Ukraine: Regime´s masked Nazi mob storms protest camp, organizer expelled from country


Nov 14, 2012
An anti-government protest on the Independence Square in Kiev was crushed by masked men. The Party "Right Sector", that participated in the violent Putsch, fights for the current Ukrainian regime and advises its army, was allegedly involved in the protests as RT reports about a RS flag at one of the tents. That is likely untrue. The Nazi mob probably wanted to cause confusion.
The Ukrainian Security Service SBU thanked the Nazi mob for storming the protest camp.

"Masked attackers have destroyed a new Maidan protest tent camp in central Kiev. It was set up to demand that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko delivers on his pre-election promises.

Late on Sunday evening, around 50 to 100 men wearing balaclavas rampaged through the camp. They tore down tents and sent the protesters scattering.

Placards at the protest read: “Out with [Prime Minister Arseny] Yatsenyuk and his reforms” and “I’m on hunger strike against administrative neglect.”

“It was provocative mimicking of the rightful protests of last year,” SBU head Valentin Nalivaychenko said, according to He added that the protest leader “received funding, and with the aid of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, bought tents, a stage and tried to mimic the provocative rhetoric.”

He said he believed the informal “Maidan self defense” organization was responsible for the attack and thanked them for “doing a good job.”"

Masked attackers break up tent camp on Kiev s Maidan protest leader expelled from the country RT News
If Yanuckovitch did the same to Maidan at the very beginning, can you imagine how much official Washington would be screaming?! (And it remains silent about crushing of anti-government protest in Kiev). Actually, if Yanuckovitch took an early care of Maidan protests, there wouldn’t be hundreds in prison, thousands killed/injured (a lot of civilians lost their eyes or have their arms/legs blown off or all above) and about million houses ruined in Eastern Ukraine now.

The protestors of 2013/14, who came to the power in Ukraine after the coup, now are eliminating all opposition’s protests. So, their protests were legal and all the others are illegal? That’s one of the reasons (but not the only one!) we call them junta.

And watch official Washington: it’s got a nice habit to provoke a conflict in some country (far away from their borders) and then to start blaming and punishing (!) whoever they want for that conflict (the most recent examples have been Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine) . There is a good Russian saying: “The one who yells ‘Catch the thief!’ the most loudly, is the thief.”

“Official Washington wants the whole world to believe: it fights for the human rights. But on their way in fighting for human rights they don’t mind to destroy whole countries with millions humans there, whom they prefer just not to notice.” (Michail Zadornov)
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