UK: Don't say 'expectant mothers' it might offend transgenders.


Senior Member
Jan 23, 2017
Walworth, WI
Don't call pregnant women 'expectant mothers' as it might offend transgender people, BMA says

Don't call pregnant women 'expectant mothers' as it might offend transgender people, BMA says
29 January 2017

The British Medical Association has said pregnant women should not be called "expectant mothers" as it could offend transgender people.
Instead, they should call them "pregnant people" so as not to upset intersex and transgender men, the union has said.
The advice comes in an internal document to staff outlining a raft of common phrases that should be avoided for fear of causing offense.
[he British Medical Association has said pregnant women should not be called "expectant mothers" as it could offend transgender people.
Instead, they should call them "pregnant people" so as not to upset intersex and transgender men, the union has said.
The advice comes in an internal document to staff outlining a raft of common phrases that should be avoided for fear of causing offense....OK Let's just say for a moment that all this Transgeder stuff is FINE and DANDY. That everyone should accept it without any question.

Can someone please explain to me why is it so offensive to call a person having a baby a "mother"? Is the term "mother" offensive to trans "PEOPLE"? Doesn't the word mother at least donate the person with eggs who BEARS and Delivers the child via female biological equipment in contrast to the sperm provider with a penis?
Why would someone be OFFENDED by that if that's what they're doing? And can't trans PEOPLE take whatever SLIGHT OFFENSE from someone who's simply speaking in the way that 99.9 percent of the world use the term "expectant mother".
Is it such horrific slight?
And isn't it a bit offensive to begin calling 99.9 of the other 'expectant people' .. the women... "expectant people" I think my wife and sister in-laws wouldn't take to kindly to me referring to them as "those Expectant people" or an "expectant person" they seem to relish the label "mother".

Seems to me that a simple correction by the transgender person. "Oh please call me an expectant person... I'm transgender" in each case would be enough to remedy the HORROR of this HELLISH offense of calling a person... with female organs who's pregnant... an expectant mother.
That'd make sense rather than scolding the WHOLE WORLD with some false idea about trashing current language, and the term being abussive or "non-inclusive".

Of Course that's if we want to give transgenderism any credence AT ALL. Which seems to me is still a question open for debate on religious, scientific, and mental health grounds.
"A large majority of people that have been pregnant or have given birth identify as women. We can include intersex men and transmen who may get pregnant by saying 'pregnant people' instead of 'expectant mothers'.BMA guidance"

Wow, a majority of PEOPLE that are pregnant, IDENTIFY as women. Who would have thought?

Beam me up Scotty.

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