Unaccompanied children not fleeing violence, says Guatemala's first lady


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
I suppose the Left will call her a Liar.

Unaccompanied children not fleeing violence, says Guatemala's first lady (+video) - CSMonitor.com

Guatemala’s first lady Rosa Leal de Pérez traveled to the US-Mexico border earlier this month to see how the US is dealing with the surge of migrant children, many from her nation.

She called the situation a “humanitarian crisis” and said she believed the kids were primarily traveling to the US in order to reunite with family members. Ms. Leal de Pérez blamed US immigration policies for keeping families apart and parents for putting their kids at risk. Something she didn't find responsible? Violence back home.

“I can’t say violence isn’t a problem in our countries,” she said, referring to Central America’s northern triangle, which includes Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, and from where the majority of these young migrants are fleeing. But she said violence wasn’t the reason kids were heading north.

So, once again, it's our fault.
They have the highest murder rate in the world.

RWs will say that's the perfect place to raise kids.
It is a planned invasion. I would like to know what assistance the White House has given to this in order to ratchet up Latino vote in 2014 by trying to portray GOP as "racist children haters." This is all a political ploy by the left.
They have the highest murder rate in the world.

RWs will say that's the perfect place to raise kids.

They left because our government encouraged them to come and now we will have 300,000 more people to feed off the backs of tax paying Americans.

If the estimates of how many are trying to get here this year, is true.
I suppose the Left will call her a Liar.

Unaccompanied children not fleeing violence, says Guatemala's first lady (+video) - CSMonitor.com

Guatemala’s first lady Rosa Leal de Pérez traveled to the US-Mexico border earlier this month to see how the US is dealing with the surge of migrant children, many from her nation.

She called the situation a “humanitarian crisis” and said she believed the kids were primarily traveling to the US in order to reunite with family members. Ms. Leal de Pérez blamed US immigration policies for keeping families apart and parents for putting their kids at risk. Something she didn't find responsible? Violence back home.

“I can’t say violence isn’t a problem in our countries,” she said, referring to Central America’s northern triangle, which includes Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, and from where the majority of these young migrants are fleeing. But she said violence wasn’t the reason kids were heading north.

So, once again, it's our fault.

She is a liar.

When I was in Guatemala..for a week long vacation, one of the places that I was at, had a riot where two people were killed.

Additionally? Guatemala has been massacring women and children for quite some time.

In Central America, women killed ?with impunity? just because they?re women* - NY Daily News

Guatamala president: Human rights violations, accusations of genocide, partner with Mexican drug cartels, member of the Republican party.
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The parents are the ones fleeing the violence and utter shit that is Guatemala. The children are merely doing what any kid on Earth would do. They are following after their parents.
They have the highest murder rate in the world.

RWs will say that's the perfect place to raise kids.

It is a perfect place to raise kids. Guatemalan kids...in their own fucking country, not on my tax $$$$.

Lest anyone forget..

WASHINGTON, Jan. 3— After a six- year delay, the State Department today published the official documentation on American policy toward the overthrow of the leftist Government in Guatemala in 1954. But all material on the covert role of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Department was omitted.

Many books and articles have been written about the C.I.A.'s role in the invasion of Guatemala from Honduras by Guatemalan exiles who toppled the Government of President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman.

The secret American involvement was acknowledged in passing by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his memoirs. He noted that he overrode the State Department and approved a request by Allen W. Dulles, then Director of Central Intelligence, to supply bombers to the insurgents led by Col. Carlos Castillo Armas.

We've supported right wing dictators in the region for quite some time.

And as a result? Those countries have gone to shit.

NOW? You complain?

How about just getting the fuck out of there..
They aren't fleeing violence, they are exporting violence. Guatemala hasn't been invaded by some external criminal army. They are the criminals they are fleeing.
They aren't fleeing violence, they are exporting violence. Guatemala hasn't been invaded by some external criminal army. They are the criminals they are fleeing.

Yeah...those four and five year olds are some real hardened gang bangers, aren't they?

I swear you are one dumb ****.
I suppose the Left will call her a Liar.

Unaccompanied children not fleeing violence, says Guatemala's first lady (+video) - CSMonitor.com

Guatemala’s first lady Rosa Leal de Pérez traveled to the US-Mexico border earlier this month to see how the US is dealing with the surge of migrant children, many from her nation.

She called the situation a “humanitarian crisis” and said she believed the kids were primarily traveling to the US in order to reunite with family members. Ms. Leal de Pérez blamed US immigration policies for keeping families apart and parents for putting their kids at risk. Something she didn't find responsible? Violence back home.

“I can’t say violence isn’t a problem in our countries,” she said, referring to Central America’s northern triangle, which includes Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, and from where the majority of these young migrants are fleeing. But she said violence wasn’t the reason kids were heading north.

So, once again, it's our fault.

She is a liar.

When I was in Guatemala..for a week long vacation, one of the places that I was at, had a riot where two people were killed.

Additionally? Guatemala has been massacring women and children for quite some time.

In Central America, women killed ?with impunity? just because they?re women* - NY Daily News

Go to Chicago this weekend and see how many people get killed.....where should we send all those poor children in Chicago to get away from all the violence???....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::eek::eek::eek:
I suppose the Left will call her a Liar.

Unaccompanied children not fleeing violence, says Guatemala's first lady (+video) - CSMonitor.com

Guatemala’s first lady Rosa Leal de Pérez traveled to the US-Mexico border earlier this month to see how the US is dealing with the surge of migrant children, many from her nation.

She called the situation a “humanitarian crisis” and said she believed the kids were primarily traveling to the US in order to reunite with family members. Ms. Leal de Pérez blamed US immigration policies for keeping families apart and parents for putting their kids at risk. Something she didn't find responsible? Violence back home.

“I can’t say violence isn’t a problem in our countries,” she said, referring to Central America’s northern triangle, which includes Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, and from where the majority of these young migrants are fleeing. But she said violence wasn’t the reason kids were heading north.

So, once again, it's our fault.

She is a liar.

When I was in Guatemala..for a week long vacation, one of the places that I was at, had a riot where two people were killed.

Additionally? Guatemala has been massacring women and children for quite some time.

In Central America, women killed ?with impunity? just because they?re women* - NY Daily News

You vacationed there.
We have riots and murders here.

Think about it.
They have the highest murder rate in the world.

RWs will say that's the perfect place to raise kids.

It is a perfect place to raise kids. Guatemalan kids...in their own fucking country, not on my tax $$$$.

Lest anyone forget..

WASHINGTON, Jan. 3— After a six- year delay, the State Department today published the official documentation on American policy toward the overthrow of the leftist Government in Guatemala in 1954. But all material on the covert role of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Department was omitted.

Many books and articles have been written about the C.I.A.'s role in the invasion of Guatemala from Honduras by Guatemalan exiles who toppled the Government of President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman.

The secret American involvement was acknowledged in passing by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his memoirs. He noted that he overrode the State Department and approved a request by Allen W. Dulles, then Director of Central Intelligence, to supply bombers to the insurgents led by Col. Carlos Castillo Armas.

We've supported right wing dictators in the region for quite some time.

And as a result? Those countries have gone to shit.

NOW? You complain?

How about just getting the fuck out of there..

That was back when the USA stood-up to stop global communism. Now we embrace it from within by electing Barack Hussein Obama as POTUS>
The new President is linked with this one:

Former Guatemalan leader Efraín Ríos Montt was found guilty in May 2013 of genocide and crimes against humanity, the first time that any head of state has been convicted of genocide in a national court. The ruling was overturned on procedural grounds days later, however, and a new trial is scheduled for January 2015. The Attorney General’s Office has made progress on other prominent human rights cases, though impunity remains high. The mandate of the United Nations International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), which since 2007 has supported efforts to investigate and prosecute organized crime, was extended for two years in September. President Otto Pérez Molina has said that this will be the commission’s final term.
They have the highest murder rate in the world.

RWs will say that's the perfect place to raise kids.

Yeah, and you like Chicago.

You put one of their politicians in the Whitehouse

You must love murder you murder facilitator.

They have the highest murder rate in the world.
No we don't you stupid fuck! We are not even close.

These 10 Countries Have The World's Highest Murder Rates


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