Unelected Regime Begins Killing Spree in Eastern Ukraine


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
LINK: Land Destroyer: Unelected Regime Begins Killing Spree in Eastern Ukraine

April 25, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci – NEO) – Deadly clashed broke out as the unelected regime occupying Kiev attempted to restart what it is calling “anti-terror” operations in eastern Ukraine where anti-fascist protesters have begun rising up. Several have been killed during clashes in the eastern Ukrainian town of Slavyansk where Kiev has set armored vehicles and helicopter gunships upon its own population.

The Western media continues to refer to those opposing the unelected regime in Kiev as “pro-Russian,” and continues to insist that the uprising in the east is either backed by Moscow or in fact, being carried out directly by Russians operating in Ukrainian territory. However, the US and EU have failed categorically to prove such claims with evidence, and have since been caught circulating falsified images and news in attempts to bolster their claims.

The current regime in Kiev came to power at the height of the so-called “Euromaidan” protests where admittedly armed Neo-Nazi militants seized power, ransacking the headquarters of their political opponents and driving out the elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych. While the armed, violent seizure of power was initially covered up by the Western media, the BBC itself would later admit in a short video report that indeed armed Neo-Nazi militants spearheaded the coup.

Image: Via the BBC, heavy attack helicopters were seen buzzing the Ukrainian people in the restive east in attempts to terrorize the population into submission. The use of heavy war weapons against protesters is disproportionate and has been regularly described as a “war crime” by the West where it claims it has been done in Libya, Syria, and Egypt. Such hypocrisy further undermines the West’s agenda not only in Ukraine, but elsewhere around the world where its credibility and influence are in irreversible decline.

The nature of the regime in Kiev is also being papered over by the Western media, covering up the fact that the two main opposition parties that seized power, Svoboda and “Fatherland,” are in fact led by a collection of Neo-Nazis, bigots, racists, and anti-Semites. In a desperate attempt to cover up this lack of legitimacy, the West has sent many high level officials including a leading US Senator and the US Vice President to Kiev to lend both political and material support.

The latest visit by Vice President Joseph Biden appears to have been timed specifically to help coordinate a renewed push into eastern Ukraine, after Ukrainian troops surrendered en masse last week – refusing to carry out operations against their fellow countrymen.

Reports indicate that Kiev has now turned to fanatical ultra-right militant groups in an attempt to put down growing unrest against the unelected regime. The Voice of Russia reported in its article, “Ukrainian Right Sector says it will join crackdown on pro-federalization protesters,” that:

The ultranationalist Ukrainian Right Sector movement said Thursday members of organization will join paramilitary units currently being formed to crackdown on pro-federalization protests in eastern Ukraine. The movement said in a statement on its website that its members will join so-called “battalions of territorial defense” and military units.

Right Sector was an important force at the Euromaidan protests that began in November in Kiev. Its members were notorious for using clubs, Molotov cocktails, and firearms against Ukrainian police during the protests, and for wearing Nazi-inspired insignia.

Image: Ultra-right Neo-Nazi militants have been seen across Ukraine in
possession of heavy weapons, including armored vehicles flying not the
Ukrainian flag, but the Nazi-inspired red and black banners of groups like
“Fatherland” and “Right Sector.”

The use of fanatical, irregular forces, armored vehicles, and aircraft including warplanes and helicopter gunships, signifies an escalation of violence by Kiev against its own people through the use of clearly disproportionate force aimed at terrorizing the population.

That the United States and European Union have spent the past 3 years engaged in what they called the “responsibility to protect” in both Libya and Syria, and are now backing a regime that is arraying military forces against its own people, marks a new low in both the impartial application of “international law” and the perceived legitimacy of the Western nations now increasingly involved in Ukraine’s political crisis.

LINK: Octoldit.com Prophecy of Noah Unelected Regime Begins Killing Spree in Eastern Ukraine | Prophecy of Noah
Don't worry, OP, it'll be fine. Remember what happened when Americans helped overthrow Mubarak in Egypt, and the people elected the Muslim Brotherhood candidates? The U.S. suddenly whipped out that "they're not ready for democracy" argument and had the military overthrow the elected Islamists and jail their leaders. It'll probably be the same for Ukraine. After a while, the U.S. will decide it doesn't like the new leadership, and will replace it with something more palatable.
That the United States and European Union have spent the past 3 years engaged in what they called the “responsibility to protect” in both Libya and Syria, and are now backing a regime that is arraying military forces against its own people, marks a new low in both the impartial application of “international law” and the perceived legitimacy of the Western nations now increasingly involved in Ukraine’s political crisis.

So it is. and we in Europe, although the majority is still sleeping, are fed up with our dumb, incompetent and lying political cast.
But it was long prepared. Only few recognized it when our media began with the united shit storm against Russia before and during the winter games in Sochi. I never saw something that insulting against another country before. It did not happen by accident. It was orchestrated.
By the time Russia steps in to end the conflict, it will be a mercy. Russia doesn't dither like we do and Putin has already cut off all communication with the white house.
"Unelected Regime Begins Killing Spree"...

So now it's unethical for the Ukraine Interim Gov't to take back the country's cities from the "Pro Russian" protesters (AKA: KGB-affiliated Russians)?
Will Pootin do like Stalin and kill off the rest of the Ukrainians that are not Russins?
Does Russia want to impose collectivism? No. That's the United States.

What are they collecting?

Collectivism is any philosophic, political, religious, economic, or social outlook that emphasizes the interdependence of every human.
Pootin's hero is the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. His vision of Russia is one of Russia endeavouring to ever increasing the size and power of Russia. Mr. Pootin is an autocrat, his tyranny is loved by Katzndogs cause she loves warmongering assholes that throw people in prison for expressing their views and invades nations to absorb them into Russia's control...
Mr. Pootin the despotic leader of Russia that seems to be a dreamy man that many on these boards love to snuggle up to.. Go move to Russia and enjoy your Pootin.

As the Polish-American journalist Anne Applebaum wrote this week: “Putin invaded Crimea because Putin needs a war.”
Vladimir Putin?s heroes: Russian president motivated by writers? messianic view of country?s destiny | National Post
1. Jailing prominent figures: Prominent public leaders such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev are still stand behind bars, and others, such as Alexander Nevalny, seem likely to join them there.

2.Persecuting artists: A number of musicians whose expressive lyrics reflect poorly on Putin, like the members of the now infamous Pussy Riot, have been intimidated, arrested, or even imprisoned.

3.Restricting non-governmental organizations (NGOs): NGOs that participate in 'political activities' and receive funding from overseas must now register as a 'foreign agent' and comply with onerous new regulations designed to cripple their operations

4.Expanding definition of treason: Russia's new Criminal Code expands the definition of 'treason' to turn virtually any government critic into a "traitor"

5.Criminalizing public actions of LGBTI community: New laws outlaws efforts by lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and intersex individuals and their supporters to fight for equal rights. On June 29, 55 LGBTI activists were arrested for attempting to hold a peaceful demonstration. Local authorities said the demonstration violated a ban on 'propaganda of homosexuality.'

6.Intimidating human rights defenders: Defenders complaining about law enforcement misconduct have themselves been targeted, subject to harassment, death threats, enforced disappearances and murder. Sapiyat Magomedova, a lawyer operating in the North Caucasus, is just one of many facing intimidating just for trying to do her job.

6 of President Vladimir Putin's Most Oppressive Laws | Frank Jannuzi
And you dirty anti-American bastards love him.. again, move to Russia. He's the next future Stalin...
Does Russia want to impose collectivism? No. That's the United States.

What are they collecting?

Are communism and fascism two sides of the same coin? The answer is YES!

I have stated many times before that the concept of individual rights is incompatible with socialism, fascism, nazism, or any form or brand of collectivism. The fight between good and evil is not between fascism and communism; it’s between individualism and collectivism. Capitalism is the only individualist politics, as it recognizes individual rights to life, liberty, property, and his pursuit of happiness. Collectivism, which means the subjugation of the individual to a group, to the state, or to a gang of political savages, has a number of ideological forms or ‘isms’ such as communism or socialism, fascism, nazism, black nationalism, extreme nationalism, Islamic totalitarianism, etc.

Totalitarianism, communism/socialism, nazism, fascism, theocracy or religious authoritarianism— these are all part and parcel of collectivism, a social, economic and political outlook that stresses human interdependence and the primacy of a collective, rather than the significance of individuals. On the other hand, individualism is the moral, social and political perspective that puts emphasis on human independence and the importance of self-reliance and liberty; it is the opposite of collectivism.

To Read Whole Article Communism and Fascism: The Twin Evils of Collectivism | THE VINCENTON POST
Does Russia want to impose collectivism? No. That's the United States.

What are they collecting?

The Zionist are attempting to collect the sovereignty of independent nations worldwide (including the U.S.) using masons, mercenaries, bribery, economic siege, debt, deception or any possible means of coercion including beastly uncivilized savagery. It's satanic greed, and the lust for temporary wealth and power that proves them to be sub-human and extremely dangerous.

The Zionist bankers destroyed Russia with communism and vowed that All of Europe and the world would become communist. Sure other terms have been used to describe the domination of many by a few, but it is the savage methods of communism that has proved it's ability to reach superpower status in the least amount of time.

Bolshevism can be seen worldwide in the actions of the Mossad/C.I.A to destabilize and overthrow nations. The so-called Muslim brotherhood in Egypt is a prime example of Bolshevism and how it is used to try and take power. Once the Zionist puppets take power the "communist" tendencies are revealed regardless of the labels placed on the restrictions of liberty and freedom.

9-11 was planned and financed by the same international bankers destroying the lives of millions in Syria, Iraq and all across the world. Please understand when speaking of collectivism the collective mindset is “anyone” that is fighting against the “communist world order” a "terrorist". Communism came out of the closet after 9-11, and the many many faces of Al Qaeda causing problems for innocent people across the globe would not be possible without the Zionist financing the carnage. When the Americans are deemed soft enough, don't think for a second the Zionist don't have major plans to turn Americans against each other and itself bringing the carnage here - Just notice the wicked television preparation better known as "programming" against strong men and families. Not excluding the television commercials.

If you think they are trying to disarm you to keep you safe you must be insane!

A nice Article.

Are communism and fascism two sides of the same coin? The answer is YES!

I have stated many times before that the concept of individual rights is incompatible with socialism, fascism, nazism, or any form or brand of collectivism. The fight between good and evil is not between fascism and communism; it’s between individualism and collectivism. Capitalism is the only individualist politics, as it recognizes individual rights to life, liberty, property, and his pursuit of happiness. Collectivism, which means the subjugation of the individual to a group, to the state, or to a gang of political savages, has a number of ideological forms or ‘isms’ such as communism or socialism, fascism, nazism, black nationalism, extreme nationalism, Islamic totalitarianism, etc.

Totalitarianism, communism/socialism, nazism, fascism, theocracy or religious authoritarianism— these are all part and parcel of collectivism, a social, economic and political outlook that stresses human interdependence and the primacy of a collective, rather than the significance of individuals. On the other hand, individualism is the moral, social and political perspective that puts emphasis on human independence and the importance of self-reliance and liberty; it is the opposite of collectivism.

To Read Whole Article Communism and Fascism: The Twin Evils of Collectivism | THE VINCENTON POST
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