UN backs Iran deal, infuriating lawmakers from both parties


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
It is not like the democrats were not warned.

UN backs Iran deal infuriating lawmakers from both parties TheHill

The White House appeared to hope that the U.N. vote would build pressure on Congress to back the deal, but the strategy risked backfiring, with some Democrats scolding the administration for the decision.

Rep. Eliot Engel (N.Y.), the top Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee, joined panel Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) in a statement saying they were “disappointed” that the U.N. Security Council voted “before Congress was able to fully review and act on this agreement.”

“Regardless of this morning’s outcome, Congress will continue to play its role,” they added.

Administration officials fought back, countering that lawmakers still have two months to make up their minds.
Rep. Eliot Engel (N.Y.), the top Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee, joined panel Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) in a statement saying they were “disappointed” that the U.N. Security Council voted “before Congress was able to fully review and act on this agreement.”
Engel shouldn't be so transparent in regarding the UN Security Council as an arm of the US government.
What will be really amusing will be to see Congress refuse to ratify the deal, in which case the present agreement re sanctions against Iran immediately is dead in the water.

The US will then find itself isolated if it tries to uphold sanctions against Iran by threatening sanctions against those doing business with it.
Of course the UN approves. Anything so they don't have to deal with Iran.

Iran has never honored any agreement its ever made in reference to its nuclear program.

Any idiot who thinks this time they will is a moron.

Kerry and Barry can congratulate themselves all they want but this deal won't be honored any more than any of the other "deals" the mullahs made.

After all we are the Great Satan and they despise us.

Nuke the fuckers from orbit. End of problem.
Seems none of you get it. Corker already approved the deal months ago when he and the filth rubioites sold out. Im sure you are aware that corker made the deal effective as soon as it was signed before congress could even make a phony vote.
Doesn't matter. The "deal" isn't worth the paper its written on because the mullahs running Iran won't honor it.

Anyone who thinks this "deal" will be any better than any of the other "deals" that have been made is an idiot.
None of this matters. The deal is done Congress will do nothing and Obama's power will increase.TPA (fast track) was bitched about and passed and now we hear nothing. I am not surprised we have not heard how TPP was passed on a Sunday morning, maybe there are waiting for a holiday.
Doesn't matter. The "deal" isn't worth the paper its written on because the mullahs running Iran won't honor it.

Anyone who thinks this "deal" will be any better than any of the other "deals" that have been made is an idiot.
This deal allows US companies to compete with others for business opportunities in Iran as the sanctions become untenable to enforce. What exactly did you think was the point of it?
These will be hard times for Israel. Iran will surely get stronger after that nuclear deal and Israel is losing all its allies. We need to change our foreign policy in order to save Israel.

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