Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact

As we have repeatedly pointed out...

Far too many Republicans agree with the Buffalo mass murderer

It doesn't make it wrong. Of course your party wants to replace our population with a population of people that rely on welfare and doesn't give a damn about anything that is American. That's pretty treasonous on your part! We're not the one that should feel sorry for their actions but you should as you're committing the action that merits a great deal of anger.
It's going to be much higher than that very soon as the DHS prepares for an estimated 18K flooding in EVERY FUCKING DAY as soon as Title 42 is dropped.
Since you love illegals invading our country, how about if we send a few day's worth to your front yard?
Should be busy laying out minefields.
Its simple. Democrats cheat in multiple ways. Republicans don't cheat.
How can you cheat if the country is a level playing field where everyone is equal and your outcome is due to your own effort? What are you worried about being a minority?
I bet most of the scum entering this country will never frikin vote......lol

The ones that do will probably vote more conserv. This will all backfire

We need to eventually round up these millions and send them back

Raul Castro and others are emptying their prisons for us.......Remember Miami and Jimmy Carter......lololol

Boar loads of Cuban rapists and murderers
Those Cuban voters are the only reason Republicans win Florida elections you moron. 😄
In light of the incredible invasion of illegal aliens "Replacement Theory" seems to be a logical evidence based concern. Leave it to racist liberals to expand the theory with the preposterous notion that murder is part of it. Hatred will do strange things to your mind.

What is fascinating is that their slaves rush out to parrot it as though it is an attack......forgetting that they bragged about replacing other citizens with immigrants.

....and conveniently forget that Democrats admitted it was true:

"California Rep. Ted Lieu Demands GOP Denounce "Racist And Vile Replacement Theory" He Once Boasted About​



California Rep. Ted Lieu Demands GOP Denounce "Racist And Vile Replacement Theory" He Once Boasted About

In the wake of the mass shooting in Buffalo, California Rep Ted Lieu (D) has been tweeting nonstop partisan attacks suggesting Republicans are to blame for the shooting for
What is fascinating is that their slaves rush out to parrot it as though it is an attack......forgetting that they bragged about replacing other citizens with immigrants.

....and conveniently forget that Democrats admitted it was true:

"California Rep. Ted Lieu Demands GOP Denounce "Racist And Vile Replacement Theory" He Once Boasted About​



California Rep. Ted Lieu Demands GOP Denounce "Racist And Vile Replacement Theory" He Once Boasted About

In the wake of the mass shooting in Buffalo, California Rep Ted Lieu (D) has been tweeting nonstop partisan attacks suggesting Republicans are to blame for the shooting for
I don't mind bragging about your impending replacement, not like there's much you clowns can do about it. 😁
Why are you scared at being in the minority if there is no racism? Your argument is disingenuous. On one hand America is an even playing field for all. On the other hand you yell racist tropes of replacement in fear of being in the minority.

You can’t replace people you racist. If you are still here you’re not replaced.

What more is there to say.....you've made clear you are happy to be a Nazi, and bow down to the party, no matter what they advance.

But.....I never believe you were anything but.
How can you cheat if the country is a level playing field where everyone is equal and your outcome is due to your own effort? What are you worried about being a minority?
How can you cheat? By breaking US immigration Laws and having open borders, that's how.
If Republicans took total control of DC and deported all illegals, and made voting laws so democrats could never win another election, would you be upset about losing political power?
How can you cheat? By breaking US immigration Laws and having open borders, that's how.
If Republicans took total control of DC and deported all illegals, and made voting laws so democrats could never win another election, would you be upset about losing political power?

You may chalk it up to my being a pessimist, but I don't believe America has much of a future.
Not as the America I came here to be part of.

Under Democrats we are or are rapidly becoming a third world nation, with a lower standard of living, earners working to support Democrat illegal aliens.......

They've ended borders, enticed some 80 million illegals and told them to go and vote.
We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation, a noble experiment in self governing.
What more is there to say.....you've made clear you are happy to be a Nazi, and bow down to the party, no matter what they advance.

But.....I never believe you were anything but.
Cat got your tongue? We know the answer. You’re scarred shitless you won’t be able to associate yourself with the color of skin of your betters. It’s the only validation you get in life. You have skin color the same as the very few wealthy. Bwahahahaha. EXPOSED.
Nothing could be further from the truth.....but happy to have gotten under your scales.
Why should you have gotten under my scales? I'm happy to be part of the immigrant/mixed race/birth right citizenship brigade helping to demographically replace white Americans. No, darling I'm pretty Gucci considering you clowns can't do anything about it. 😁
Cat got your tongue? We know the answer. You’re scarred shitless you won’t be able to associate yourself with the color of skin of your betters. It’s the only validation you get in life. You have skin color the same as the very few wealthy. Bwahahahaha. EXPOSED.

No vulgarity.....even though I have put you in your place again.
Why should you have gotten under my scales? I'm happy to be part of the immigrant/mixed race/birth right citizenship brigade helping to demographically replace white Americans. No, darling I'm pretty Gucci considering you clowns can't do anything about it. 😁

No shock that you are a racist.....you support the Democrats.

Amazing that you brag about it.

Poor upbringing.
No shock that you are a racist.....you support the Democrats.

Amazing that you brag about it.

Poor upbringing.
The same Democratic party that is the most diverse political party in America? You sure you're not taking about the incredibly white Republican party, who's southern population and States make up the constituency that formerly left the union to persevere slavery and later fought hard to preserve segregation? They seem like the more obvious racists to me.

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