Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact

No vulgarity.....even though I have put you in your place again.
Meh. Did you ever posses debate skills or were you always this daft? I saw the thread questioning your mental slide but your in ability to address a simple paradox in your political position is quite telling. If this country is fair to minorities why are you so fearful of becoming a minority?
The same Democratic party that is the most diverse political party in America? You sure you're not taking about the incredibly white Republican party, who's southern population and States make up the constituency that formerly left the union to persevere slavery and later fought hard to preserve segregation? They seem like the more obvious racists to me.

"The same Democratic party that is the most diverse political party in America"

This Democrat Party, the one you feel most represents you:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
Meh. Did you ever posses debate skills or were you always this daft? I saw the thread questioning your mental slide but your in ability to address a simple paradox in your political position is quite telling. If this country is fair to minorities why are you so fearful of becoming a minority?

I ripped you to threads several times when you tried to slander America.

What's the prob?
If not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all.

And that applies to what we call "Replacement Theory."
Suddenly they feel that they can claim it a pejorative......but they bragged about using it for years.

"Many members of the “Democrat” Party and the “news” media are appalled that Tucker Carlson and other Republicans have supported the allegedly “racist” “Great Replacement theory” that the “Democrats” are using immigration to replace the “white” population in the United States by a non-white population. CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper solemnly warns that this “fringe” theory is taking over the Republican Party. Even late-night comics like Seth Meyers, important for the adolescent vote, are shocked, appalled and virtue-signaling because no one ever said any such thing. No one, of course, except such “fringe” figures as Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Ron Brownstein, Jennifer Rubin, Julien Castro, Anderson Cooper, Medi Hasan, John Berman, James Acosta, Julien Castro, Don Lemon and a host of other of our betters among the unaccountable Democrat-media elites.

Roland Martin even ventured overseas to BBC World News to brag about the plan,

You’re seeing white Americans who cannot stand the fact that America is changing, that the emerging majority are going to be Latino, African American, Asians, and Native Americans … But let’s all be honest. You all have been dealing with this in Europe. People have been complaining about African immigrants coming in. …You have white populations decreasing … We are seeing white folks in this country radicalized by Fox News, because they are listening to conservative radio and all they’re hearing about is … that they [non-whites] are replacing us [whites]."

The lie is that the fear is of blacks and browns replacing whites, when the real problem is uneducated, unskilled, far less law-abiding are brought in to replace Americans who work hard, obey the law, pay outrageous taxes.....and no longer vote Democrat.

America doesn't matter to the Democrats: only their power matters.
Meh. Did you ever posses debate skills or were you always this daft? I saw the thread questioning your mental slide but your in ability to address a simple paradox in your political position is quite telling. If this country is fair to minorities why are you so fearful of becoming a minority?


The bibliographic nature of her posts, citing sources, articles, quotes, and data as opposed to your talking points about minorities makes clear her debate skills are far superior to yours.
Demorats have trained their voters to see everything through the prism of race.
This issue is more correctly seen as a welfare, or economics, issue.

“In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
If this country is fair to minorities why are you so fearful of becoming a minority?

Furthermore, it doesn't occur to you that your definition of 'minority' does not match our definition.

Minority to you means 'race' whereas minority to us means 'a lesser number of.'

Meaning, that we know what a leftist majority would do to a conservative minority if that were to take place.
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"The same Democratic party that is the most diverse political party in America"

This Democrat Party, the one you feel most represents you:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
I don't know, it all sounds pretty wonderful to me. 😁

The bibliographic nature of her posts, citing sources, articles, quotes, and data as opposed to your talking points about minorities makes clear her debate skills are far superior to yours.
You’re ridiculous. Cut and paste nonsense with no point. He can’t answer the paradox he’s put himself in.
I appreciate your willingness to confirm the theory.

Many people here are denying it.

As I've pointed out in other threads, I'm not saying there's an official "program" in place to create a new majority, but you would have to be stupid not to see that that is exactly what the American left wants to have happen.
I don't know, it all sounds pretty wonderful to me. 😁
It only sounds wonderful until the shit hits the fan in the urban plantations.
Then they become hell holes, where only democrats live.
CA is on its way, good people and good jobs are leaving.
Chicago is another example of too many democrat policies.

When money gets tight, your democrat leaders will retire to their gated communities with their winnings.
Keeping America prosperous takes hard work. We'll see how it turns out in a few years.
Sure you did pal. You still haven’t explained how if America is so amazing for minorities then why you so worried about being one?
Like I said before, if the GOP wins big in November and in 2024 and re-writes election laws so democrats could never win you'd be apoplectic. Breaking US law to have open borders to allow migrants in to eventually gain democrat voters is illegal. So here's hoping the GOP wins very big in November and in 2024.
Sure you did pal. You still haven’t explained how if America is so amazing for minorities then why you so worried about being one?

Now, slime....you know that is not the issue.

The question is what business government has in replacing anyone.

You, being a mental slave to your god, goverment, you'd never question anything demands or asks of you.

You don't have American values.
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