UN admits: Bill Clinton-run Haiti mission played role in cholrea outbreak


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
On August 17, 2016 the United Nations did something it had not been willing to do for six years: it admitted a role in the 2010 cholera outbreak that has since killed nearly 10,000 and infected hundreds of thousands.
UN Admits: Bill Clinton-Run Haiti Mission ‘Played Role’ in Cholera Outbreak

Well as usual twenty years later, fifity years later these crooked pos losers be it the UN, Politicians, FDA, EPA cults come out and admit what most already knew but oh those sheep instantly called it a conspiracy like they do everything that doesn't fit their feel safe space.
Just like B. Clnton being a rapist oh gawd forbid their little hero be called that even when there is proof, but the dumb sob's believe this bs on Trump with NO EVIDENCE at all.
Clinton was looking for photo ops he could not care less about the Haitian people...

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