Ukraine Burisma Story Is Massive – Involves Billions Of IMF And US Funds Looted And Lost ......


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
The Biden (and now Kerry) scandal in the Ukraine is much more than about the money paid to Hunter Biden for being a Board member at the largest gas producer in the Ukraine, Burisma Holdings. The real scandal involves billions in funds from the IMF and US in aid that has gone missing.

Burisma (Ukraine’s largest oil and gas provider) has been the subject of many recent news articles because of its scandalous close-knit ties with President Obama’s Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry. (Yes, Kerry is involved here too)

Must Read: Ukraine Burisma Story Is Massive – Involves Billions Of IMF And US Funds Looted And Lost By Bank Connected To Burisma Holdings! | Tea Party
I have know for a very long time that all Democrats are corrupt pieces of shit, but some of this stuff is a little surprising to even me.
The scandals coming of Ukraine, perpetrated by the Obama Administration will dwarf any corruption previously committed in the US.
Maybe the world.

This is big, deep, wide and continuous.
They stomped all over the Fisa Warrant law to launch the Russia election hoax and they stomped all over the Whistleblower law to launch this new hoax as a pre election hail Mary.

Why do they need the Impeachment hail Mary? This is their 2020 platform:
Champion of illegal rights, champion of Transgender rights, Green New Deal, Breakup big tech.

And with the Ukraine hoax like the Russia hoax, what we are finding is the REAL wrongdoing was perpetrated by the Democrats.

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