Under Biden US reaches Energy Independence!!!! thanks Biden

If oil production is so up, why are we importing more and begging other countries to provide more of it to us?

I am cheerleading nothing, just disputing you ever changing claims as to what is going on. It is Bidens fault for closing the pipelines and banning new oil exploring and development so that in fact we are producing LESS oil than when Trump was in office, caused by the policies of the moron in charge.

You know this because you are constantly trying to change the claims that you made in your OP. Your constant wriggling and deflection to include the entire world in your claims after claiming that Biden has made us "energy independent" is a sure sign that you either don't know what you are talking about or are scared to be proven and have to admit that you are wrong. Either way you shy away from the truth in favor of your own false statements.
Oil production is up. Why would you ask me “if”? It’s a demonstrative fact. Last month of Trumps reign was 11.0M barrels a day, it’s 11.6M now. That is up. Thanks Biden!
Oil production is up. Why would you ask me “if”? It’s a demonstrative fact. Last month of Trumps reign was 11.0M barrels a day, it’s 11.6M now. That is up. Thanks Biden!
That is according to the Biden administration, a known source of lies just as you are. So my question stands, why is Biden begging other countries to increase production while limiting the same in this country? Why is he releasing the oil reserves if there is so much oil being produced? Why are so many idiots like you rushing to cover how his actions are hurting this country?
If we were energy independent we’d already have ceased imports of All Russian oil. We’re not. The thread headline is simply a lie.
That is according to the Biden administration, a known source of lies just as you are. So my question stands, why is Biden begging other countries to increase production while limiting the same in this country? Why is he releasing the oil reserves if there is so much oil being produced? Why are so many idiots like you rushing to cover how his actions are hurting this country?
You haven’t mentioned an action. You’re just being a bitch. Production is up under Biden from the same source that tracked it going up under Trump. No one disputes what I just said.

Our price is dependent on world dynamics. If you think anything we do will offset peoples war fears then you don’t know how markets work.

This isn’t a team sport. Don’t look to make up shit. Try to reason. We have 9,000 unused permits for drilling. Ask yourself why? Oil companies love the high prices. Never let a crisis go to waste.
You haven’t mentioned an action. You’re just being a bitch. Production is up under Biden from the same source that tracked it going up under Trump. No one disputes what I just said.

Our price is dependent on world dynamics. If you think anything we do will offset peoples war fears then you don’t know how markets work.

This isn’t a team sport. Don’t look to make up shit. Try to reason. We have 9,000 unused permits for drilling. Ask yourself why? Oil companies love the high prices. Never let a crisis go to waste.

Actually, the reason for the unused permits is because the Biden administration has refused to allow further development and drilling in the US. That alone blows y our false claims out of the water.

Funny how when you think you can praise your idol Biden for the world dynamics but refuse to see that he has caused the world dynamics to be as they are. You both claim that he can and cannot effect the world energy at the same time. Don't look to make up shit, as you said. You do it all the time and just refuse to admit it.

BTW, quite an assumption you make when you claim that I don't know how the world markets work with zero evidence to back it up but front as if you do know how they work, once again with zero evidence.

Your word is highly suspicious.
Oil production is up. Why would you ask me “if”? It’s a demonstrative fact. Last month of Trumps reign was 11.0M barrels a day, it’s 11.6M now. That is up. Thanks Biden!
Actually....the beginning of 2020 we were producing 13.0M....the drop started in March of 2020....because of COVID.
Probably something to do with less demand and less people working during the lockdowns. Biden still isn't meeting the demand.


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