UFOs: I want to go on record right now.

Alright then Mr. All Talk No Action, show me the things that exist that I'm supposedly ignoring.
You wish me to write a book about your narrow education background and your obvious Cognitive Rigidity ?
I charge for that privilege.

There are at least hundreds of books on the subject of UAPs and any number of videos and solid testimonies .

So , now that you are a big boy , DYOR so you can speak with a smidgen of knowledge and expertise

BTW , Possibly your General Comprehension skills also require attention as I wonder how many Luizas exist who are correctly addressed as Mr . This one is not .
You wish me to write a book about your narrow education background and your obvious Cognitive Rigidity ?
I charge for that privilege.

There are at least hundreds of books on the subject of UAPs and any number of videos and solid testimonies .

So , now that you are a big boy , DYOR so you can speak with a smidgen of knowledge and expertise

BTW , Possibly your General Comprehension skills also require attention as I wonder how many Luizas exist who are correctly addressed as Mr . This one is not .

If there are so many, you should be able to list one. since you refuse to, I'm going with the fact that you can't and you are full of shit. BTW, you made the claim, YOU have to do the research.
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