Unbalanced outrage: Didn't Obama order drone strikes of American citizens?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Ok, so I have always been supportive of sitting American presidents. I have the utmost respect for democracy and the free elections that exist in liberty loving nations like America. Leaders are elected by the people, not ordained by blood, so I respect the outcomes as everyone should.

What I don't understand is why there is so much outrage over the denial of entry of some countries, something Obama did in 2011 against Iraq without a single protest while other issues received a free pass. For instance, how Obama was allowed to freely order the assassination of U.S citizens without trial and not a peep from protesters or civil libertarians, save for Rand Paul. Does this make any sense whatsoever?

Look, being president is a difficult job. Trump was elected because he was an outsider, was going to be president of action, going to weaken the abuses in Washington and from lobbyists. This outrage, like the outrage last week and for the next four years is planned and crafted. Unless these same people cared about the abuses by former governments, than it is difficult for me to take it seriously.

Hey, everyone has a right to protest and voice their dismay. If you don't accept the results are are "outraged" simply because your horse didn't win, well, I suggest you leave for Canada. Hell I will trade places with you, we aren't living in some Utopia I can assure you.

God Bless America!
No, Obama did not deny entry. Please stop repeating that tired lie.

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011
President Obama never imposed a six-month ban on Iraqi processing. For several months in 2011, there was a lower level of Iraqi resettlement, as the government implemented certain security enhancements. ... there was never a point during that period in which Iraqi resettlement was stopped, or banned.

And no, drone strikes on people actively fighting the USA are not a bad thing, even if they are American-born jihadis.

That is, there were no abuses comparable to this one. It's difficult to take you seriously until you stop misrepresenting liberals.
No, Obama did not deny entry. Please stop repeating that tired lie.

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011
President Obama never imposed a six-month ban on Iraqi processing. For several months in 2011, there was a lower level of Iraqi resettlement, as the government implemented certain security enhancements. ... there was never a point during that period in which Iraqi resettlement was stopped, or banned.

And no, drone strikes on people actively fighting the USA are not a bad thing, even if they are American-born jihadis.

That is, there were no abuses comparable to this one. It's difficult to take you seriously until you stop misrepresenting liberals.

So you don't like Trumps Executive Order, but you accept drone strikes of American citizens without trial or presentation of evidence? So much for Due Process I guess.
Ok, so I have always been supportive of sitting American presidents. I have the utmost respect for democracy and the free elections that exist in liberty loving nations like America. Leaders are elected by the people, not ordained by blood, so I respect the outcomes as everyone should.

What I don't understand is why there is so much outrage over the denial of entry of some countries, something Obama did in 2011 against Iraq without a single protest while other issues received a free pass. For instance, how Obama was allowed to freely order the assassination of U.S citizens without trial and not a peep from protesters or civil libertarians, save for Rand Paul. Does this make any sense whatsoever?

Look, being president is a difficult job. Trump was elected because he was an outsider, was going to be president of action, going to weaken the abuses in Washington and from lobbyists. This outrage, like the outrage last week and for the next four years is planned and crafted. Unless these same people cared about the abuses by former governments, than it is difficult for me to take it seriously.

Hey, everyone has a right to protest and voice their dismay. If you don't accept the results are are "outraged" simply because your horse didn't win, well, I suggest you leave for Canada. Hell I will trade places with you, we aren't living in some Utopia I can assure you.

God Bless America!

Yep, he even joked about it on national television. Link below. This joking about murdering people from a distance is a true indicator that obama is a psychopath. Trump's just a president trying to keep America safe, but the Trump haters haven't the intelligence to figure this out.

So you don't like Trumps Executive Order, but you accept drone strikes of American citizens without trial or presentation of evidence? So much for Due Process I guess.

According to your logic, we can't even shoot back at American-born jihadis.

That's why nobody takes you cranks seriously, among many other reasons.

So, any other jihadis you want to defend?
It is called paid for, fabricated outrage.
Ok, so I have always been supportive of sitting American presidents. I have the utmost respect for democracy and the free elections that exist in liberty loving nations like America. Leaders are elected by the people, not ordained by blood, so I respect the outcomes as everyone should.

What I don't understand is why there is so much outrage over the denial of entry of some countries, something Obama did in 2011 against Iraq without a single protest while other issues received a free pass. For instance, how Obama was allowed to freely order the assassination of U.S citizens without trial and not a peep from protesters or civil libertarians, save for Rand Paul. Does this make any sense whatsoever?

Look, being president is a difficult job. Trump was elected because he was an outsider, was going to be president of action, going to weaken the abuses in Washington and from lobbyists. This outrage, like the outrage last week and for the next four years is planned and crafted. Unless these same people cared about the abuses by former governments, than it is difficult for me to take it seriously.

Hey, everyone has a right to protest and voice their dismay. If you don't accept the results are are "outraged" simply because your horse didn't win, well, I suggest you leave for Canada. Hell I will trade places with you, we aren't living in some Utopia I can assure you.

God Bless America!
What I don't understand is why there is so much outrage over the denial of entry of some countries, something Obama did in 2011 against Iraq without a single protest while other issues received a free pass.
You are parroting the usual lying propaganda outlets.

Sorry, Mr. President: The Obama Administration Did Nothing Similar to Your Immigration Ban

More importantly, while the flow of Iraqi refugees slowed significantly during the Obama administration’s review, refugees continued to be admitted to the United States during that time, and there was not a single month in which no Iraqis arrived here. In other words, while there were delays in processing, there was no outright ban.

Try thinking for yourself. Your propaganda outlets absolutely depend on you rubes having memories like that of goldfish.

For instance, how Obama was allowed to freely order the assassination of U.S citizens without trial and not a peep from protesters or civil libertarians, save for Rand Paul. Does this make any sense whatsoever?

That American citizen was actively engaged in warfare against the United States, and it wasn't like he was just down the block where the metro police could arrest him. Being at war against the United States put him squarely in the same category as an enemy soldier at Omaha Beach.

Does your idiocy at not grasping this simple concept make any sense whatsoever?
The fact is I followed the election process closer than most, I would bet more than most on this forum. Due to my work hours at the time and my interest in this particular election I follow the entire primary process, every debate, soundbyte and controversy. This is what I have concluded:

No matter WHAT Trump does will not matter. His Democratic opposition will organize protests. These protests can't even be taken seriously because they protested the day after he was democratically elected. Nothing waters down your arguments more than protesting simply because your candidate didn't win. He could literally ask the democrats what they want him to do, he could do it, and protests would hit the streets an hour later.

I'm a pragmatic person and I just so happen to really love and respect Americas democracy and support for liberty. I've seen the contrary in Canada, and it isnt pretty. Therefore, this will continue for four more years, and Trump will continue to defy those looking to undermine his authority. The authority he earned by winning 33 states. He said it was America first, always. It's why he won.

We should all support the right to protest, but I don't think too many of us are naive to believe that there isn't a clear agenda from the Democrats. They are scared out of their wits that he will succeed. Im guessing they don't even want him to succeed, which is really disgusting to me. I supported Rand Paul and Rubio, I wanted one of them to be president. Trump is now the president. I will support him, and so should Americans.

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