Ukraine Update Thread

I really, really don´t want to criticize the German finance minister Lindner because Hofreiter said he is a little boy who will turn on his rap and techno as loud as possible for 20 hours a day the next three months if contradicted.

But I have no choice :(

Linder wants to "better explain" the German Ukraine-policy to the AfD voters in the east. He argues with national interests.
If Ukraine loses the war, millions of additional refugees will come to Germany, Linder told the AfD.

Isn´t that absolute bullshit?
Mr. Linder, imagine Zelensky accepts Putin´s peace offer and the war would be over today. Wouldn´t that mean that no more refugees from Ukraine will come and the opposite would happen: Ukrainians would turn home?
Second, Mr. Linder, if you continue to supply Ukraine with minimum packages such as two rusty tanks here and ten trucks there, the Russians will inevitably continue to advance throughout Ukraine, thus increase the amount of refugees coming to Germany.
Third, Mr. Linder, it is known that your coalition´s refugee craze is unstoppable and that the most refugees that came to Germany in 2023 for example are from Syria and not from Ukraine. Additionally, Ukrainians are so fantastic refugees that even the strongest anti-refugee activist only has a refugees welcome banner for them. They don´t rape people, don´t stab them to death, don´t cause trouble and don´t evoke the caliphate.
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How many people did he eat and do they taste better drugged to the eyeballs?
" the 2000s, killed cats and dogs, dug up graves and abused corpses - raped them, cut them out and ate their organs. In 2010, he received 20 years in prison for the ritual dismemberment of four teenagers. The maniac was supposed to be in prison until 2030. He is a typical 🇷🇺 Muscovite

" the 2000s, killed cats and dogs, dug up graves and abused corpses - raped them, cut them out and ate their organs. In 2010, he received 20 years in prison for the ritual dismemberment of four teenagers. The maniac was supposed to be in prison until 2030. He is a typical 🇷🇺 Muscovite

View attachment 964805
Typical? That is a wild claim.

"A Russian man sentenced to 20 years in a maximum security prison for the ritualistic killing of four teenagers got a get-out-of-jail-free card after a stint in the war against Ukraine—for which he was recruited despite having gone blind."

What can a blind guy do in a war - and how to sell drugs while blind?
What can a blind guy do in a war
BBC: "What was your rank, soldier?"
Average putin´s conscript: "I think the judge called it First Degree Murder, Armed Robbery and Sexual Assault ...and the medic told me that I am HIV and TBC positive. That's why I got this job: I passed all the tests."

Typical? That is a wild claim.

"A Russian man sentenced to 20 years in a maximum security prison for the ritualistic killing of four teenagers got a get-out-of-jail-free card after a stint in the war against Ukraine—for which he was recruited despite having gone blind."

What can a blind guy do in a war - and how to sell drugs while blind?
I really need to get back to that clowns ward orderlies, the meds are not working.
It doesn´t look good for Ukraine. The aid is on the decline.
Of the 61 billion USD aid package, only 13,7 are for arms for Ukraine. Of the 50 billion EUR aid package, nothing is for arms for Ukraine.

More here:
Bla-bla-bla. Another set of stupid cliches.
I'm Russian, I voted against Putin, and there are plenty of reasons to do so, but fighting against NATO expansion and Ukrainian Nazism - is one of the things that I (and any sane Russian) totally support (not only by my words and taxes, but with additional volunteering money and skills, too). One can say, that freedom of speech is limited in Russia, but in NATO-controlled areas of Europe Russian speech is banned at all. In Russia (as in any country), you can be arrested for your words, but in Ukraine you can be burn alive for it. There is the difference.
And yes, Stalin is one of the most popular leaders in Russian ratings (coz he had saved millions of Russian from eurointegration and genocide), while Gorbachev is one of the worst.
NOW I have no doubt that you are working for Putin's regime! My Russian friends agree!!
Here’s a good measure of how Russia is losing steam in its offensive: Russia had planned to capture Chasiv Yar by May 9, to give dictator Vladimir Putin something to celebrate at Moscow’s annual Victory Parade. It failed. Not only that, Russian forces don’t appear to be any closer to the town than they were when they made this prediction.

According to The Economist, Ukrainian forces are anticipating another attack in the middle of the month, but they’re feeling pretty good about their situation. Ukraine has the heights. They have three defensive lines. And they have those incoming supplies to end worries about rationing ammo… for now.

If all the deserters from the Russian army would join forces with the Ukraine they could defeat Putin and take back Russia from the oligarchs . A WIN-WIN win for both sides.
Historic review

A new Ukrainian government led by Stetsko (OUN) was created on June 30 in 1941. The Germans did not appreciate this and he was arrested on July 12 and thrown into a German jail together with Bandera.

On July 16, Hitler explained his intentions for the east to his inner circle: Division and exploitation of the occupied east.

A Reich Ministry for the occupied eastern Territories was created on July 17. It is led by Rosenberg. It consists of the Reich Commissionerships Ukraine (led by Koch) and Ostland (Baltic states and Belarus, led by Lohse). Later, a Commissionership Russia was added.
A commander of the Third (separated) Assault Brigade (formerly Azov Regiment) gave an Interview to Ukrainska Pravda.

Key statements:
  • Ukraine will lose the war
  • Recruiting prisoners he feels like Prigoshin, Azov no longer gets conscripts
  • Prisoner willingness down from almost 100 % to 15 - 20 %, they fear being put into expendable penal battalions. Prisoner mobilization began
  • Subhumans are ordered to hold positions to the last man
  • Bakhmut was about destroying Wagner
  • Ukrainian infantry killed in large numbers by drones and gravity bombs
  • Drones will cease to play an important role due to electronic warfare
  • Everything is full of shit

Historic review

A new Ukrainian government led by Stetsko (OUN) was created on June 30 in 1941. The Germans did not appreciate this and he was arrested on July 12 and thrown into a German jail together with Bandera.
meanwhile >

Brothers in arms, Joseph and Adolf.... Joseph is still very popular in the 🇷🇺 horde . a bit scary, not?
A commander of the Third (separated) Assault Brigade (formerly Azov Regiment) gave an Interview to Ukrainska Pravda.

Key statements:
  • Ukraine will lose the war
  • Recruiting prisoners he feels like Prigoshin, Azov no longer gets conscripts
  • Prisoner willingness down from almost 100 % to 15 - 20 %, they fear being put into expendable penal battalions. Prisoner mobilization began
  • Subhumans are ordered to hold positions to the last man
  • Bakhmut was about destroying Wagner
  • Ukrainian infantry killed in large numbers by drones and gravity bombs
  • Drones will cease to play an important role due to electronic warfare
  • Everything is full of shit

putin got it already, whats about you?

Strategic battlefield defeat would be end of Moscow 🇷🇺empire


And why did the Kiev regime ban 12 political parties? They say that these parties are pro-russian, but then what is the problem? They will surely be unpopular with the voters and no one will vote for them.
Or maybe the nazis are just afraid that people will vote for friendship with Russia?
And why did the Kiev regime ban 12 political parties?
Ain't that the way with Fascists?
They say that these parties are pro-russian, but then what is the problem? They will surely be unpopular with the voters and no one will vote for them.
Could be, but the alternative explanation is .....
Or maybe the nazis are just afraid that people will vote for friendship with Russia?
.... most likely.

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