Undoing obama's damage to America


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
No American president has ever done more damage to American national security or America’s standing in the world than Barack Obama. We’ve never had a president quite like him before. I think the damage is attributable to his rabid belief in the myths of the left-wing critique of the United States. We will be living with the damage he has done for a long time to come (if we are lucky, I guess).

Obama spent millions hiding his college records and others. Why does he have at least 4 different social security numbers assigned to him? His school records are still sealed... and all up until he "released his birth certificate" he spent MILLIONS on lawyers hiding it. You dont do that unless you a cockroach in the dark hiding something.
I would say that the most damaging President that this nation has ever had was Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was the first President to wage open war against our Constitution, and against the principles upon which it is based, and against the principles on which this nation was founded. It was the precedents that were set and allowed to take root during his administration that have made further deterioration of the Constitutional basis of our government possible under future administrations, up to an including that of Barack Obama. The vast majority of the damage that Obama has done would not have been possible without the precedents set by FDR.
His goal was to transform America and he succeeded. It has transformed into a much nastier divided weaker country since he took office.

So you're going to do that by going to war with iran(3-8 trillion more dollars), abolishing our clean air, water and food standards and tell people that they can't marry the person that they love?

Doing away with regulations that stop another recession or depression.

I would say that the most damaging President that this nation has ever had was Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was the first President to wage open war against our Constitution, and against the principles upon which it is based, and against the principles on which this nation was founded. It was the precedents that were set and allowed to take root during his administration that have made further deterioration of the Constitutional basis of our government possible under future administrations, up to an including that of Barack Obama. The vast majority of the damage that Obama has done would not have been possible without the precedents set by FDR.

Clueless. Weird how you can talk about the constitution without any understanding of it. Judical review and case law gives the congress the power to help its people, but it seems to me that you'd rather America remained a third world power and watched its people suffer.

Eat shit.
There is NOT a damn thing within the constitution that forbids the federal government from doing the will of the people. Not a thing that forbids it from taking our country of the third world that it was before the 20th century as it did. Thankfully, assholes like you lost.
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Clueless. Weird how you can talk about the constitution without any understanding of it. Judical[sic] review and case law gives the congress the power to help its people, but it seems to me that you'd rather America remained a third world power and watched its people suffer.

The Constitution is the highest law in this nation,and it says what is written in it; not what some corrupt judge or legislator “interprets” it to say in direct opposition to what it actually says.

What you call “judicial review” is lawlessness and corruption.

America used to be the greatest nation on Earth,and that was when it upheld the Constitution and the rule of law thereunder. It is the growing corruption and overreach of an out-of-control government that has been the cause of much suffering in this nation, and which threatens to take us out of first-world status.

There is NOT a damn thing within the constitution that forbids the federal government from doing the will of the people. Not a thing that forbids it from taking it out of the third world that it was before the 20th century.

Well,nothing except that pesky Tenth Amendment, which rivals the Second as the most openly disobeyed; which clearly limits the legitimate power and authority of the federal government to those duties explicitly delegated thereto under the Constitution. The vast majority of what the federal government now does, it does illegally, in violation of the Tenth Amendment. As I said, lawlessness and corruption.
People live longer,
We have a much higher quality of life
Much larger percentage of the population enjoy that quality
Modern society couldn't work without the government institutions

None of the developments that made us a world power in the 20th century and improved the lot for the poor and the middle classes would of ever happened if it wasn't for the federal government and the unions. period.

Sorry, but the 18th century should stay in the 18th century as most people wouldn't much like the results of going back to that time. You're wrong but if you were right I'd support new amendments to the constitution to avoid this.
Most of obama's crap won't stick. The battle with be in the regulatory areas. The reality is we need to get rid of a lot of these regulations.

Obama passed very few things. His crap is the climate change agreement with the UN that instead of him taking it to the senate for debate he used executive powers and adjusted an already approved agreement to fit his liking. There are a lot of things like that we are stuck with .... Unless trump just says no we aren't doing it.
There is NOT a damn thing within the constitution that forbids the federal government from doing the will of the people. Not a thing that forbids it from taking our country of the third world that it was before the 20th century as it did. Thankfully, assholes like you lost.

Matthew goes through life being a Rumpswab for Obama.

What a sad lot.
If Americans really had to live without the fda, epa, infrastructure funding, and the thousands of other things we'd look like Haiti. I can assure you at that point the American people would vote for a new constitution if it was ever found that this was the reality of our current one.

Thankfully, it isn't.

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