UK Independent: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past- Oh wait that was 2000

blind boo got all excited there for a second over a simple mistake. Blind boo thought the thread headline was something about snowBALLS.

Actually, the farmer's almanac has been far more accurate and for way much more time, than any computer models could ever hope to be. This is documented fact, wonder what explains it?

I dunno, maybe they don't have a political agenda driving them and the accurate predictions are neccessary for the continued productivity of farms? Could it really be that easy?
I know you guys call me names, but I love you. Seriously. You're so predictable and unimaginative.

Imagine this, the sun heats the ocean, the water turns to "water vapor". The vapor "floats" over land. Being winter, the land is "cool". The upper atmosphere is "very cold". So the "water" that evaporated from the "ocean" falls to the ground as "snow".

The reason there is so much "more" snow, is because the heat made more water evaporate than in the past.

Right wingers will call this, "The Theory of Evaporation" and say it's not mentioned in the Bible so they will be skeptical.

The rest of the world will laugh and laugh and laugh. The hilarity will be lost on Republicans.

While no one is arguing the water cycle, and it would be an argument for global warming if we were getting more rail all over the place, but the problem here is not the precipitation, but the fact the precipitation is coming down as snow, and that temperatures all over the place seem to be lower. (Australia being exceptional here, not the rule.)
Portland had its first snowfall in November in my lifetime this year. We had the second snowfall of the year last Sunday.

Actually the Aussies are pulling the same crap as GISS. Over one third of the "record" temps are due to "adjustments of the temperature record. Same crap different continent. The image shows Australia far, far below normal for the time of year.

Australian warming trend adjusted UP by 40% « JoNova


  • $australia.jpg
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blind boo got all excited there for a second over a simple mistake. Blind boo thought the thread headline was something about snowBALLS.

editedSo have you finally came out of the closet then, (ya big fluffy boy-toy you!)
I know you guys call me names, but I love you. Seriously. You're so predictable and unimaginative.

Imagine this, the sun heats the ocean, the water turns to "water vapor". The vapor "floats" over land. Being winter, the land is "cool". The upper atmosphere is "very cold". So the "water" that evaporated from the "ocean" falls to the ground as "snow".

The reason there is so much "more" snow, is because the heat made more water evaporate than in the past.

Right wingers will call this, "The Theory of Evaporation" and say it's not mentioned in the Bible so they will be skeptical.

The rest of the world will laugh and laugh and laugh. The hilarity will be lost on Republicans.

While no one is arguing the water cycle, and it would be an argument for global warming if we were getting more rail all over the place, but the problem here is not the precipitation, but the fact the precipitation is coming down as snow, and that temperatures all over the place seem to be lower. (Australia being exceptional here, not the rule.)
Portland had its first snowfall in November in my lifetime this year. We had the second snowfall of the year last Sunday.

Actually the Aussies are pulling the same crap as GISS. Over one third of the "record" temps are due to "adjustments of the temperature record. Same crap different continent. The image shows Australia far, far below normal for the time of year.

Australian warming trend adjusted UP by 40% « JoNova

So, a blog with few links is proof enough for you of that? How about some articles outlining this from peer reviewed scientific journals? Oh, that's right, you don't do peer reviewed scientific journals.

All that you post is contradicted by the publications in peer reviewed journals worldwide.
You can't have a rational discussion about this with the Global Warming fanatics. It really is like talking to a wall. The Leftists have made Global Warming a religious cult at this point. You can't talk reason with them anymore. The Winger in that article was merely pushing a self-fulfilling prophecy. Why would you be shocked if it snows in the UK? That just doesn't make any sense. If you're shocked when it snows in the UK,then you really have become a loyal follower in the Global Warming Cult.

No one should be shocked when it snows in the UK. This kind of fear mongering really is self-fulfilling prophecy stuff. So now when some are shocked by snowfall in the UK,the Global Warming fanatics can come back and say "See,I told you so." Don't join the Global Warming Cult and you wont be shocked when it snows in the UK. Just prepare for heavy snowfall instead. Hey,there's an idea no?
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While no one is arguing the water cycle, and it would be an argument for global warming if we were getting more rail all over the place, but the problem here is not the precipitation, but the fact the precipitation is coming down as snow, and that temperatures all over the place seem to be lower. (Australia being exceptional here, not the rule.)
Portland had its first snowfall in November in my lifetime this year. We had the second snowfall of the year last Sunday.

Actually the Aussies are pulling the same crap as GISS. Over one third of the "record" temps are due to "adjustments of the temperature record. Same crap different continent. The image shows Australia far, far below normal for the time of year.

Australian warming trend adjusted UP by 40% « JoNova

So, a blog with few links is proof enough for you of that? How about some articles outlining this from peer reviewed scientific journals? Oh, that's right, you don't do peer reviewed scientific journals.

All that you post is contradicted by the publications in peer reviewed journals worldwide.

So tell me olfraud. We know that the peer review process was whored out to the AGW cause. We know that the peer review process was perverted and corrupted. How long do you think it's going to take to get even a small measure of credibility back from those who have debased the science?

You sound like Ed Begley Jr. and his constant yapping for peer review. Here's a memo, the process is destroyed. Even the "exonerations" found that the peer review process was toast.

However, we can read a thermometer and we can track the "adjustments" pretty do you need a degree to read a thermometer? Do you need peer review to read a thermometer? Really?
Right wingers think the Bible was "peer reviewed".

Left wingers believe Global cooling, er,,, Global warming, er,,, Global Climate change to be true as a matter of faith
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blind boo got all excited there for a second over a simple mistake. Blind boo thought the thread headline was something about snowBALLS.

So have you finally came out of the closet then, (ya big fluffy boy-toy you!)

Wot a clevuh retort.

As soon as I used a giant snow erection with giant snowballs to tweak blind boob, blind boob promptly (with every ounce of his creativity) tried to "turn it around" on me!

Simply inspired.

Wot a wit blind boob is.
I know you guys call me names, but I love you. Seriously. You're so predictable and unimaginative.

Imagine this, the sun heats the ocean, the water turns to "water vapor". The vapor "floats" over land. Being winter, the land is "cool". The upper atmosphere is "very cold". So the "water" that evaporated from the "ocean" falls to the ground as "snow".

The reason there is so much "more" snow, is because the heat made more water evaporate than in the past.

Right wingers will call this, "The Theory of Evaporation" and say it's not mentioned in the Bible so they will be skeptical.

The rest of the world will laugh and laugh and laugh. The hilarity will be lost on Republicans.

While no one is arguing the water cycle, and it would be an argument for global warming if we were getting more rail all over the place, but the problem here is not the precipitation, but the fact the precipitation is coming down as snow, and that temperatures all over the place seem to be lower. (Australia being exceptional here, not the rule.)
Portland had its first snowfall in November in my lifetime this year. We had the second snowfall of the year last Sunday.

No, the fact it that there is MORE precipitation. Snow comes from water vapor. Water vapor comes from evaporation. Evaporation happens because more energy is hitting the water or the wet earth. Ice reflects the suns rays. Dark ocean and dark land absorbs the suns rays, causing greater evaporation, causing more rain and snow. If someone can explain it in more simple terms, please do.
You can't have a rational discussion about this with the Global Warming fanatics. It really is like talking to a wall. The Leftists have made Global Warming a religious cult at this point. You can't talk reason with them anymore. The Winger in that article was merely pushing a self-fulfilling prophecy. Why would you be shocked if it snows in the UK? That just doesn't make any sense. If you're shocked when it snows in the UK,then you really have become a loyal follower in the Global Warming Cult.

No one should be shocked when it snows in the UK. This kind of fear mongering really is self-fulfilling prophecy stuff. So now when some are shocked by snowfall in the UK,the Global Warming fanatics can come back and say "See,I told you so." Don't join the Global Warming Cult and you wont be shocked when it snows in the UK. Just prepare for heavy snowfall instead. Hey,there's an idea no?

You just know that with this Anthropogenic Global Warming Faither crowd, if we were living at the end of a long Ice Age and the Sun (that bright hot yellow thing in the sky) managed to thaw a spot on the Earth long enough to permit a plant to grow -- a spot where these guys had never seen a plant grow as far back as their minds could remember -- they'd fucking panic!

"Oh my GAIA!" they would exclaim in horror and fear. "The campfires must have polluted the Great Mother's Atmosphere! We are doomed. DOOMED I tell you! Let us all fall to our knees and PRAY to Gaia to forgive us! Let us ask for the intercession of Saint algore! Return our snow to us lest we perish!"

The "sign" of doom?


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Old Rocks * * *

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Location: Portland, Ore.
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I know you can post something stupider than this.

Old Rocks

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Global Warming/Global Cooling? Who cares? You're only here on this Earth for a very brief time. I suggest you don't live in fear over this stuff and just enjoy your brief time here. A new Doomsday Cult appears every couple of Decades with the same fear mongering rhetoric. I've seen this stuff before. This Global Warming scam is just a Global Socialist movement. It's all a political agenda in the end. Just look at who's promoting all the fear over "Global Warming." For the most part they're rabid Leftists. It's your choice if you want to buy into their scam or not. Just don't force your agenda on me though. You want to live your life in fear over "Global Warming" than go for it. But leave me alone. Just give it some time,i'm sure there will be another new Doomsday Cult in a couple of years for many to join. Many enjoy living in fear. It is what it is.
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March 2002:

"According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event."

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

David Parker, at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Berkshire, says ultimately, British children could have only virtual experience of snow. Via the internet, they might wonder at polar scenes - or eventually "feel" virtual cold.
No, the fact it that there is MORE precipitation. Snow comes from water vapor.

then why were the GW alarmists saying it would snow much less in the future?

and you know the story will change again in 5 years to fit whatever weather we're having

Old Socks didn't care for my prior post!



Old Rocks * * *

Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Portland, Ore.
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Hi, you have received -47 reputation points from Old Rocks.
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I know you can post something stupider than this.

Old Rocks

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Old Rocks is inconsistent when it comes to passing out the red bars. its not what you say but how he feels when he reads it. either he doesnt get enough medication, or maybe too much.
March 2002:

"According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event."

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

David Parker, at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Berkshire, says ultimately, British children could have only virtual experience of snow. Via the internet, they might wonder at polar scenes - or eventually "feel" virtual cold.

The understanding of such at the time was most likely far less then today...There is a whole lot of stupid idea's 100 years ago that we today know are just that. The truth is as you add more energy into the system the more energy for storms and weather extremes-be it warm or cold based events. Look at a el nino and la nina...Thoses are caused by temperature shifts within the pacific ocean, but they effect the whole world in ways both warm and cold, snow, rain, drought, ect. Don't you understand that some area's of our globe are so cold that a increase in temperature would led to more snowfall? Warm air=more moisture to make it. Antarctica for one...Most of that place is a fucking desert that gets little snow at all.

Lets put it this way la nina leds to different blocking patterns with the highs then el nino's...So does much warmer(Ice free) area's of the arctic when it's not supposed to be. Makes sense. The ice less area causes more energy into the system causing a shift in the weather pattern, which can be arctic cold that don't normally see it.

Why is there little ice within hudson bay and other area's around that area is another question, but here we're.

None of the models seen this and I expect that there is thousands of things we don't see today. Who the fuck knows, but that is what makes it interesting. Science advances all the time with these questions...That is how it works.
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