Ukraine war: UN condemns Russian invasion ahead of anniversary


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The UN General Assembly in New York has overwhelmingly backed a resolution condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine nearly a year ago.
It called for the withdrawal of troops from Ukraine and a halt to fighting.
The motion was backed by 141 nations with 32 abstaining and seven - including Russia - voting against.
In Vienna, a large number of delegates walked out during a Russian address at a parliamentary session of a European security body.
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) walkout and the UN vote came a day before the first anniversary of the invasion.
The UN vote called for peace as soon as possible.

The resolution reaffirmed support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, rejecting any Russian claims to the parts of the country it occupies. In September, MPs in Moscow voted to illegally annex four regions of Ukraine.
The UN also demanded "that the Russian Federation immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders" and called for a cessation of hostilities.
The measure is not legally binding but holds political weight.
While the resolution was passed overwhelmingly by the majority of nations, there were some notable abstentions.
China, India, Iran and South Africa were among the 32 countries to abstain in the vote.
The seven countries who voted against were Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Mali, Nicaragua and Syria.

Not even Iran or China can stomach Russia's savagery.
The U.N confirms why they possess little credibility, a year.later...disgusting The U.N is just a slush fund for the corrupt. Remember this the next time you see a U.N poll/study ( or any other International groups results) that tries to convince you that U.S liberty and the pursuit of happiness is bad.
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Cool, so the UN decided that Russia did a bad thing. Then they patted themselves on the back and flew home. Mission accomplished. Disband the UN and convert their buildings to low income housing.
Cool, so the UN decided that Russia did a bad thing. Then they patted themselves on the back and flew home. Mission accomplished. Disband the UN and convert their buildings to low income housing.
It wasn't the UN that decided Russia did "a bad thing" by invading another country, killing its people and destroying its cities, the UN provided forum in which most of the world decided Russia has operated entirely outside the boundaries of law, diplomacy and fundamental decency and demanded Russia stop its war and return to its internationally recognized borders, and many of these countries are already following through on these demands by supporting Ukraine in its battle to rid the country of these invaders.
The UN General Assembly in New York has overwhelmingly backed a resolution condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine nearly a year ago.
It called for the withdrawal of troops from Ukraine and a halt to fighting.
The motion was backed by 141 nations with 32 abstaining and seven - including Russia - voting against.
In Vienna, a large number of delegates walked out during a Russian address at a parliamentary session of a European security body.
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) walkout and the UN vote came a day before the first anniversary of the invasion.
The UN vote called for peace as soon as possible.

The resolution reaffirmed support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, rejecting any Russian claims to the parts of the country it occupies. In September, MPs in Moscow voted to illegally annex four regions of Ukraine.
The UN also demanded "that the Russian Federation immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders" and called for a cessation of hostilities.
The measure is not legally binding but holds political weight.
While the resolution was passed overwhelmingly by the majority of nations, there were some notable abstentions.
China, India, Iran and South Africa were among the 32 countries to abstain in the vote.
The seven countries who voted against were Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Mali, Nicaragua and Syria.

Not even Iran or China can stomach Russia's savagery.
Of course the UN condemned it--they want globalism. The largest opponents of globalism today are Russia, China and American Conservatives. Trouble is Biden sold out to the Chinese and Ukraine at the same time. In so doing, the vegetable has put China in the catbird seat. Things could be worse, China is better poised to take Soros and his minions down than Biden ever hoped to. There is hope--the next POTUS could take the reins back and bring nationalism back.
Of course the UN condemned it--they want globalism. The largest opponents of globalism today are Russia, China and American Conservatives. Trouble is Biden sold out to the Chinese and Ukraine at the same time. In so doing, the vegetable has put China in the catbird seat. Things could be worse, China is better poised to take Soros and his minions down than Biden ever hoped to. There is hope--the next POTUS could take the reins back and bring nationalism back.



glob·al·ism ˈglō-bə-ˌli-zəm

: a national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence

How are Russia and China not ruled by globalists?



glob·al·ism ˈglō-bə-ˌli-zəm

: a national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence

How are Russia and China not ruled by globalists?
Globalism is ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. The UN pushes it and every other parasitical country in the world does. Producing countries of the world enjoy their governments and the results of their work. Globalism has NOTHING to do with national anything--it is a misnomer the globalists are using to sway public opinion by confusing actual definitions--quite ironic that you would post up a definition with NO SUBSTANTIATION OR SOURCE. Try again moron.
Globalism is ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. The UN pushes it and every other parasitical country in the world does. Producing countries of the world enjoy their governments and the results of their work. Globalism has NOTHING to do with national anything--it is a misnomer the globalists are using to sway public opinion by confusing actual definitions--quite ironic that you would post up a definition with NO SUBSTANTIATION OR SOURCE. Try again moron.

was my source. The 141 nations that voted to condemn Russia's savagery were not voting for one world government.
True, there are 81 million purported to be in the US. I am an American. I have bled for America and I will die in support of America. I OPPOSE ANY ATTEMPT AT A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
81 million parasites in the US? Sounds too big.

I don't believe a one world government ever existed, exists now of will do in the future. Every main part of the world has their own big boys and girls who work for own benefit. Their influence on other parts may differ, but what is common among them is greed and striving for power.
Cool, so the UN decided that Russia did a bad thing. Then they patted themselves on the back and flew home. Mission accomplished. Disband the UN and convert their buildings to low income housing.
The "Leopard" tanks sent by Poland have already been delivered to Ukraine. This statement was made by the country's National Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak on February 24
"Today Polish Leopards have already arrived in Ukraine," the politician said at the opening of a meeting of Poland's National Security Council.
In the contest "Who will lick Biden's flabby asshole faster?" Poland won again. Ukraine should have won, but it can't supply itself with "Leopards".
Tomorrow, the U.S. plans to sanction Russia yet again (Russia is under 12K+ sanctions)
But this time, the sanctions will also target certain Chinese companies perceived as "aiding Russia." And then they are surprised that Russia and China are pushed closer together.
The newest group of U.S. sanctions targeting Russia includes the State Grain Operator. How soon till we see all the talking heads in the media accusing Russia of starving the world the way they did with last year's grain deal?

JUST IN - Russia's economy is expected to grow by 0.3% this year - it means the sanctions-hit country will outperform UK, Sky News reports
Tomorrow, the U.S. plans to sanction Russia yet again (Russia is under 12K+ sanctions)
But this time, the sanctions will also target certain Chinese companies perceived as "aiding Russia." And then they are surprised that Russia and China are pushed closer together.
The newest group of U.S. sanctions targeting Russia includes the State Grain Operator. How soon till we see all the talking heads in the media accusing Russia of starving the world the way they did with last year's grain deal?

JUST IN - Russia's economy is expected to grow by 0.3% this year - it means the sanctions-hit country will outperform UK, Sky News reports
That was before the Russian Finance Ministry issued the catastrophic economic report for Jan.

OSCOW, February 6. /TASS/. Russia’s federal budget deficit may amount to 1.76 trillion rubles ($24.61 bln), according to preliminary estimates of the Ministry of Finance.

"According to preliminary estimates, the volume of federal budget revenues in January 2023 amounted to 1.356 trillion rubles, which is 35% lower than the volume of revenues in January 2022," the ministry said on Monday.

The preliminary volume of expenditures of the Russian budget in January reached 3.117 trillion rubles ($43.58 bln), exceeding the figures for the same period last year by 59%.

The ministry also added that oil and gas revenues of the Russian budget, according to preliminary data, amounted to 426 bln rubles ($5.96 bln) in January 2023 and decreased by 46% compared to January 2022.


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