Unarmed Mexican citizens fired on by soldiers....yeah, they don't need guns...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
One of the four reasons people need guns....when the government is murdering it's own people...

This is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace Mexican Soldiers Open Fire on Unarmed Civilians Edition - The Truth About Guns

In this video I would recommending beginning around 1:30, before then is wasted shaky footage. View the video keeping in mind the government said those killed and wounded, mostly children, was due to the firing of weapons from armed citizens. They had to revise the story after videos appeared showing citizens were not armed, except for those armed with black painted sticks.

The government then said government forces, “shot into the air”, which may have resulted in some people being hit. Witnesses, including tourists said soldiers indiscriminately shot at anything, buildings, people outside, anything. Some people were hit simply sitting inside their homes.

This action by federal forces goes even beyond extrajudicial killings of late, these amount to the slaughter of innocents. This event stemmed from the arrest of the Indigenous autodefensa leader Semei Verdia on July 19th.

In this footage heard is a barrage of weapons firing into an area where people were outside. A 17 year old boy named Delfino Antonio Alejo, is taking bean tacos to his father when he is shot in the back. People gather around the boy, and an American, who was blocked from travelling further because of the roadblocks, offers to take the child to Colima for medical assistance. His voice can be heard at the end of the video.
Another CLASSIC demonstration of WHY one needs not only High Cap Mags, but High Cap Mags in state of the art, fully automatic weapons.
You guys must be really mad at people who don't want to sell to Muslims them? How will they protect themselves, and guns are for protection eh?
I have seen muslims at the gun store I go to....and it makes me wonder.....at the same time I would not deny them their legal right to arms if they are citizens...if not citizens...no guns for you........and if they use guns to commit acts of terrorism...arrest or kill them and lock them up.....
I have seen muslims at the gun store I go to....and it makes me wonder.....at the same time I would not deny them their legal right to arms if they are citizens...if not citizens...no guns for you........and if they use guns to commit acts of terrorism...arrest or kill them and lock them up.....
Seems you wouldn't want non-citizens in the US armed forces then?
I have seen muslims at the gun store I go to....and it makes me wonder.....at the same time I would not deny them their legal right to arms if they are citizens...if not citizens...no guns for you........and if they use guns to commit acts of terrorism...arrest or kill them and lock them up.....
Seems you wouldn't want non-citizens in the US armed forces then?

Depends...I would be suspicious of people from muslim countries.....but everyone else.....and it would depend on the numbers...I had a guy in my basic training company from Grenada....wanted to be an American Citizen....so there is a place for them.....
I have seen muslims at the gun store I go to....and it makes me wonder.....at the same time I would not deny them their legal right to arms if they are citizens...if not citizens...no guns for you........and if they use guns to commit acts of terrorism...arrest or kill them and lock them up.....
Seems you wouldn't want non-citizens in the US armed forces then?
Being a NON citizen in the armed forces is one of the OLDEST paths to citizenship in this country.
I have seen muslims at the gun store I go to....and it makes me wonder.....at the same time I would not deny them their legal right to arms if they are citizens...if not citizens...no guns for you........and if they use guns to commit acts of terrorism...arrest or kill them and lock them up.....
Seems you wouldn't want non-citizens in the US armed forces then?
Being a NON citizen in the armed forces is one of the OLDEST paths to citizenship in this country.
Yes, I'm aware of that, and that changes my point not at all...
The military does not all them guns...that is a civilians usage...
I have seen muslims at the gun store I go to....and it makes me wonder.....at the same time I would not deny them their legal right to arms if they are citizens...if not citizens...no guns for you........and if they use guns to commit acts of terrorism...arrest or kill them and lock them up.....
Seems you wouldn't want non-citizens in the US armed forces then?

Depends...I would be suspicious of people from muslim countries.....but everyone else.....and it would depend on the numbers...I had a guy in my basic training company from Grenada....wanted to be an American Citizen....so there is a place for them.....
And when off-duty, does he not have a right to protect himself even though he's a non-citizen?
I have seen muslims at the gun store I go to....and it makes me wonder.....at the same time I would not deny them their legal right to arms if they are citizens...if not citizens...no guns for you........and if they use guns to commit acts of terrorism...arrest or kill them and lock them up.....
Seems you wouldn't want non-citizens in the US armed forces then?

Depends...I would be suspicious of people from muslim countries.....but everyone else.....and it would depend on the numbers...I had a guy in my basic training company from Grenada....wanted to be an American Citizen....so there is a place for them.....
And when off-duty, does he not have a right to protect himself even though he's a non-citizen?

No. Non citizen is non citizen....unless they are in the military. Then an exemption can be made since they would be targets of our enemies as well as other soldiers would be.
One of the four reasons people need guns....when the government is murdering it's own people...

This is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace Mexican Soldiers Open Fire on Unarmed Civilians Edition - The Truth About Guns

In this video I would recommending beginning around 1:30, before then is wasted shaky footage. View the video keeping in mind the government said those killed and wounded, mostly children, was due to the firing of weapons from armed citizens. They had to revise the story after videos appeared showing citizens were not armed, except for those armed with black painted sticks.

The government then said government forces, “shot into the air”, which may have resulted in some people being hit. Witnesses, including tourists said soldiers indiscriminately shot at anything, buildings, people outside, anything. Some people were hit simply sitting inside their homes.

This action by federal forces goes even beyond extrajudicial killings of late, these amount to the slaughter of innocents. This event stemmed from the arrest of the Indigenous autodefensa leader Semei Verdia on July 19th.

In this footage heard is a barrage of weapons firing into an area where people were outside. A 17 year old boy named Delfino Antonio Alejo, is taking bean tacos to his father when he is shot in the back. People gather around the boy, and an American, who was blocked from travelling further because of the roadblocks, offers to take the child to Colima for medical assistance. His voice can be heard at the end of the video.

Not to mention, the drug cartels who can roll into towns and murder everyone, knowing there will be zero resistance from helpless people.. The video is hard to figure out though

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