UKIP are still in business

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Tommy Robinson appointed as Ukip's 'grooming gangs adviser'

The Ukip leader, Gerard Batten, has appointed the anti-lslam activist Tommy Robinson as an official adviser, further cementing the party’s move towards the far right.

Batten said the founder of the far-right activist group the English Defence League, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, would advise him on grooming gangs and prisons.

The Ukip leader said Robinson, who faces a possible retrial after successfully appealing against a jail term for contempt of court for live-streaming videos to Facebook from outside a grooming gang case, had “great knowledge” about the subjects.

This week Ukip announced that Batten had formally sought to begin the process to allow Robinson to become a member. He is currently not allowed as EDL members are banned under existing Ukip rules to keep out entrants from the far right. The move was resisted by the party’s national executive, who said any decision on the issue should be postponed until after Brexit day in March

This is great news for the tories. It will prompt a further loss of support for these loons. I cant see tommy sticking around for long though,ukip dont have any cash.
This is great news for the tories. It will prompt a further loss of support for these loons. I cant see tommy sticking around for long though,ukip dont have any cash.

You know, it may well be that UKIP will suffer for this, and at the time they are basically out of business. However, in case the Tories botch Brexit, or, even worse, if they go for a second referendum and UKIP's single issue gains central importance on the national scene, they all but make sure UKIP will be back in business, with or without Tommy being granted membership.
Tommy Robinson appointed as Ukip's 'grooming gangs adviser'

The Ukip leader, Gerard Batten, has appointed the anti-lslam activist Tommy Robinson as an official adviser, further cementing the party’s move towards the far right.

Batten said the founder of the far-right activist group the English Defence League, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, would advise him on grooming gangs and prisons.

The Ukip leader said Robinson, who faces a possible retrial after successfully appealing against a jail term for contempt of court for live-streaming videos to Facebook from outside a grooming gang case, had “great knowledge” about the subjects.

This week Ukip announced that Batten had formally sought to begin the process to allow Robinson to become a member. He is currently not allowed as EDL members are banned under existing Ukip rules to keep out entrants from the far right. The move was resisted by the party’s national executive, who said any decision on the issue should be postponed until after Brexit day in March

This is great news for the tories. It will prompt a further loss of support for these loons. I cant see tommy sticking around for long though,ukip dont have any cash.

Well now, there's a marriage made in heaven. A pointless football hooligan in a pointless political party.
Tommy Robinson appointed as Ukip's 'grooming gangs adviser'

The Ukip leader, Gerard Batten, has appointed the anti-lslam activist Tommy Robinson as an official adviser, further cementing the party’s move towards the far right.

Batten said the founder of the far-right activist group the English Defence League, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, would advise him on grooming gangs and prisons.

The Ukip leader said Robinson, who faces a possible retrial after successfully appealing against a jail term for contempt of court for live-streaming videos to Facebook from outside a grooming gang case, had “great knowledge” about the subjects.

This week Ukip announced that Batten had formally sought to begin the process to allow Robinson to become a member. He is currently not allowed as EDL members are banned under existing Ukip rules to keep out entrants from the far right. The move was resisted by the party’s national executive, who said any decision on the issue should be postponed until after Brexit day in March

This is great news for the tories. It will prompt a further loss of support for these loons. I cant see tommy sticking around for long though,ukip dont have any cash.

It's amusing how it is that weak-minded fools are horrified that not only are people allowed to hold opinions which these fools find disagreeable, but that they are even allowed to organize with those who hold similar opinions.

Opposituon to the Alla given right of Muslim men to rape British children is "far right". Got it.

It's a good things Tommy is reminding us of this just about every day. Otherise we night actually
think the rape of children was wrong instead of supporting it.
It just gets better.

Farage launches coup against Ukip leader over Tommy Robinson hire

Nigel Farage has vowed to launch a coup against Ukip leader Gerard Batten after he appointed far-right activist Tommy Robinson as an advisor.

Mr Farage said on Friday that he would be submitting a letter of no confidence in Mr Batten, promising to “get rid of him”.

On Thursday, Mr Batten appointed English Defence League founder Mr Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, as his advisor on rape gangs and prison reform.

Mr Farage, the former Ukip leader who brought the party into the mainstream in the 2000s, told BBC Radio 4 Today: “I’m appalled.

This should be enormous fun. Lets hope that they destroy each other.
Third Ukip MEP quits over party's courtship of Tommy Robinson

Another senior Ukip member has left the party over the leader Gerard Batten’s decision to appoint the anti-Islam activist Tommy Robinson as an adviser and take the party in a hard-right direction.

Ukip’s former economics spokesman Patrick O’Flynn is the third MEP to leave in two months over Batten’s anti-Islam views and policies. Flynn said he would join the remnants of the Social Democratic party (SDP), which is now pro-Brexit.

Batten, who became Ukip leader in February after the disastrous tenure of Henry Bolton, has described Islam as “a death cult” and proposed policies including screening of immigrants from Islamic countries, and Muslim-only prisons.

Last one out turn off the lights.

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