Uh Oh: Petraeus Prosecutor Looking Into Clinton Server

I know you two are afraid of HRC as a candidate. You have every right to be. But we are not going to be able to poison her well with legal strategies. We will have to beat her on election day. And Kasich - Rubio can do that.
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I know you two are afraid of HRC as a candidate. You have every right to be. But we are not going to be able to poison her well with legal strategies. We will have to beat her on election day. And Kasich - Rubion can do that.

Who is "we?" Are you still pretending to be a Republican?
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Someday you will find a reliable, recognized journalist rather than some right wing nut job who wears a tin foil hat for your sources.
You have no idea what you talking about.

You seek out sources from Reich Wing/TeaHadist Websites and post them as fact. You would not know the truth if the truth came up and bit on fat white pimply ass.
Petraeus wasn't a Clinton. He wasn't protected Globalist Elite Royalty. He was held accountable. Does anyone really believe Hillary Clinton will be?
Clinton s team went from nonchalant to nervous over e-mail controversy - The Washington Post
The investigation is being overseen by two veteran prosecutors in the Justice Department’s National Security Division. One of them helped manage the prosecution of David H. Petraeus, the retired general and former CIA director who was sentenced to probation earlier this year after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified materials. He was also fined $100,000.
Petraeus isn't part of the protected Elite class. Hillary is. Nothing will come of this. The Rule of Law is dead.
Based on what we know so far, Clinton's possession of top secret, classified information on her personal server is far worse than the Petraeus case. First, the classified information Petraeus had in his possession was classified at a lower level than the information on Clinton's private server, which was classified at the highest level. Second, Petraeus may have shared information with his mistress, but Clinton shared it with enemy hackers and foreign governments.
From the OP's link...
No really believes either of them now.
No really believes either of them now.

They want to be lied to.

They need to be lied to.

They prefer to be lied to.

They would rather swallow a lie than face the truth.

All they have left is the lies.

And what is really sad, is they know they are being lied, and they do not care they are being lied to.
Republicans do not want to believe anything that does not mean Hilary Clinton is innocent. Afte 7+Investigations into Benghazi there is nothing left to investigate and they are still desparate to believe something, anything as long as they cling to their lie.

They know they were lied to about Iraq.

They know they were lied to about Afghanistan.

They love being lied to.

Republicans live to be lied to.
Republicans do not want to believe anything that does not mean Hilary Clinton is innocent. Afte 7+Investigations into Benghazi there is nothing left to investigate and they are still desparate to believe something, anything as long as they cling to their lie.

They know they were lied to about Iraq.

They know they were lied to about Afghanistan.

They love being lied to.

Republicans live to be lied to.
And Clintons apparently live to be caught.

Republicans do not want to believe anything that does not mean Hilary Clinton is innocent. Afte 7+Investigations into Benghazi there is nothing left to investigate and they are still desparate to believe something, anything as long as they cling to their lie.

They know they were lied to about Iraq.

They know they were lied to about Afghanistan.

They love being lied to.

Republicans live to be lied to.
And Clintons apparently live to be caught.

View attachment 47555

Caught at what?

Former Secretary Clinton has not been caught at anything.

She is no way responsible for any emails that were classified after the fact.

She is no way responsible for any emails that were not classified at that she sent before those emails. If the emails were no classified at the time of transmission no law was broken. She cannot be responsible for what she did not know.

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