Unhappy With Prices, Ranchers Look To Build Own Meat Plants


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I don't blame the ranchers. They do the most work and take the most risk.

Yet they have been getting shafted for decades.

Consolidation is the problem. Only four companies own 80% of the beef processing in our nation.

That's not right.

I hope these ranchers are successful. There needs to be more competition. Capitalism that's not properly regulated has been allowed to create another monopoly in our nation and it's hurting the nation.

The price of beef is ridiculous. Cows are very abundant. There is really no reason for such high prices beyond greed.

Full disclosure, I don't eat beef. I have never liked the taste or smell of it.

The logistical problems in this country are all self inflicted thanks to Biden’s incompetence and Democrats intentionally wanting to sink the economy.
Under Obama, there was a glut of corn, and instead of spreading it around the world, a lot of it just rotted in silos or was burned. Progs hate happy people and when you make it hard for them, the prog dream is realized. Everyone poor and everyone miserable...
This is good news. The trick will be to keep the profits to themselves and not get pressured to go public.
I don't blame the ranchers. They do the most work and take the most risk.

Yet they have been getting shafted for decades.

Consolidation is the problem. Only four companies own 80% of the beef processing in our nation.

That's not right.

I hope these ranchers are successful. There needs to be more competition. Capitalism that's not properly regulated has been allowed to create another monopoly in our nation and it's hurting the nation.

The price of beef is ridiculous. Cows are very abundant. There is really no reason for such high prices beyond greed.

Full disclosure, I don't eat beef. I have never liked the taste or smell of it.

The die has been cast. And the real privileged will end up eating meat as we are forced to eat the plant based/lab based false meats. All of them with ingredients in them for taste that are harmful to us in a health way. The calories are the same or more. All your Prog politicians will be sitting at the table bloviating how they must help the peasants.
The logistical problems in this country are all self inflicted thanks to Biden’s incompetence and Democrats intentionally wanting to sink the economy.
Got anything but stupid retorts to substantiate yer humping love of Trump? The meat market is like the lumber industry the base prices for raw stock is not increasing but the processors have increased the prices.
The cattle raisers in my area have already started selling directly to the consumer from the farm....
Good idea for ranchers. In other areas of agriculture, they formed Co-Ops to hold down costs such as grain storage.

Putting grains in the co-op bins is expensive as hell!!!
Savvy farmers build grain bins to store their crops.
In an area where FreeMarket didn't work like the midwest and south private grain storage businesses closed so the farmers went to CoCops out of necessity .
Or sometimes, the government stepped in, like North Dakota Mill and Grain Elevator.
Putting grains in the co-op bins is expensive as hell!!!
Savvy farmers build grain bins to store their crops.
The only reason to have a silo is to store grain used to feed livestock. If you don't have livestock there is no used to have a silo. Better to hedge price fluctuations with futures contracts.
The only reason to have a silo is to store grain used to feed livestock. If you don't have livestock there is no used to have a silo. Better to hedge price fluctuations with futures contracts.

One of the main reasons to have a silo,and better yet multiple silos, and dryer is for corn that they're going to turn into ethanol.
This guy is getting a couple huge silos so he can save money in the long run. These silos cost a million bucks.

Here's two more that have their own silos.

Yes it is good news.

The meat industry has become a monopoly.

Hopefully this will help break that monopoly.

These days the Wife and I order top end steak,chicken,fish and pork from the actual ranchers.
It costs more but the quality far surpasses the crap you get at the grocery store.
It's not uncommon for us to by a five lb chicken that costs $25 or $30 bucks but it's worth it. It's like buying yard eggs vs. grocery store eggs or buying tomatoes from the farmers markets. They taste so much better!!!!
It's weird to think that a lot of 20 year olds have no clue what a good tomato tastes like.
And since we dont eat nearly as much as we did in our younger years the cost difference isn't all that bad.

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