Zone1 Understanding Trumps appeal

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Donald Trump is a misogynistic, billionaire felon. Here’s why Americans can’t stop voting for him

An interesting take on the phenomenon of trump support. The author seems to be making the case that trump voters recognise themselves in all of trumps failings and empathise with him.

I am not wholly sold on that view. There maybe an element of truth in it but a fact to remember is that Trump has never won the popular vote. in 16 and 20 he was well beaten but his supporters lived in the right places.

Is it the quality of his opponents. Hillary was seen as corrupt and Biden was seen as enfeebled. Both got more votes than trump tho.

So what is the attraction of this man ? Why is he the choice of so many ?

Donald Trump is a misogynistic, billionaire felon. Here’s why Americans can’t stop voting for him

An interesting take on the phenomenon of trump support. The author seems to be making the case that trump voters recognise themselves in all of trumps failings and empathise with him.

I am not wholly sold on that view. There maybe an element of truth in it but a fact to remember is that Trump has never won the popular vote. in 16 and 20 he was well beaten but his supporters lived in the right places.

Is it the quality of his opponents. Hillary was seen as corrupt and Biden was seen as enfeebled. Both got more votes than trump tho.

So what is the attraction of this man ? Why is he the choice of so many ?
LOL what an unbiased piece about Trump's appeal.
So what is the attraction of this man ? Why is he the choice of so many ?
the inevitable colossal failure of white liberal policy that can no longer be explained away by hypnotically and robotically uttering "racism" "misogyny" "xenophobia" when someone dare notice those failures is the answer tommy...trump isn't the answer but he is an antidote for the epic failure that has white liberals ready to circle the same drain europe went down.

Donald Trump is a misogynistic, billionaire felon. Here’s why Americans can’t stop voting for him

The overused phrases of misogynistic, billionaire, and felon with Trump don't hold the power you think it does; otherwise, you'd be equally as concerned with many professional athletes, Hollywood, and the other elites who fall into the same or similar bucket.

Donald Trump is a misogynistic, billionaire felon. Here’s why Americans can’t stop voting for him

An interesting take on the phenomenon of trump support. The author seems to be making the case that trump voters recognise themselves in all of trumps failings and empathise with him.

I am not wholly sold on that view. There maybe an element of truth in it but a fact to remember is that Trump has never won the popular vote. in 16 and 20 he was well beaten but his supporters lived in the right places.

Is it the quality of his opponents. Hillary was seen as corrupt and Biden was seen as enfeebled. Both got more votes than trump tho.

So what is the attraction of this man ? Why is he the choice of so many ?

Trumps failings? He is worth many billions. You ever meet a quiet, meek, overly diplomatic billionaire?

The reason for his popularity and that which the bought and sold media talking heads wont admit is that the "leaders" in the last 30 years have not helped their nation, instead they have sold them out for cheaper labour, handing over intellectual property (without reciprocal investment) with a lack of concern for civil liberties, religious freedom etc. They made excuses for Hillarys losses too. Didn't change one iota, they just installed another candidate.

If the West hadn't sold themselves out for easy money, Trump would have been laughed off of the stage in 2016. You don't need a guy to turn the apple cart over if all is well.

This is why I predict over and over that China is going to win. It may take a couple of decades but without question, unless the West elite and Establishment realize that they don't know as much as they think they do. Unless they acknowledge that they have been wrong for decades, only to transfer money into the hands of a few monarchs. The West will be lost.

If you don't believe my assertion that the West doesn't know what they think they do, do a deep dive into the loss of so many CIA agents and sources in 2010. 2010, under Obama! Surprised?

There have been numerous theories, but I don't want to digress too far. Some suggest Iranian intel with Chinese intel found out about this. Here is the shocking estimate by some, as much as 70% of CIAs global operations were impacted by whatever method(s) Chinese/Iranian intel used to identify all of these spies and sources.

I assure you, when the tables turn, the powerful and wealthy elite in the West will be answering to another leader and their money will have zero value. Just as Jack Ma or Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The communists will always win and their tentacles are long.

If I were China and I was looking at how to topple an empire, I would be employing exactly the same methods China has been, from the open border, shipping of poisons, feigning interest in climate change to force other nations to subvert their own economies and workers. It's brilliant. Shockingly though, the best and brightest in the West are on board. In short, they don't care about their own nation or patriotism as long as they accumulate cash. Cash which will become more and more worthless when staring down the barrel of a rifle and few citizens interesting in fight for you.

It will begin with the confiscation of businesses due to the new Chinese Espionage Act which created a broad, ambivalent definition of espionage. You'd think that the massive military build-up, innovation increase and sharp move in a different direction by China and their leaders would wake some up.

Their arrogance extends beyond my comprehension. Trump poses a major threat to this "global socialism". Which, by the way, will end in China ruling the world as the sole Super Power.
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Donald Trump is a misogynistic, billionaire felon. Here’s why Americans can’t stop voting for him

An interesting take on the phenomenon of trump support. The author seems to be making the case that trump voters recognise themselves in all of trumps failings and empathise with him.

I am not wholly sold on that view. There maybe an element of truth in it but a fact to remember is that Trump has never won the popular vote. in 16 and 20 he was well beaten but his supporters lived in the right places.

Is it the quality of his opponents. Hillary was seen as corrupt and Biden was seen as enfeebled. Both got more votes than trump tho.

So what is the attraction of this man ? Why is he the choice of so many ?
Here's one of the felons, its an obscenity how you fascists project your own evil onto your exact opposites, such is not happenstance, its evidence of extremely entrenched psychic pathology, as evidenced by recent assassination attempt by Crooks, every single fascist democrat is a peer to Crooks, every single one of you, all extraordinarily dangerous, all in perpetual state of psychotic delusion, by turning away from Trump you legitimately turn upon your very own best interests, an entire collective of suicidal lemming's demanding all fall in line with their long march to the cliffside.... :wink:

Donald Trump is a misogynistic, billionaire felon. Here’s why Americans can’t stop voting for him

An interesting take on the phenomenon of trump support. The author seems to be making the case that trump voters recognise themselves in all of trumps failings and empathise with him.

I am not wholly sold on that view. There maybe an element of truth in it but a fact to remember is that Trump has never won the popular vote. in 16 and 20 he was well beaten but his supporters lived in the right places.

Is it the quality of his opponents. Hillary was seen as corrupt and Biden was seen as enfeebled. Both got more votes than trump tho.

So what is the attraction of this man ? Why is he the choice of so many ?
Back pocket politics.

Just before the Pandemic the amount of disposable income every family had was a generous amount. People were interested in having children....

Since Biden took office double digit inflation, job losses and unemployment have eroded most of American citizens comfort stability.

People wish for the exact opposite of everything they saw Biden's presidency has produced including the volume of illegal immigrants.
The overused phrases of misogynistic, billionaire, and felon with Trump don't hold the power you think it does; otherwise, you'd be equally as concerned with many professional athletes, Hollywood, and the other elites who fall into the same or similar bucket.
Well I am not sure about where you live. But around here people who travel by private jet are usually seen as part of the "elite" and not opposed to it.
Back pocket politics.

Just before the Pandemic the amount of disposable income every family had was a generous amount. People were interested in having children....

Since Biden took office double digit inflation, job losses and unemployment have eroded most of American citizens comfort stability.

People wish for the exact opposite of everything they saw Biden's presidency has produced including the volume of illegal immigrants.
But trumps support predates biden. It goes back to 2015 at least.

Donald Trump is a misogynistic, billionaire felon. Here’s why Americans can’t stop voting for him

An interesting take on the phenomenon of trump support. The author seems to be making the case that trump voters recognise themselves in all of trumps failings and empathise with him.

I am not wholly sold on that view. There maybe an element of truth in it but a fact to remember is that Trump has never won the popular vote. in 16 and 20 he was well beaten but his supporters lived in the right places.

Is it the quality of his opponents. Hillary was seen as corrupt and Biden was seen as enfeebled. Both got more votes than trump tho.

So what is the attraction of this man ? Why is he the choice of so many ?
For the hundredth time, it''s NOT personal "attraction". He is the only non-Democrat in the last 50 years to have the guts to confront our Democrat corrupted Media and government. That is why for 8 years the Democrats have used every tool in their tool box to destroy him politically, personally and financially and damn near assassinate him.

I don't care if he uses blunt language and mean tweets. I don't want Mr. or Ms. Rogers as President we need a leader who will FIGHT for this country and who will remove the embedded rot from our various government agencies.
Here's one of the felons, its an obscenity how you fascists project your own evil onto your exact opposites, such is not happenstance, its evidence of extremely entrenched psychic pathology, as evidenced by recent assassination attempt by Crooks, every single fascist democrat is a peer to Crooks, every single one of you, all extraordinarily dangerous, all in perpetual state of psychotic delusion, by turning away from Trump you legitimately turn upon your very own best interests, an entire collective of suicidal lemming's demanding all fall in line with their long march to the cliffside.... :wink:
I think that is a bit extreme. I dont think it moves our understanding of trump any further forward.
Im picking up a vibe of people liking trump as a reaction of the status quo.
If that is correct why dont his supportere say why they support hin. ?
He is a divisive character. But I think it is a genuine attempt to understand. It baffles many of us.
you can't get past the lies of the hang on their every lie, you eat it up. The truth doesn't matter...actually. i think you would like to see America destroyed because...misery loves company.

Donald Trump is a misogynistic, billionaire felon. Here’s why Americans can’t stop voting for him

An interesting take on the phenomenon of trump support. The author seems to be making the case that trump voters recognise themselves in all of trumps failings and empathise with him.

I am not wholly sold on that view. There maybe an element of truth in it but a fact to remember is that Trump has never won the popular vote. in 16 and 20 he was well beaten but his supporters lived in the right places.

Is it the quality of his opponents. Hillary was seen as corrupt and Biden was seen as enfeebled. Both got more votes than trump tho.

So what is the attraction of this man ? Why is he the choice of so many ?
Maybe you Democrats who are so pathetic that you pretend to be foreigners should focus on the effects of Trump's policies vs. the effects of his opponents' policies.

Look at the price of gas, inflation, border security, crime, and full-time union jobs after three and a half years of Biden vs. after three and a half years of Trump.

Look at the real numbers, not the spin of MSNBC. Don't listen to the lies of Biden himself about Trump's "9% inflation."

That will clear it up for you nicely.
He is a divisive character. But I think it is a genuine attempt to understand. It baffles many of us.
It can only be baffling tommy if you are blind to the excessive short comings of white liberal politics...once you recognize just how self defeating socialism is you will no longer wonder about any of these things, they become self-explanatory...Articles like the one in the link is/are just a lame attempt to keep you from thinking about what the real problem is.
Keep this in mind also:

Trump did not like Joe Biden, and he did not want to lose the election. He was "almost" desperate not to lose.

But Trump's Secret Service never allowed some twenty year-old kid to roam around a Biden rally looking suspicious, climb up on a roof overlooking the stage, and leisurely aim and shoot Biden.

He wasn't that desperate. Biden was.
I think that is a bit extreme. I dont think it moves our understanding of trump any further forward.
Im picking up a vibe of people liking trump as a reaction of the status quo.
If that is correct why dont his supportere say why they support hin. ?
i support him because he loves this country. I support him because we had peace for four years. Good economy, peace, great cost of living, America was respected again...and other countries had to pony up instead of being welchers. He is anti globalism, reasonable on climate and energy, wants to clean up the DC swamp which I AM UNAMBIGUOUSLY FOR. and more he did for this agreements, cowing our enemies...and on and on. He IS the best president of the 21st century and certainly at least, the last 30 years.
happy now? How many times does one of us have to tell you this?
Keep this in mind also:

Trump did not like Joe Biden, and he did not want to lose the election. He was "almost" desperate not to lose.

But his Secret Service never allowed some twenty year-old kid to roam around a Biden rally looking suspicious, climb up a room over looking the stages, and leisurely aim and shoot Biden.

He wasn't that desperate.
Joe hates Trump and was agreeable to cheating to win at any cost.

Oh...biden rally...that's amusing. LOLOL
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