Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Is Tied to Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, and Other Global Elites

War is pure hell for sure, but we aren't dealing with Sadam Hussein and his propaganda minister. We are dealing with someone that has real weapon's of mass destruction. This ain't no joke, and all the postering, loud mouthed rhetoric, and use of the situation to pump ourselves up, along with other regimes up in this precarious situation or to support someone we truly don't know, especially as an average working class citizen who doesn't truly know, is really a bothersome thing. Does anyone truly know what to trust anymore ?
Actually Europe is the one who mostly has to deal with the insane Moscow midget. He's been working his way through the Mediterranean thinking he can take the whole thing. He is also causing shit tons of problems for Africans with help of course from some Arabs. Ask why all those South Sudanese has been fleeing war torn areas when they were supposed to have peace. Who do you think has been training those muslim based African thugs? Kadyrov ring a bell?

Look at the entire history instead of trying to make a judgment call on just a few things.

Here is just one article to get you started.
Actually Europe is the one who mostly has to deal with the insane Moscow midget. He's been working his way through the Mediterranean thinking he can take the whole thing. He is also causing shit tons of problems for Africans with help of course from some Arabs. Ask why all those South Sudanese has been fleeing war torn areas when they were supposed to have peace. Who do you think has been training those muslim based African thugs? Kadyrov ring a bell?

Look at the entire history instead of trying to make a judgment call on just a few things.

Here is just one article to get you started.
Doesn't it truly just boil down to a few things when think about it ? 1. We don't want war with a nuclear nation like Russia, especially since Russia has been studying us since the cold war and we them. Most of their military goal on deterrent has been geared towards the United States, and some NATO nation's that are of concern. Putting their nuclear forces on alert is the same as them saying to us you best stay out of it.

Our nation needs to know without bias just who this Zelinksky is, and why is he so important to the world that a nuclear exchange could be imminent over him ?

You know bravado is admirable, but is the nation of Ukraine right in all of this ? I hope they are, but leftist supporting the nation's leadership has me wondering about the leaning and politics of it all.

Anymore it's hard to know what to believe. So much water under the bridge now.
Doesn't it truly just boil down to a few things when think about it ? 1. We don't want war with a nuclear nation like Russia, especially since Russia has been studying us since the cold war and we them. Most of their military goal on deterrent has been geared towards the United States, and some NATO nation's that are of concern. Putting their nuclear forces on alert is the same as them saying to us you best stay out of it.

Our nation needs to know without bias just who this Zelinksky is, and why is he so important to the world that a nuclear exchange could be imminent over him ?

You know bravado is admirable, but is the nation of Ukraine right in all of this ? I hope they are, but leftist supporting the nation's leadership has me wondering about the leaning and politics of it all.

Anymore it's hard to know what to believe. So much water under the bridge now.
War is not needed anywhere but the world has bad actors and Putin and thugs have been some of them.

I don't care for Biden and crew either but I sure as hell wouldn't side with a thug like the midget knowing he was given an opportunity for decency but he went the other way instead. Then you have these youtubers acting like our intelligence agencies are totally ignorant as to what is transpiring when they are a bunch of dumb asses without a clue or all the geopolitical ins and outs and the histories behind why certain choices are made.

We need to concentrate on getting rid of our own thugs like Gates and such and leave the geopolitics to the people actually in the know. I say that know my own husband is an excellent history buff and he keeps up on all these type situations and looks into all the ins and outs of it before coming to a determination on it. BTW, as to the groups factions and militias running rampant in Ukraine, check out Vympel, it was active and on the move in the 1970's when he was in the military but wiki won't tell you that. "American taxpayers bailed that little cocksucker out" as my husband calls him when not referring to him as the "Moscow midget". The Petro dollar paid off USSR's debt. Today they pass on those funds that investors like the Arabs and others have been losing due to scams and schemes they have been pulling all over.

Again Put and his Russian Federation wouldn't be if our tax dollars had not allowed it.

Well, after the US and the EU teamed up with George Soros in 2014 to use an actual insurrection to oust the democratically elected then President who is surprised.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was one of the reasons he got into politics.​
After leaving his career as a comedian and entertainer and becoming Ukraine’s president in April 2019, Zelenskyy hailed Trudeau as “one of those leaders who inspired” him “to join politics,” when he became Ukraine’s president in 2019.​
ike Trudeau, Zelenskyy is an acolyte of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, the globalist organization behind the now-infamous “Great Reset” agenda, which tells the world that by the year 2030, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”​
The ubiquitous support for Zelenskyy by the elite, including support from “defund the police” and Black Lives Matter leftist mega-donor George Soros, Trudeau, American President Joe Biden, and all sides of mainstream media, has led many to question the true motivation behind the West’s condemnation of Russia and a concern that a push for yet another foreign war involving the West is underfoot.​
On Tuesday, for example, Ukrainian journalist Daria Kaleniuk made an emotional demand to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, asking him to instruct NATO to enter the war in Ukraine. After the event was praised in Western media, reports surfaced showing that Kaleniuk is not just a journalist, but a member of the WEF and runs initiatives backed by Soros throughout Eastern Europe.​
Well of course he is. He was installed by the Globalist cabal of elites. Just like Biden was.
Russia is far better than the real Cartel of Earth ( the globalist )
Well, after the US and the EU teamed up with George Soros in 2014 to use an actual insurrection to oust the democratically elected then President who is surprised.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was one of the reasons he got into politics.​
After leaving his career as a comedian and entertainer and becoming Ukraine’s president in April 2019, Zelenskyy hailed Trudeau as “one of those leaders who inspired” him “to join politics,” when he became Ukraine’s president in 2019.​
ike Trudeau, Zelenskyy is an acolyte of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, the globalist organization behind the now-infamous “Great Reset” agenda, which tells the world that by the year 2030, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”​
The ubiquitous support for Zelenskyy by the elite, including support from “defund the police” and Black Lives Matter leftist mega-donor George Soros, Trudeau, American President Joe Biden, and all sides of mainstream media, has led many to question the true motivation behind the West’s condemnation of Russia and a concern that a push for yet another foreign war involving the West is underfoot.​
On Tuesday, for example, Ukrainian journalist Daria Kaleniuk made an emotional demand to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, asking him to instruct NATO to enter the war in Ukraine. After the event was praised in Western media, reports surfaced showing that Kaleniuk is not just a journalist, but a member of the WEF and runs initiatives backed by Soros throughout Eastern Europe.​
Thats a good story. Its god the same facts as the bible
They've made Putin their scape goat, otherwise in order to use him to badger their perceived enemies over their head in order to distract from their hideous agenda's. Watch how they do it, as it is so easily readable.
If Putin takes Ukraine, he'll invade other countries too.
If Putin takes Ukraine, he'll invade other countries too.
He'll invade other countries anyway, whether or not he takes Ukraine. :p

However if he fails with Ukraine, he might not be long for his job. Russians can be considerably unforgiving that way.
That makes no sense at all!

How does this equate with Putin loving?
It's all they got... They deal in delusions and platitudes that make no sense to anyone who still has any sense at all. They have been severely brainwashed over time, and they've engaged in things that has warped their mind's making them highly vulnerable to brainwashing and worse into becoming global slave's.

The sad thing is that we have somehow found ourselves being led by them, meanwhile the world is rejecting them big time. We have a president that went along with some of the most ridiculous trend's the world has ever had to deal with, but because he is nothing but an arrogant over the hill always wanted to be, but fell short everytime, we as a nation are going to suffer greatly because of our idiocy in all of this.

Nothing can save us from our own selves, so until we get a grip somehow, we are going to fall big time.
He'll invade other countries anyway, whether or not he takes Ukraine. :p

However if he fails with Ukraine, he might not be long for his job. Russians can be considerably unforgiving that way.
I don't think that Russia is wanting to extend itself beyond Ukraine, because it knows economically, and for overall security purposes that it can't extend itself any deeper than it already has extended itself with Ukraine.

Not without a big player like China helping it out it can't.

Biden thinking that everything is tied to economics only, and the using of economic sanctions to fight wars is his best card played he feels, but the loss of the moral high ground causes these other nation's to be able to use that loss as a way to work the propaganda angle big time on us, and to then charge their mind's up with the figuring that they are right to challenge what they perceive as the devil himself attempting to take over the world in some way, otherwise when they fight in the spiritual battle as well as for the battle of the flesh that is being waged in the world surrounding such things.
Well, after the US and the EU teamed up with George Soros in 2014 to use an actual insurrection to oust the democratically elected then President who is surprised.
That lie is really getting old.

Russian saw an opportunity with the protests in Donbas and sent in his GRU and FSB political operatives and special op's guys to start a revolt and thence a revolution.

The war in Donbas,[note 1] or the Donbas War, is an armed conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine, part of the broader Russo-Ukrainian War. In March 2014, immediately following the Euromaidan protest movement and subsequent Revolution of Dignity, protests by pro-Russian, anti-government separatist groups took place in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, collectively called the Donbas. These demonstrations began around the same time as Russia's annexation of Crimea, and were part of wider pro-Russian protests across southern and eastern Ukraine. Declaring the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR, respectively), armed Russian-backed separatist groups seized government buildings throughout the Donbas, leading to armed conflict with the Ukrainian government forces.[31]

While the initial protests were largely native expressions of discontent with the new Ukrainian government, Russia took advantage of them to launch a coordinated political and military campaign against Ukraine.[32] Russian citizens led the separatist movement in Donetsk from April until August 2014, and were supported by volunteers and materiel from Russia.[33][34][35] As the conflict escalated in May 2014, Russia employed a "hybrid approach", deploying a combination of disinformation, irregular fighters, regular Russian troops, and conventional military support to destabilize the Donbas.[36][37][38]

Russia began the entire process with his puppet gov't in Crimea fabricating a vote to secede.

Russians have been following this same pattern of first creating conflicts then capitalizing on them to expand it's sphere of influence since the first days of The Cold War.

We seem to have a lot of folks in this country pretending to be experts to push their own political agendas despite the facts. Either that or they are simply lying to accomplish same.
Well, after the US and the EU teamed up with George Soros in 2014 to use an actual insurrection to oust the democratically elected then President who is surprised.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was one of the reasons he got into politics.​
After leaving his career as a comedian and entertainer and becoming Ukraine’s president in April 2019, Zelenskyy hailed Trudeau as “one of those leaders who inspired” him “to join politics,” when he became Ukraine’s president in 2019.​
ike Trudeau, Zelenskyy is an acolyte of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, the globalist organization behind the now-infamous “Great Reset” agenda, which tells the world that by the year 2030, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”​
The ubiquitous support for Zelenskyy by the elite, including support from “defund the police” and Black Lives Matter leftist mega-donor George Soros, Trudeau, American President Joe Biden, and all sides of mainstream media, has led many to question the true motivation behind the West’s condemnation of Russia and a concern that a push for yet another foreign war involving the West is underfoot.​
On Tuesday, for example, Ukrainian journalist Daria Kaleniuk made an emotional demand to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, asking him to instruct NATO to enter the war in Ukraine. After the event was praised in Western media, reports surfaced showing that Kaleniuk is not just a journalist, but a member of the WEF and runs initiatives backed by Soros throughout Eastern Europe.​

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Is Tied to Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, and Other Global Elites​

Virtually every leader of any country larger than a postage stamp has connections to some or all of the other global leaders and the money behind them.

That includes Trump who was casual friends with Putin it seems before he was elected.
I don't think that Russia is wanting to extend itself beyond Ukraine, because it knows economically, and for overall security purposes that it can't extend itself any deeper than it already has extended itself with Ukraine.
If Putin succeeds here as soon as he can rearm the rest of the former Republics will fall one after another unless the West intervenes.

He cannot fulfill his dream and his promise to the Russian people to rebuild the Russian Empire if he doesn't and since the day he first was elected Premier that was his promise and everything he's done since is to fulfill that dream for his own legacy.

When in it's entire history as a nation has Russia not sought to grow it's territory and exert it's control?

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