Under Obama, 2011 sees worst new home sales totals in history

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
News Headlines

Last month Chris was bragging about how new home sales were up. Well here's the facts jack. Worst year in history. Time to change directions?
Course Obama won't. Hell, he didn't even mention this in his SOTU address.
Honestly, I think Obama is out of his depth with the problems this country faces. That's not really a criticism of him, I don't think career politicians are the right people to guide the country through this. Hence my support of Romney.

still blaming Obama for not fixing everything the right fucked up.

The people saw Bush crash the economy.

The people gave the tea party a try and all they did was try to keep anything from getting done and tried to crash the economy AGAIN!
Honestly, I think Obama is out of his depth with the problems this country faces. That's not really a criticism of him, I don't think career politicians are the right people to guide the country through this. Hence my support of Romney.

Your support of Romney makes perfect sense. I'm just not there

still blaming Obama for not fixing everything the right fucked up.

The people saw Bush crash the economy.

The people gave the tea party a try and all they did was try to keep anything from getting done and tried to crash the economy AGAIN!

Hahahaha? You find this issue a laughing matter? This issue is close to me, I don't find it funny.

And for the record even if I accept your premise that the right screwed it up........

Now how did you think we would get through this mess without foreclosures?

it also shows that the programs Obama implimented to keep the crash from going into a deep trough were successful.

Imagine if everything fell in the first year?

That is what Romeny says he wanted
Honestly, I think Obama is out of his depth with the problems this country faces. That's not really a criticism of him, I don't think career politicians are the right people to guide the country through this. Hence my support of Romney.

Your support of Romney makes perfect sense. I'm just not there

Question Gramps, are you still quasi still supporting Newt?
BTW Romeny made money off of people losing their homes

Please just go the fuck away, you're to fat for this conversation. Go ride your Obama dildo and tell yourself how great it is.

Dems have been in power sinse 2006 you lying asshat.
Honestly, I think Obama is out of his depth with the problems this country faces. That's not really a criticism of him, I don't think career politicians are the right people to guide the country through this. Hence my support of Romney.

Your support of Romney makes perfect sense. I'm just not there

Question Gramps, are you still quasi still supporting Newt?

If the election were today, yes, I would vote Newt.
Now how did you think we would get through this mess without foreclosures?

it also shows that the programs Obama implimented to keep the crash from going into a deep trough were successful.

Imagine if everything fell in the first year?

That is what Romeny says he wanted

I can imagine if everything was left the fuck alone and survived or collapsed of its own merits. Obama has drug this out to the point its hurting way longer than it should.
Your support of Romney makes perfect sense. I'm just not there

Question Gramps, are you still quasi still supporting Newt?

If the election were today, yes, I would vote Newt.

Does it bother you that Newt just admitted to lying about asking his X wife for an open marriage? That game changing momnet when Newt told off the Media and said his X lied.

Gingrich admits ABC claim was false - POLITICO.com

why would you expect NEW home sale to grow when there are so many exsisting homes on the market?

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