALWAYS DOES. If they were allowed to have their rally in peace, there wouldn't be one damn problem.
Did you look at the OP at all? The Uber/Lyft drivers were instructed they could kick out a fare for being threatening or harassing them. That is not banning the Unite the Right participants from their vehicles.
Yes, but as you have been told in the other thread, and you conveniently forgot, Liberals think disagreeing with them is a threat to them.
Sure mike. Good argument.
It's been a long time coming and way overdue.
Suck it up, cupcake
Wrong. The tide is turning. The police are now beginning to go after Antifa. Get used to it. It's gonna get worse

Someone posted a thread a couple of days ago about cops in PORTLAND, not allowing antifa to wear masks.

THAT is some serious shit.
It IS becoming serious. Antifa is very, very angry about that, turning against the police. I have a feeling if there is violence today, it will be against the cops.
It's been a long time coming and way overdue.
Suck it up, cupcake
Wrong. The tide is turning. The police are now beginning to go after Antifa. Get used to it. It's gonna get worse

Someone posted a thread a couple of days ago about cops in PORTLAND, not allowing antifa to wear masks.

THAT is some serious shit.
It IS becoming serious. Antifa is very, very angry about that, turning against the police. I have a feeling if there is violence today, it will be against the cops.
Your guys are already attacking the media and the cops. Of course the media deserve it but they will blame it on conservatives as always.

Charlottesville: 'Peaceful' Antifa Marchers Assault News Crew While Screaming 'F**k You Snitches'
It's been a long time coming and way overdue.
Suck it up, cupcake
Wrong. The tide is turning. The police are now beginning to go after Antifa. Get used to it. It's gonna get worse

Someone posted a thread a couple of days ago about cops in PORTLAND, not allowing antifa to wear masks.

THAT is some serious shit.
It IS becoming serious. Antifa is very, very angry about that, turning against the police. I have a feeling if there is violence today, it will be against the cops.

You misunderstand. I was serious that it was serious.

THe wearing of the mask is both a statement of intent to commit a crime (or at least aid in it) and a powerful tool to avoid being caught after committing a violent crime.

Taking away their ability to hide who they are as they riot, is a huge step, and Antifa will correctly see it as a taking away a great deal of their power.

If that practice ALONE spreads, right there ANtifa will be most of the way towards being rendered powerless.

Antifa is showing up to commit violence and intimidation. It will take serious work by the police to prevent that.

They know that the white supremacists, now that their lie about "unite the right" was exposed, will only have, AT MOST, a couple of dozen guys, and more likely much fewer.

SO, they see a huge numerical advantage coming their way. And they want to use it to send a message of intimidation and fear.

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