UN linked extremism expert says Trump could command supporters to turn violent


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A leftist extremism ‘analyst’ with ties to the UN has suggested that President Trump may call for violence, and that if he did, his supporters would follow the call to arms diligently.

UN Linked ‘Extremism Expert’ Says Trump Could Command Supporters To Turn Violent

Ever noticed the leftist are so fkn moronic and lie so badly so much they believe their own lies. They really think what they spew is true meanwhile it is as far from the truth as can be.

No different than if I posted on here I am Putins daughter and I stayed by that dam story do or die ...

Gawd you leftist are beyond mental case idiots.
A leftist extremism ‘analyst’ with ties to the UN has suggested that President Trump may call for violence, and that if he did, his supporters would follow the call to arms diligently.

UN Linked ‘Extremism Expert’ Says Trump Could Command Supporters To Turn Violent

Ever noticed the leftist are so fkn moronic and lie so badly so much they believe their own lies. They really think what they spew is true meanwhile it is as far from the truth as can be.

No different than if I posted on here I am Putins daughter and I stayed by that dam story do or die ...

Gawd you leftist are beyond mental case idiots.

Eh, ita not like Trump motivated hisbbase speaking patience and understanding.

Then his base takes it a bunch of steps further with all them nutty posts about Hispanics.

So yeah, some folks think, "we better watch this guy".
A leftist extremism ‘analyst’ with ties to the UN has suggested that President Trump may call for violence, and that if he did, his supporters would follow the call to arms diligently.

UN Linked ‘Extremism Expert’ Says Trump Could Command Supporters To Turn Violent

Ever noticed the leftist are so fkn moronic and lie so badly so much they believe their own lies. They really think what they spew is true meanwhile it is as far from the truth as can be.

No different than if I posted on here I am Putins daughter and I stayed by that dam story do or die ...

Gawd you leftist are beyond mental case idiots.

Eh, ita not like Trump motivated hisbbase speaking patience and understanding.

Then his base takes it a bunch of steps further with all them nutty posts about Hispanics.

So yeah, some folks think, "we better watch this guy".

Your panic mongering is noted and laughed at.

Remember when you morons were claiming he would get US into a nuclear war or cause the economy to collapse?

And you have not learned a thing.
Trump "COULD" issue a call for violence?-------of course he COULD---so
COULD I. Has he? Imams can issue calls for violence too----and explain that engaging in violence is a short-cut of Jannah------and they DO
Trump "COULD" issue a call for violence?-------of course he COULD---so
COULD I. Has he? Imams can issue calls for violence too----and explain that engaging in violence is a short-cut of Jannah------and they DO

That's different.

Different rules for different folks. That's the way lefties roll.
A leftist extremism ‘analyst’ with ties to the UN has suggested that President Trump may call for violence, and that if he did, his supporters would follow the call to arms diligently.

UN Linked ‘Extremism Expert’ Says Trump Could Command Supporters To Turn Violent

Ever noticed the leftist are so fkn moronic and lie so badly so much they believe their own lies. They really think what they spew is true meanwhile it is as far from the truth as can be.

No different than if I posted on here I am Putins daughter and I stayed by that dam story do or die ...

Gawd you leftist are beyond mental case idiots.

Eh, ita not like Trump motivated hisbbase speaking patience and understanding.

Then his base takes it a bunch of steps further with all them nutty posts about Hispanics.

So yeah, some folks think, "we better watch this guy".

Your panic mongering is noted and laughed at.

Remember when you morons were claiming he would get US into a nuclear war or cause the economy to collapse?

And you have not learned a thing.

Sorry to make you nervous but yeah, I think this Trump thing has gone better than it could have.

Like a baseball scout I give politicians ceilings and floors for projected performance.
A leftist extremism ‘analyst’ with ties to the UN has suggested that President Trump may call for violence, and that if he did, his supporters would follow the call to arms diligently.

UN Linked ‘Extremism Expert’ Says Trump Could Command Supporters To Turn Violent

Ever noticed the leftist are so fkn moronic and lie so badly so much they believe their own lies. They really think what they spew is true meanwhile it is as far from the truth as can be.

No different than if I posted on here I am Putins daughter and I stayed by that dam story do or die ...

Gawd you leftist are beyond mental case idiots.

Eh, ita not like Trump motivated hisbbase speaking patience and understanding.

Then his base takes it a bunch of steps further with all them nutty posts about Hispanics.

So yeah, some folks think, "we better watch this guy".

Your panic mongering is noted and laughed at.

Remember when you morons were claiming he would get US into a nuclear war or cause the economy to collapse?

And you have not learned a thing.

Sorry to make you nervous but yeah, I think this Trump thing has gone better than it could have.

Like a baseball scout I give politicians ceilings and floors for projected performance.

Your projections were the panic of people believing their own lies about their enemies.
Can those that voted for Trump turn to violence if Trump calls on them?

Sure, but have they done it much?


U.N. is praying for our Country to fall apart so they can put a International Force on our soil and usher in a new era of the One World Order and there are many here wishing for it...

( Not me )

I have written in the past about what will come and now here is another one.

If America does not watch herself she will be one day no longer and the One World Order will be in place.

Many elements are striving for the collapse of this great nation so they ( The One World Order ) can pick at her caucus while bringing on the end of times...

With every end there is a new beginning...

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