Undocumented americans


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Biden: Undocumented immigrants 'already American citizens'

CNN's Sara Fischer
Washington (CNN) - Vice President Joe Biden echoed the West Wing’s “we can’t wait” mantra Thursday, telling a crowd at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Summit that “undocumented aliens” are already American citizens.

Biden: Undocumented immigrants ?already American citizens? ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

If the 11 million illegal aliens are making such a contribution, then why are we spending so much on welfare services for them and their children and we still have a $492 billion deficit? I don't see any crossing the border illegally with college degrees. How many of those children are members of violent gangs. Why are we giving money to South America to fight gangs. Our leaders are going to be the downfall of America.
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What is an "Undocumented American"

Video: Harry Reid said what?; “12 million undocumented Americans”
The concept of American citizenship is dead. Sen. Harry Reid drove the final nail in the coffin with his floor statement yesterday, in which he referred to the 12 million illegal aliens currently in the U.S. as “12 million undocumented Americans.” I’ve heard a lot of stupid euphemisms for illegal aliens, but that one takes the cake.
Michelle Malkin | » Video: Harry Reid said what?; ?12 million undocumented Americans?
wow just wow

you bleeding hearts who stands up for nothing would sell your country and fellow country men and women out to show how "caring" you are

follow Biden, Pelosi and Obama as they care more about illegal immigrants than they do you LEGAL citizens

YOU really believe they are looking out FOR YOUR BEST interest BY giving all these people Amnesty, OVER you the legal American citizen?
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What is an "Undocumented American"

Video: Harry Reid said what?; “12 million undocumented Americans”
The concept of American citizenship is dead. Sen. Harry Reid drove the final nail in the coffin with his floor statement yesterday, in which he referred to the 12 million illegal aliens currently in the U.S. as “12 million undocumented Americans.” I’ve heard a lot of stupid euphemisms for illegal aliens, but that one takes the cake.
Michelle Malkin | » Video: Harry Reid said what?; ?12 million undocumented Americans?

The politically pussified correct term for illegal alien.
Seeing threads like this gives me no hope for this country

when they will follow some idiot politician who is telling you, they care more for OTHERS than you and the hell if you all to fight all these new people for JOBS
I wonder how far you could get with a lawsuit to remove an elected official from office for blatantly violating his Oath of Office. All of them swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, yet they either ignore it or blatantly violate it every day. The Constitution defines who is a citizen; to propose any contrary definition or status is treasonous.
wow just wow

you bleeding hearts who stands up for nothing would sell your country and fellow country men and women out to show how "caring" you are

follow Biden, Pelosi and Obama as they care more about illegal immigrants than they do you LEGAL citizens

YOU really believe they are looking out FOR YOUR BEST interest BY giving all these people Amnesty, OVER you the legal American citizen?

obama said that illegals were the future. Not Americans, the illegals. It is the democrat intention that the American population be replaced.
wow just wow

you bleeding hearts who stands up for nothing would sell your country and fellow country men and women out to show how "caring" you are

follow Biden, Pelosi and Obama as they care more about illegal immigrants than they do you LEGAL citizens

YOU really believe they are looking out FOR YOUR BEST interest BY giving all these people Amnesty, OVER you the legal American citizen?

None of them are. None of them.
What they DO care about is getting their pay offs from corporate america.
Both left and right.
I wonder how far you could get with a lawsuit to remove an elected official from office for blatantly violating his Oath of Office. All of them swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, yet they either ignore it or blatantly violate it every day. The Constitution defines who is a citizen; to propose any contrary definition or status is treasonous.

Thank you
wow just wow

you bleeding hearts who stands up for nothing would sell your country and fellow country men and women out to show how "caring" you are

follow Biden, Pelosi and Obama as they care more about illegal immigrants than they do you LEGAL citizens

YOU really believe they are looking out FOR YOUR BEST interest BY giving all these people Amnesty, OVER you the legal American citizen?

obama said that illegals were the future. Not Americans, the illegals. It is the democrat intention that the American population be replaced.

People! Wake the fuck up!!!! They ALL do it. Tell me what the right did the last time they were in charge?
There is no such thing as an "undocumented American"

If you are an American then you have legal documentation proving it.

If you don't you are an illegal alien
What is an "Undocumented American"

Video: Harry Reid said what?; “12 million undocumented Americans”
The concept of American citizenship is dead. Sen. Harry Reid drove the final nail in the coffin with his floor statement yesterday, in which he referred to the 12 million illegal aliens currently in the U.S. as “12 million undocumented Americans.” I’ve heard a lot of stupid euphemisms for illegal aliens, but that one takes the cake.
Michelle Malkin | » Video: Harry Reid said what?; ?12 million undocumented Americans?

If a person who crosses the border in violation of immigration laws is an Undocumented American then a bank robber is nothing more than an Undocumented Account Holder.

Legal immigration is a very good thing. We can use a lot more people who meet the lawful requirements for citizenship: they must speak English (with certain exceptions for the aged), be of good character and be self supporting (not be a burden on society). There are a hell of a lot of native born Americans who do not meet those standards so an influx of legal immigrants would be an improvement.

However, no matter how you spin it illegal immigration is a very bad thing. Anyone who thinks those who cross the border illegally will not be a burden to our country is a tad delusional. Anyone who cares to look at those areas where there are high concentrations of illegals will find the local economies are suffering. Anyone who thinks that open borders is not a direct threat to the security of the Unites States is a fool. If millions of illegal immigrants and countless tons of drugs can come into the country then so can terrorists and their weapons.

For the record, I am a White male and I would feel totally comfortable if all my neighbors were Black African immigrants or Hispanic immigrants who met the legal requirement for citizenship. However, I would be pissed if I were surrounded by a bunch of border-crossing misfits of any race or culture who did not meet those simple and common sense requirements.

But, perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe our new national motto should be: “Open borders because we can trust people and everybody likes us.”
Anyone who would consider the flood of diseased, lice-ridden, dependent brats originating from all points as "productive citizens" is insane. But the purpose of the exercise is to provide a "path to citizenship", awarding these juvenile criminals the means to drag the rest of their diseased clan up here to squat, sucking the public tit and voting for liberals.
wow just wow

you bleeding hearts who stands up for nothing would sell your country and fellow country men and women out to show how "caring" you are

follow Biden, Pelosi and Obama as they care more about illegal immigrants than they do you LEGAL citizens

YOU really believe they are looking out FOR YOUR BEST interest BY giving all these people Amnesty, OVER you the legal American citizen?

obama said that illegals were the future. Not Americans, the illegals. It is the democrat intention that the American population be replaced.

People! Wake the fuck up!!!! They ALL do it. Tell me what the right did the last time they were in charge?

They will not wake.

It is like asking Zombies to wake up.
wow just wow

you bleeding hearts who stands up for nothing would sell your country and fellow country men and women out to show how "caring" you are

follow Biden, Pelosi and Obama as they care more about illegal immigrants than they do you LEGAL citizens

YOU really believe they are looking out FOR YOUR BEST interest BY giving all these people Amnesty, OVER you the legal American citizen?

Democrats care more for criminals than they do for veterans:

Senate Dems: illegal immigrant welfare over veteran benefits | The Daily Caller
Senate Republicans were unable to stop military pension cuts when Senate Democrats blocked a vote on an amendment to prevent the cuts by closing a welfare loophole for illegal immigrants Tuesday evening.

The two-year budget deal brokered by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, would cut military pensions by $6 billion over ten years, leaving some Senate Republicans scrambling to stop the cuts.

“Removing this unbalanced treatment of our military retirees ought to be one of the key actions we should take before this legislation moves forward. In fact, greater savings than this can be achieved by passing a legislative fix recommended by the Inspector General of the U.S. Treasury that would stop the IRS from improperly providing tax credits to illegal aliens,” Alabama Republican Jeff Sessions said Monday, announcing his co-sponsorship of Mississippi Republican Sen. Roger Wicker’s amendment to restore the military retirement benefits Monday.

Additionally, the Alabama Republican offered his own amendment to restore the cuts by targeting a child tax credit loophole that illegal immigrants have used to unlawfully obtain welfare benefits.

In 2011, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration found that “individuals who are not authorized to work in the United States” and therefore did not have a valid Social Security number were still able to obtain billions in Additional Child Tax Credits by filing returns with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.

Specifically the Internal Revenue Service watchdog found that unauthorized individuals received $4.2 billion refundable credits in Processing Year 2010.

Tuesday evening, Sessions attempted to force Majority Leader Harry Reid allow amendments the budget agreement.

Sessions hoped to attach his amendment to the deal — which would have closed the loophole by requiring a Social Security number to claim the refundable portion of the child tax credit and restore military retirement benefits.

Sessions’ motion failed on a 46 to 54 party-line vote, with North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan crossing the aisle as the lone Democrat to vote with the Republicans.

“Reid’s majority just voted to keep pension cut for vets instead of cutting welfare payments to illegal aliens,” a Sessions aide emailed.​
Fuck Democrats.
Biden: Undocumented immigrants 'already American citizens'

CNN's Sara Fischer
Washington (CNN) - Vice President Joe Biden echoed the West Wing’s “we can’t wait” mantra Thursday, telling a crowd at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Summit that “undocumented aliens” are already American citizens.

Biden: Undocumented immigrants ?already American citizens? ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

If the 11 million illegal aliens are making such a contribution, then why are we spending so much on welfare services for them and their children and we still have a $492 billion deficit? I don't see any crossing the border illegally with college degrees. How many of those children are members of violent gangs. Why are we giving money to South America to fight gangs. Our leaders are going to be the downfall of America.
It is illegal for states to give almost all forms of welfare to undocumented immigrants. It's also illegal to give them food stamps. Of course, some illegal immigrants receive some support because most undocumented immigrant families contain one or more US citizens or legal residents. The amount of support given to undocumented immigrants is grossly exaggerated for political purposes. No one really knows just what it cost, but the best estimates are 11 to 22 billion which is less than .6% of the federal budget.

There are certainly costs in handling undocumented immigrants. First, there's the cost of enforcement at the boarders, 18 billion a year and congress is considering 4.5 billion more. Then there the cost of detention, over 2 billion a year, several billion in lawyers, courts, and INS agents, and facilities. That's about 25 billion a year.

Undocumented immigrants do contribute a lot to our economy by doing jobs that few Americans will do as well as paying taxes. They pay taxes every time they buy gas, clothes or new appliances. They also contribute to property taxes—a main source of school funding—when they buy or rent a house, or rent an apartment. The Social Security Administration estimates that half to three-quarters of undocumented immigrants pay federal, state and local taxes, including $6 billion to $7 billion in Social Security taxes for benefits they will never get. They can receive schooling and emergency medical care and that's about it.

The biggest cost to the nation is not the cost of keeping illegals out, nor handling illegal immigrants, or supporting them. Rather it's the cost of having 11 billion people living in the shadows, that we are unable to deport nor integrate into our society.

10 Myths About Immigration | Teaching Tolerance
The US-Mexico border: Secure enough | The Economist
Focusing U.S. immigration detention costs | The Great Debate
Cost of Illegal Immigrants
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What is an "Undocumented American"

Video: Harry Reid said what?; “12 million undocumented Americans”
The concept of American citizenship is dead. Sen. Harry Reid drove the final nail in the coffin with his floor statement yesterday, in which he referred to the 12 million illegal aliens currently in the U.S. as “12 million undocumented Americans.” I’ve heard a lot of stupid euphemisms for illegal aliens, but that one takes the cake.
Michelle Malkin | » Video: Harry Reid said what?; ?12 million undocumented Americans?

The best example of an "undocumented American" is BARACK OBAMA.

The best example of a "mentally retarded American" is JOE BIDEN.
What is an "Undocumented American"

Video: Harry Reid said what?; “12 million undocumented Americans”
The concept of American citizenship is dead. Sen. Harry Reid drove the final nail in the coffin with his floor statement yesterday, in which he referred to the 12 million illegal aliens currently in the U.S. as “12 million undocumented Americans.” I’ve heard a lot of stupid euphemisms for illegal aliens, but that one takes the cake.
Michelle Malkin | » Video: Harry Reid said what?; ?12 million undocumented Americans?

If a person who crosses the border in violation of immigration laws is an Undocumented American then a bank robber is nothing more than an Undocumented Account Holder.

Legal immigration is a very good thing. We can use a lot more people who meet the lawful requirements for citizenship: they must speak English (with certain exceptions for the aged), be of good character and be self supporting (not be a burden on society). There are a hell of a lot of native born Americans who do not meet those standards so an influx of legal immigrants would be an improvement.

However, no matter how you spin it illegal immigration is a very bad thing. Anyone who thinks those who cross the border illegally will not be a burden to our country is a tad delusional. Anyone who cares to look at those areas where there are high concentrations of illegals will find the local economies are suffering. Anyone who thinks that open borders is not a direct threat to the security of the Unites States is a fool. If millions of illegal immigrants and countless tons of drugs can come into the country then so can terrorists and their weapons.

For the record, I am a White male and I would feel totally comfortable if all my neighbors were Black African immigrants or Hispanic immigrants who met the legal requirement for citizenship. However, I would be pissed if I were surrounded by a bunch of border-crossing misfits of any race or culture who did not meet those simple and common sense requirements.

But, perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe our new national motto should be: “Open borders because we can trust people and everybody likes us.”
No we don't need to open our boarder. We just need to intact immigration laws that make sense and are enforceable in order to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants.

Modify the 2002 and 2008 legislation so that unescorted Central American minors can be treated like Mexican minors and turned around in 72 hours.

Eliminate the detention quote that requires ICE to keep an average of 34,000 detainees per day in its custody, a quota that has steadily risen since it was established in 2006.

Put more emphasis on tracking people with expired visas. Most illegal residents in the country came here legally; they just didn't leave.

Cut off the supply of jobs available to illegal immigrants by cracking down on employers that hire illegals. Also provide a more usable verification system.

Increase the number of 10 month agricultural workers and enforce the return policy.

Make it easier for people to visit families in the US.

Provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrant children and adults provided they meet requirements that clearly show that they have developed the qualities to become an asset to their community and the nation.

For high skilled workers, provide a fast path to a green card that does not reduce available quotes.

Revise the quote system keeping the total number for all countries the same but allows unused quotas to be distributed among other countries.
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