Uber, Lyft, DC restaurants to ban 'Unite the Right' rally participants; Twitter suspends accounts

Your smearing good conservatives Americans as white supremacists is going to blow back in your face someday.

And the more hate you put out there, like that, the worse it will be when it happens.

Again with the false equivalency. I’m not even mentioning conservatives. “Good” conservatives don’t like white supremacists either. A lot of them are moving to the Democrats.

But here’s the reality. If conservatives don’t disavow white supremacy, or they’re willing to tolerate them to continue winning elections, they’re going to pay a huge price.

Conservatives are a political group with no party at the moment. Republicans have embraced massive deficits, big government, trade wars, tariffs and racism as the party of Trump. What part of this agenda appeals to “good conservatives”.

Except that republicans, conservatives and Trump have all repeatedly disavowed white supremacy and racism,

and vile lefty liars like yourself still keep smearing us.

Your lies are tearing this country apart. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Except that they haven't. At least tRump hasn't.

Sorry, not interested in talking to ill mannered children. RUn along. Go play with someone your own age.
Lol, I'll take that to mean you can't answer.

Have a nice day loser.

I don't play with ill mannered children. Your parents need to teach you to speak like a civilized person.
Wrong. The tide is turning. The police are now beginning to go after Antifa. Get used to it. It's gonna get worse

Someone posted a thread a couple of days ago about cops in PORTLAND, not allowing antifa to wear masks.

THAT is some serious shit.
It IS becoming serious. Antifa is very, very angry about that, turning against the police. I have a feeling if there is violence today, it will be against the cops.

Anyone who resorts to violence against the Police while in company should get ten years jail.


dinesh d'souza was claiming that felony rioting is supposed to get a FIVE YEAR sentence.

He suggested that a few of these punks getting 5 years would end this shit fast.

Some of these asses, like the bike lock guy or any of the fuckers than like to blindside people, or throw explosives? That sounds pretty reasonable to me.
What kind of explosives? I got laughed out of town for saying they were throwing molotov cocktails. What kind of explosives are they throwing? Fireworks?



Showing up for the sole purpose of preventing your opponents from exercising your first amendment rights is NOT protected by the First Amendment.

Soon, things are gonna change for the tards. I think they know this, and THIS is why they've become totally unhinged.

They are going to change and the white supremacists are going to be sent back to the swamps and rocks they crawled out from under.

Decent people are disgusted by you.

Your smearing good conservatives Americans as white supremacists is going to blow back in your face someday.

And the more hate you put out there, like that, the worse it will be when it happens.

Again with the false equivalency. I’m not even mentioning conservatives. “Good” conservatives don’t like white supremacists either. A lot of them are moving to the Democrats.

But here’s the reality. If conservatives don’t disavow white supremacy, or they’re willing to tolerate them to continue winning elections, they’re going to pay a huge price.

Conservatives are a political group with no party at the moment. Republicans have embraced massive deficits, big government, trade wars, tariffs and racism as the party of Trump. What part of this agenda appeals to “good conservatives”.

You are not close to the truth...…

Good decent people don't care for Racism from either side.

The left is more Racist than the Right..

There aren't any real conservatives that would ever vote left.

They are Rino's that hate Trump because he is destroying the Deep State.

You fools on the left don't understand that we have had One party masquerading as two.

The left has nothing to offer truly good and decent people.

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump.

He is the only hope for our Nation.
Your smearing good conservatives Americans as white supremacists is going to blow back in your face someday.

And the more hate you put out there, like that, the worse it will be when it happens.

Again with the false equivalency. I’m not even mentioning conservatives. “Good” conservatives don’t like white supremacists either. A lot of them are moving to the Democrats.

But here’s the reality. If conservatives don’t disavow white supremacy, or they’re willing to tolerate them to continue winning elections, they’re going to pay a huge price.

Conservatives are a political group with no party at the moment. Republicans have embraced massive deficits, big government, trade wars, tariffs and racism as the party of Trump. What part of this agenda appeals to “good conservatives”.

Except that republicans, conservatives and Trump have all repeatedly disavowed white supremacy and racism,

and vile lefty liars like yourself still keep smearing us.

Your lies are tearing this country apart. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Except that they haven't. At least tRump hasn't.
He tweeted :
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division. We must come together as a nation. I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence. Peace to ALL Americans!

6:26 AM - 11 Aug 2018
Just as ambiguous as last year which the "all sides" comments. Why can't he just condemn nizis like everybody else?
I agree that he is "keeping the door open" with that "ALL types" and ALL Americans phraseology. I'm not 100% sure he's wrong in what he is saying, though. It is not just the neo-Nazi's that cause violence in our streets, is it? That seems to be where he is coming from. He is also very carefully not pissing off his base, which includes these splinter groups.
Someone posted a thread a couple of days ago about cops in PORTLAND, not allowing antifa to wear masks.

THAT is some serious shit.
It IS becoming serious. Antifa is very, very angry about that, turning against the police. I have a feeling if there is violence today, it will be against the cops.

Anyone who resorts to violence against the Police while in company should get ten years jail.


dinesh d'souza was claiming that felony rioting is supposed to get a FIVE YEAR sentence.

He suggested that a few of these punks getting 5 years would end this shit fast.

Some of these asses, like the bike lock guy or any of the fuckers than like to blindside people, or throw explosives? That sounds pretty reasonable to me.
What kind of explosives? I got laughed out of town for saying they were throwing molotov cocktails. What kind of explosives are they throwing? Fireworks?



That's what I thought. Probably not quite as bad as a molotov cocktail, huh? Although a kid here blew his head off with one of those babies a few years ago. He was drunk, the thing didn't light, appeared to be a dud so he stuck it on his head. It went off. Death was instantaneous.
Again with the false equivalency. I’m not even mentioning conservatives. “Good” conservatives don’t like white supremacists either. A lot of them are moving to the Democrats.

But here’s the reality. If conservatives don’t disavow white supremacy, or they’re willing to tolerate them to continue winning elections, they’re going to pay a huge price.

Conservatives are a political group with no party at the moment. Republicans have embraced massive deficits, big government, trade wars, tariffs and racism as the party of Trump. What part of this agenda appeals to “good conservatives”.

Except that republicans, conservatives and Trump have all repeatedly disavowed white supremacy and racism,

and vile lefty liars like yourself still keep smearing us.

Your lies are tearing this country apart. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Except that they haven't. At least tRump hasn't.
He tweeted :
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division. We must come together as a nation. I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence. Peace to ALL Americans!

6:26 AM - 11 Aug 2018
Just as ambiguous as last year which the "all sides" comments. Why can't he just condemn nizis like everybody else?
I agree that he is "keeping the door open" with that "ALL types" and ALL Americans phraseology. I'm not 100% sure he's wrong in what he is saying, though. It is not just the neo-Nazi's that cause violence in our streets, is it? That seems to be where he is coming from. He is also very carefully not pissing off his base, which includes these splinter groups.
Very carefully not pissing off his base which includes not inky the splinter groups but the larger segement that believes the same thing but is "in the closet" so to speak for now at least.
The Uber/Lyft drivers were instructed they could kick out a fare for being threatening or harassing them. That is not banning the Unite the Right participants from their vehicles.
Why would they be told they can kick them out for threatening? Isnt that always the policy, or is it part of the job description that customers are allowed to threaten their lives? You arent being honest, and neither are they.
Except that republicans, conservatives and Trump have all repeatedly disavowed white supremacy and racism,

and vile lefty liars like yourself still keep smearing us.

Your lies are tearing this country apart. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Except that they haven't. At least tRump hasn't.
He tweeted :
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division. We must come together as a nation. I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence. Peace to ALL Americans!

6:26 AM - 11 Aug 2018
Just as ambiguous as last year which the "all sides" comments. Why can't he just condemn nizis like everybody else?
I agree that he is "keeping the door open" with that "ALL types" and ALL Americans phraseology. I'm not 100% sure he's wrong in what he is saying, though. It is not just the neo-Nazi's that cause violence in our streets, is it? That seems to be where he is coming from. He is also very carefully not pissing off his base, which includes these splinter groups.
Very carefully not pissing off his base which includes not inky the splinter groups but the larger segement that believes the same thing but is "in the closet" so to speak for now at least.
I can't believe that. What makes you think it's true?
The Uber/Lyft drivers were instructed they could kick out a fare for being threatening or harassing them. That is not banning the Unite the Right participants from their vehicles.
Why would they be told they can kick them out for threatening? Isnt that always the policy, or is it part of the job description that customers are allowed to threaten their lives? You arent being honest, and neither are they.
I'm certainly not being dishonest, but I'm wondering, too, why the companies felt they needed to remind drivers of their policy on harassment or threatening.
What prior experience has led the management to expect such behavior from the Alt Right today?
Except that they haven't. At least tRump hasn't.
He tweeted :
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division. We must come together as a nation. I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence. Peace to ALL Americans!

6:26 AM - 11 Aug 2018
Just as ambiguous as last year which the "all sides" comments. Why can't he just condemn nizis like everybody else?
I agree that he is "keeping the door open" with that "ALL types" and ALL Americans phraseology. I'm not 100% sure he's wrong in what he is saying, though. It is not just the neo-Nazi's that cause violence in our streets, is it? That seems to be where he is coming from. He is also very carefully not pissing off his base, which includes these splinter groups.
Very carefully not pissing off his base which includes not inky the splinter groups but the larger segement that believes the same thing but is "in the closet" so to speak for now at least.
I can't believe that. What makes you think it's true?
Personal experience. Just listen to some of the conservatives here.
The Uber/Lyft drivers were instructed they could kick out a fare for being threatening or harassing them. That is not banning the Unite the Right participants from their vehicles.
Why would they be told they can kick them out for threatening? Isnt that always the policy, or is it part of the job description that customers are allowed to threaten their lives? You arent being honest, and neither are they.
I'm certainly not being dishonest, but I'm wondering, too, why the companies felt they needed to remind drivers of their policy on harassment or threatening.
What prior experience has led the management to expect such behavior from the Alt Right today?
They are "reminding" them because they cant just kick out a person for being a conservative, but they are letting them know that if they feel "harrassed or threatened", THEN its totally legal to kick them out. Then light bulbs go off in all their tiny leftwing brains that tells them "oh, i can just say they were threatening me and no one can prove otherwise", then they go on their merry way of denying people their rights.
The Uber/Lyft drivers were instructed they could kick out a fare for being threatening or harassing them. That is not banning the Unite the Right participants from their vehicles.
Why would they be told they can kick them out for threatening? Isnt that always the policy, or is it part of the job description that customers are allowed to threaten their lives? You arent being honest, and neither are they.
I'm certainly not being dishonest, but I'm wondering, too, why the companies felt they needed to remind drivers of their policy on harassment or threatening.
What prior experience has led the management to expect such behavior from the Alt Right today?
They are "reminding" them because they cant just kick out a person for being a conservative, but they are letting them know that if they feel "harrassed or threatened", THEN its totally legal to kick them out. Then light bulbs go off in all their tiny leftwing brains that tells them "oh, i can just say they were threatening me and no one can prove otherwise", then they go on their merry way of denying people their rights.
It's a taxi--actually, a private person's car. Denying people their rights? Get over yourself, please.
There are a few folks here and there that have refused to serve a MAGA hatted customer, but I assume most Uber and Lyft drivers are in it for the tips and they will take the business, so long as they aren't being asked to drive into areas that are off limits. Or if someone all pumped up on Super Politics insists the driver engage in a political discussion and then gets abusive if the driver doesn't agree with them. I guess I could see either of those scenarios getting ugly.
But I heard on the news early this morning that Kessler is only expecting 100-200 people at his Unite the Right Rally 2. It seems the business community is expecting more than that? Perhaps, truth be known, the counter protesters, who will probably outnumber them, are included as a potential problem? No one pumped up on Political Steroids is very attractive in the moment.
It's been a long time coming and way overdue.
Suck it up, cupcake
Wrong. The tide is turning. The police are now beginning to go after Antifa. Get used to it. It's gonna get worse
Worse than What?
The Trail of Tears?
Nothing we can't handle.

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That was all done by democrats...……..

Sent from my computer using the keyboard.
Irrelevant to the discussion.
Its not about left vs right.
Its about what WHITE PEOPLE have done.
Yes, Andrew Jackson was a monster. A horrible human being (second only to Donald Trump), he was a racist. He passed the Indian Removal Act. As a result thousands died.
Now you butthurt Conservatives are whining about racism against white people. Sorry I'm out of sympathy. You reap what you sow.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
The Uber/Lyft drivers were instructed they could kick out a fare for being threatening or harassing them. That is not banning the Unite the Right participants from their vehicles.
Why would they be told they can kick them out for threatening? Isnt that always the policy, or is it part of the job description that customers are allowed to threaten their lives? You arent being honest, and neither are they.
I'm certainly not being dishonest, but I'm wondering, too, why the companies felt they needed to remind drivers of their policy on harassment or threatening.
What prior experience has led the management to expect such behavior from the Alt Right today?
They are "reminding" them because they cant just kick out a person for being a conservative, but they are letting them know that if they feel "harrassed or threatened", THEN its totally legal to kick them out. Then light bulbs go off in all their tiny leftwing brains that tells them "oh, i can just say they were threatening me and no one can prove otherwise", then they go on their merry way of denying people their rights.

Oh the irony! The hate groups that want to deny any rights to non-whites, Jews, women and immigrants, are angry because THEIR rights could be violated.

In fact, they have NO right to harass, insult and threaten others. None at all.

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