UN Admits: Global Warming largely due to SUN!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
How many times have I posted this up in here over the last 2 years?


Well......he certainly doesnt due justice with this thread:up::up::up::up:

Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming

By Maxim Lott, Charles Couger

How Green

Published February 01, 2013

Read more: Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming | Fox News

Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming | Fox News

Is there any elaboration needed?:fu::funnyface::fu::funnyface::fu::funnyface::fu::funnyface::fu::funnyface::fu::funnyface:

Except a pat on my own back....................

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crashing and burning s0ns.................

I fell particularly bad for Trakker who has posted up about 40 new threads this year alone..............all hyper hysterical rants!!!!

Nobody would listen...............said the science doesnt matter anymore!!!

Impossible! The Erff is warming due to Cow Farts and Humans Breathing! The Sun has NOTHING to do with it! :evil:
Impossible! The Erff is warming due to Cow Farts and Humans Breathing! The Sun has NOTHING to do with it! :evil:

Love the sig quote bro......did you ever see such a fraud in your life? These days, you can get elected president as the ultimate fraud.:clap2: It happens when you have enough dummies in the electorate.

At least climate change legislation aint happening.:rock::rock::rock::rock:
“I see climate contrarians try this trick almost every time a big new solar study comes out. They somehow tend to neglect mentioning that solar variation is smaller than the heat-trapping power of carbon dioxide,” Aaron Huertas of the Union of Concerned Scientists told FoxNews.com.

To back that up, Huertas points to data that show that solar activity and temperature rose together from 1880 until 1960, but that then, solar activity stopped increasing -- even as temperatures continued going up.

Read more: Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming | Fox News

Quoted from the OP's article. My science is more correct than your science /southpark
“I see climate contrarians try this trick almost every time a big new solar study comes out. They somehow tend to neglect mentioning that solar variation is smaller than the heat-trapping power of carbon dioxide,” Aaron Huertas of the Union of Concerned Scientists told FoxNews.com.

To back that up, Huertas points to data that show that solar activity and temperature rose together from 1880 until 1960, but that then, solar activity stopped increasing -- even as temperatures continued going up.

Read more: Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming | Fox News

Quoted from the OP's article. My science is more correct than your science /southpark

fAiL s0n.

And the point is??

Last time I checked, "significant" means significant.............and whats more significant is the UN is saying it. I posted this up two or threee days ago and not a single climate k00k wanted anything to do with this thread..........it cant fall off the page fast enough.

Anyway....nobody knows whether sun activity really causes more warming or cooling........

Solar flare activity will heat up over next couple of years - Timesonline.com: Local News

...which is the whole point. Nobody knows dick about dick for certain about any of this shit.

ANd anyway..............more "signfiicant" is the at nobody cares about this science, which is 100% certain and which will be verified when climate legislation falls on its face later this year.:rock::rock::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
fAiL s0n.

And the point is??

Last time I checked, "significant" means significant.............and whats more significant is the UN is saying it. I posted this up two or threee days ago and not a single climate k00k wanted anything to do with this thread..........it cant fall off the page fast enough.

Anyway....nobody knows whether sun activity really causes more warming or cooling........

Solar flare activity will heat up over next couple of years - Timesonline.com: Local News

...which is the whole point. Nobody knows dick about dick for certain about any of this shit.

And if climate deniers get their way, people will continue to not know dick about it. It's a symptom of the right-wing disease that there is a knee-jerk denial of all scientific research (climate, evolution, genetics, psychology, etc.). I assure you that the proponents of man made climate change, who include the vast vast majority of accomplished scientists in the world, are well aware that the sun has the impact you talk about in this thread. Because they've seen the data. I don't know how it is that an entire population of people (Republicans, conservatives, etc.) can so shamelessly and vehemently deny overwhelming evidence, hell any kind of evidence, at every turn.

I mean shit OJ must really not have killed that woman because despite the overwhelming evidence we found against him there was once piece of evidence, in the gigantic pile of evidence, that may or may not have been evidence to the contrary. Right? Is that what passes for critical thinking these days?

So by all means bump bump bump!!!
fAiL s0n.

And the point is??

Last time I checked, "significant" means significant.............and whats more significant is the UN is saying it. I posted this up two or threee days ago and not a single climate k00k wanted anything to do with this thread..........it cant fall off the page fast enough.

Anyway....nobody knows whether sun activity really causes more warming or cooling........

Solar flare activity will heat up over next couple of years - Timesonline.com: Local News

...which is the whole point. Nobody knows dick about dick for certain about any of this shit.

And if climate deniers get their way, people will continue to not know dick about it. It's a symptom of the right-wing disease that there is a knee-jerk denial of all scientific research (climate, evolution, genetics, psychology, etc.). I assure you that the proponents of man made climate change, who include the vast vast majority of accomplished scientists in the world, are well aware that the sun has the impact you talk about in this thread. Because they've seen the data. I don't know how it is that an entire population of people (Republicans, conservatives, etc.) can so shamelessly and vehemently deny overwhelming evidence, hell any kind of evidence, at every turn.

I mean shit OJ must really not have killed that woman because despite the overwhelming evidence we found against him there was once piece of evidence, in the gigantic pile of evidence, that may or may not have been evidence to the contrary. Right? Is that what passes for critical thinking these days?

So by all means bump bump bump!!!

Indeed.........problem is s0n, it doesnt matter. The only people who are angst all the time about this shit are internet OC's like you and the other meatheads in here. A green world is a fantasy world no matter what the overwhelming evidence is. Whats going to happen to fossil fuels in the coming decades? DICK......thats what.:fu: All the bomb throwing over the last 20 years by the environmental OC's has gotten what done exactly? Oh........yes......legislation on incandescent light bulbs.:eusa_dance: In fact, if we are to believe all the doom and gloom forecasts of the green OC's in here, then climate legislation should fly through congress later this year!!!:2up:

People know all they need to know abut climate change.........its been shoved up their ass for the last 20 years. They are somewhat concerned.........but not enough to open up their wallet and get robbed. Especially when they go on the internet and see pictures from this winter.....................

Like THIS.......................:funnyface::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::funnyface:


And last winter..............LIKE THIS ( when the Rhine froze over for the first time in 72 years)......................:funnyface::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::funnyface:


Non-environmental OC's are not at all enamoured with having their electric bills double. And every swinging dick in Washington DC knows it.

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fAiL s0n.

And the point is??

Last time I checked, "significant" means significant.............and whats more significant is the UN is saying it. I posted this up two or threee days ago and not a single climate k00k wanted anything to do with this thread..........it cant fall off the page fast enough.

Anyway....nobody knows whether sun activity really causes more warming or cooling........

Solar flare activity will heat up over next couple of years - Timesonline.com: Local News

...which is the whole point. Nobody knows dick about dick for certain about any of this shit.

And if climate deniers get their way, people will continue to not know dick about it. It's a symptom of the right-wing disease that there is a knee-jerk denial of all scientific research (climate, evolution, genetics, psychology, etc.). I assure you that the proponents of man made climate change, who include the vast vast majority of accomplished scientists in the world, are well aware that the sun has the impact you talk about in this thread. Because they've seen the data. I don't know how it is that an entire population of people (Republicans, conservatives, etc.) can so shamelessly and vehemently deny overwhelming evidence, hell any kind of evidence, at every turn.

I mean shit OJ must really not have killed that woman because despite the overwhelming evidence we found against him there was once piece of evidence, in the gigantic pile of evidence, that may or may not have been evidence to the contrary. Right? Is that what passes for critical thinking these days?

So by all means bump bump bump!!!

critical thinking! exactly.

solar activity is obviously correlated to warming and cooling in the past. I have seen graphs of the last thousand years where the correlation is roughly 0.7. the r2 then indicates solar is responsible for (.7x.7=.49) roughly half.

we dont know what types of changing solar activity affect the climate (eg. clouds) but we know that somewhere in there are some important factors.

so how do climate models deal with solar? they take the least sensitive measurement TSI, which lumps all the wavelengths together and homogenizes it, and that is all that they look at.

if you look at the list of forcings in a climate model TSI is right down at the bottom with an impact of roughly 1%.

real world observations imply that solar is at least an order of magnitude more influential on climate than the models give it.

then, to make things worse, the influence that solar has in the real world is taken away and added to the remaining factors of climate models which over estimates both the significance and the certainty of CO2 as a climate driving force.

I believe that CO2 does influence temperatures to some extent but I also believe it has been grossly exaggerated.
fAiL s0n.

And the point is??

Last time I checked, "significant" means significant.............and whats more significant is the UN is saying it. I posted this up two or threee days ago and not a single climate k00k wanted anything to do with this thread..........it cant fall off the page fast enough.

Anyway....nobody knows whether sun activity really causes more warming or cooling........

Solar flare activity will heat up over next couple of years - Timesonline.com: Local News

...which is the whole point. Nobody knows dick about dick for certain about any of this shit.

And if climate deniers get their way, people will continue to not know dick about it. It's a symptom of the right-wing disease that there is a knee-jerk denial of all scientific research (climate, evolution, genetics, psychology, etc.). I assure you that the proponents of man made climate change, who include the vast vast majority of accomplished scientists in the world, are well aware that the sun has the impact you talk about in this thread. Because they've seen the data. I don't know how it is that an entire population of people (Republicans, conservatives, etc.) can so shamelessly and vehemently deny overwhelming evidence, hell any kind of evidence, at every turn.

I mean shit OJ must really not have killed that woman because despite the overwhelming evidence we found against him there was once piece of evidence, in the gigantic pile of evidence, that may or may not have been evidence to the contrary. Right? Is that what passes for critical thinking these days?

So by all means bump bump bump!!!

Don't you mean climate sceptics there mr. revisionist? No claim that has been made by your high priests has actually occured. Now, because they have failed so epically, they are pushing their "predictions" far into the next century (and in some cases millenia) so that they don't have to deal with any pesky observations that show they are full of crap.
Don't you mean climate sceptics there mr. revisionist? No claim that has been made by your high priests has actually occured. Now, because they have failed so epically, they are pushing their "predictions" far into the next century (and in some cases millenia) so that they don't have to deal with any pesky observations that show they are full of crap.

I know that the trends should be worrisome to everyone. By no means am I one of those people who wants to regulate, regulate, regulate. Hell I plan on buying a super gas guzzling car in the near future.

What I'm saying is that rather than deny that actual atmospheric processes are happening, try to come up with a solution. Right now the argument is:

Climate change proponents: Ban fossil fuels because humans are wicked!

Climate "skeptics" (grr westwall ya jerk): Science is not real raaaaawwwwr!

What the argument needs to become is:

How do we make sure that climate change does not affect anything?

And don't get it twisted; climate change is affecting a lot. So what should we do? And for the love of God start trying to stop people from saying "nothing."
the funny thing is.....guys like westwall, Anthony Watts, and many other climate skeptics actually live environmentally clean lives. they are totally against REAL pollution, just not fake pollution like CO2 or the nonsensical term 'carbon'.
Don't you mean climate sceptics there mr. revisionist? No claim that has been made by your high priests has actually occured. Now, because they have failed so epically, they are pushing their "predictions" far into the next century (and in some cases millenia) so that they don't have to deal with any pesky observations that show they are full of crap.

I know that the trends should be worrisome to everyone. By no means am I one of those people who wants to regulate, regulate, regulate. Hell I plan on buying a super gas guzzling car in the near future.

What I'm saying is that rather than deny that actual atmospheric processes are happening, try to come up with a solution. Right now the argument is:

Climate change proponents: Ban fossil fuels because humans are wicked!

Climate "skeptics" (grr westwall ya jerk): Science is not real raaaaawwwwr!

What the argument needs to become is:

How do we make sure that climate change does not affect anything?

And don't get it twisted; climate change is affecting a lot. So what should we do? And for the love of God start trying to stop people from saying "nothing."

LMAO.......these people..........the connect the dots issues are profound. Which is why people like me and Westwall, Frank and Ian are pivotal around fantasy forums such as these.............

LMAO.......go tell the Chinese they need to "find a solution"!!!!!!!:up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


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