UK Independent: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past- Oh wait that was 2000

March 2002:

"According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event."

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

David Parker, at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Berkshire, says ultimately, British children could have only virtual experience of snow. Via the internet, they might wonder at polar scenes - or eventually "feel" virtual cold.

The understanding of such at the time was most likely far less then today...There is a whole lot of stupid idea's 100 years ago that we today know are just that. The truth is as you add more energy into the system the more energy for storms and weather extremes-be it warm or cold based events. Look at a el nino and la nina...Thoses are caused by temperature shifts within the pacific ocean, but they effect the whole world in ways both warm and cold, snow, rain, drought, ect. Don't you understand that some area's of our globe are so cold that a increase in temperature would led to more snowfall? Warm air=more moisture to make it. Antarctica for one...Most of that place is a fucking desert that gets little snow at all.

Lets put it this way la nina leds to different blocking patterns with the highs then el nino's...So does much warmer(Ice free) area's of the arctic when it's not supposed to be. Makes sense. The ice less area causes more energy into the system causing a shift in the weather pattern, which can be arctic cold that don't normally see it.

Why is there little ice within hudson bay and other area's around that area is another question, but here we're.

None of the models seen this and I expect that there is thousands of things we don't see today. Who the fuck knows, but that is what makes it interesting. Science advances all the time with these questions...That is how it works.

What you say was true up till about 15 years ago. After that point in time it became pretty obvious to those who actually care about facts that the AGW mantra wasn't working. They have never been able to provide one iota of empirical data to support what they say so they resort to propaganda and hyperbole. The goal being to bypass all of the possible scientific reviews of their nonexistent data and cut right to the chase of passing laws that take wealth from the First World nations and give it to the Third World despots (by way of Goldman Sachs and Co.).

That is what it's all about. Money and power and taking both away from the people and handing it over to a very small elite. They have been caught and the first round in the new class war has gone to the good guys.

Climate Science Coalition Vindicated | Scoop News
The understanding of such at the time was most likely far less then today....

This is why no one in the Global Warming Cult has any credibility. Never admit you're wrong, or the costs of making policy around these incorrect predictions of the past.

Now what will happen if the rest of the winter is dry? Your whole theory about moisture would be shot. At this point, everyone in your cult is just winging it, and fortunately, there's no chance now of any carbon regulation passing through Congress.
The understanding of such at the time was most likely far less then today....

This is why no one in the Global Warming Cult has any credibility. Never admit you're wrong, or the costs of making policy around these incorrect predictions of the past.

Now what will happen if the rest of the winter is dry? Your whole theory about moisture would be shot. At this point, everyone in your cult is just winging it, and fortunately, there's no chance now of any carbon regulation passing through Congress.

Actually, Matthew is not one of the cultists. He has looked at the evidence and decided that it is worth being alarmed over but he dismisses most of the nonsense claims.

I dont think we should be alarmed and I think our money would be much better spent on ameliorating problems as they occur rather than throwing it away on programs that wont make a difference, or will destroy our economy.
One thing about the right, they have zero understanding of anything scientific yet they have such strong opinions. Opinions so strong, they border on "fanaticism".

Ask them for any data and all you get is a "Sarah Palin" eye roll. Contempt for data. Contempt for teachers. Contempt.
One thing about the right, they have zero understanding of anything scientific yet they have such strong opinions. Opinions so strong, they border on "fanaticism".

Ask them for any data and all you get is a "Sarah Palin" eye roll. Contempt for data. Contempt for teachers. Contempt.

Oh deanie you silly person you! The link below is not a "republican" group or a "democrat" group. It was a group of scientists who discovered that the AGW cultists (of which you are clear adherent) had falsified the Official New Zealand Temperature Record.
They reported their (the bad guys) behaviour to the authorities, there were hearings held, and lo and behold the "consensus" scientists were found to have indeed lied. All of their "adjustments" to the Official Record were thrown out. In fact for a brief time New Zealand had no Official Record because the government realised it was false data, therefore worse than wrong, so went without till verifiable records could be located.

That my dear deanie weenie is science, not propaganda, not "consensus", not political shenanigans but hard and fast science. That's why your fellow travellers lost, they have no science, they have only "consensus".
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Since I have yet to hear the scientists side of this, it think it safe to assume bullshit until a more trustworthy source comes out. Six exonerations completely clearing the "Climategate" scientists pretty well show the lay of the land with accusations like this. It will more than likely turn out to be just as groundless as the "Climategate" charges.
Since I have yet to hear the scientists side of this, it think it safe to assume bullshit until a more trustworthy source comes out. Six exonerations completely clearing the "Climategate" scientists pretty well show the lay of the land with accusations like this. It will more than likely turn out to be just as groundless as the "Climategate" charges.

"exonerations" ? completely clearing? Oh you mean the ones where other climate "scientists" reviewed and found them "innocent ".

You mean the ones where associates of Mann and others who were pushing global warming and similarly received millions of dollars from organizations that support claims about man-made global warming....

You mean the ones by dept's who are dependent on and exist only because of the huge donations by gov't......

You mean the investigations, like Penn State and University of East Anglia, that had no members from outside the universities .....

Yes, we investigated ourselves and we found nothing wrong

One has to wonder how many crimes the mob would find if they investigated themselves ?

Question: are they going to allow outside neutral parties review the investigations or will that information disappear as well?

If you believe that is "completely clearing" them then I have some "Hope & Change" to sell you.
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Anyone with common sense understands that it's the Bed-Wetting Leftists from Western Europe and the U.S. who have created this Global Warming Cult. It is an International Socialist/Globalist political movement. Don't let them fool you. If you want to wet your bed panicking about Global Warming or Global Cooling,than go for it. Just don't think you have the right to force your agenda on the rest of us.
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Since I have yet to hear the scientists side of this, it think it safe to assume bullshit until a more trustworthy source comes out. Six exonerations completely clearing the "Climategate" scientists pretty well show the lay of the land with accusations like this. It will more than likely turn out to be just as groundless as the "Climategate" charges.

Exoneration is pretty easy to accomplish when you investigate yourself so that's irrelevant.
The scientists have spoken in the NIWA case. Go and look it up so that it's not from some blog.
I know you guys call me names, but I love you. Seriously. You're so predictable and unimaginative.

Imagine this, the sun heats the ocean, the water turns to "water vapor". The vapor "floats" over land. Being winter, the land is "cool". The upper atmosphere is "very cold". So the "water" that evaporated from the "ocean" falls to the ground as "snow".

The reason there is so much "more" snow, is because the heat made more water evaporate than in the past.

Right wingers will call this, "The Theory of Evaporation" and say it's not mentioned in the Bible so they will be skeptical.

The rest of the world will laugh and laugh and laugh. The hilarity will be lost on Republicans.

While no one is arguing the water cycle, and it would be an argument for global warming if we were getting more rail all over the place, but the problem here is not the precipitation, but the fact the precipitation is coming down as snow, and that temperatures all over the place seem to be lower. (Australia being exceptional here, not the rule.)
Portland had its first snowfall in November in my lifetime this year. We had the second snowfall of the year last Sunday.

No, the fact it that there is MORE precipitation. Snow comes from water vapor. Water vapor comes from evaporation. Evaporation happens because more energy is hitting the water or the wet earth. Ice reflects the suns rays. Dark ocean and dark land absorbs the suns rays, causing greater evaporation, causing more rain and snow. If someone can explain it in more simple terms, please do.

more energy cannot hit the wet earth because there is more CO2 in the atmosphere,
blind boo got all excited there for a second over a simple mistake. Blind boo thought the thread headline was something about snowBALLS.

So have you finally came out of the closet then, (ya big fluffy boy-toy you!)

Wot a clevuh retort.

As soon as I used a giant snow erection with giant snowballs to tweak blind boob, blind boob promptly (with every ounce of his creativity) tried to "turn it around" on me!

Simply inspired.

Wot a wit blind boob is.

Serious Liability, I don't care if you're a homosexual. Some of my best friends........
Silly Bed-Wetting Euros & Americans are responsible for creating the Global Warming Cult. These silly Euros & Americans are responsible for so many other awful things around this World. Don't believe their hype & fear mongering. When their "Global Warming" farce is proven to be a scam,they'll just get to work on creating another Doomsday Cult. This stuff really isn't anything new. There will be many more Doomsday Cults to pop up in the coming years. People like to be frightened i guess. It's human nature. You don't have to live in fear though. Just don't become a Bed-Wetter and enjoy your short time on this Planet. Life really is very short. It's true.
Stupid hysterical Chicken Littles. When are people gonna wise up and give these idiots the boot once and for all? SHEEZ!

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