Uninsured rate keeps climbing under Republicans

Insurance is the problem, not the solution. As a nation, we're nursing some really stupid delusions regarding what insurance is and what it can achieve. We've got to get it through our heads that insurance doesn't make health care more affordable, it makes it more expensive, and it can't be used to build a social safety net.

You can't convince a nation of stupid people that they're wrong.
"It is easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled" -- Mark Twain
Yea , now go put on your tin foil cap dip.
So, according to the graph you supplied, the uninsured rate started to climb shortly after Q3 of 2016, right around the election time and likely before Trump even took office (looks like Q4 2016). So, what exactly did Trump do to be saddled with the blame here? Was it his mere election that caused this? If so, how? Please explain...

You mean other than promises of getting rid of ACA and it's mandate "day 1"?

When Trump won and Republicans retained majority ACA future and market certainties went up in the air.
So, are you saying that you attribute the 1.4 point increase to a campaign promise? Is that correct?

It's not just words at this point, Trump is doing real, not just some promised damage.

Trump signs executive order that could effectively gut Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate

Trump will end health care cost-sharing subsidies - CNNPolitics

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percen
None of this accounts for the numbers on the graph I was referring to, as they had not happened yet.

...of course it does, it directly comments on what caused 1.4% increase since Trump was elected.
No, it does not. The increase happened BEFORE his inauguration, therefore, he had NO ability to influence it, outside of campaign promises.
You mean other than promises of getting rid of ACA and it's mandate "day 1"?

When Trump won and Republicans retained majority ACA future and market certainties went up in the air.
So, are you saying that you attribute the 1.4 point increase to a campaign promise? Is that correct?

It's not just words at this point, Trump is doing real, not just some promised damage.

Trump signs executive order that could effectively gut Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate

Trump will end health care cost-sharing subsidies - CNNPolitics

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percen
None of this accounts for the numbers on the graph I was referring to, as they had not happened yet.

...of course it does, it directly comments on what caused 1.4% increase since Trump was elected.
No, it does not. The increase happened BEFORE his inauguration, therefore, he had NO ability to influence it, outside of campaign promises.

wrong, increase has been happening the entire year and is not some how limited to before inauguration.

But even as soon as Trump won ACA and its mendate came into question.
Obamacare was designed to implode, leaving "single payer" as the only answer.

Good luck with that.

Why wouldn't they? They never stopped climbing under Obama. ObamaCare was never designed to lower health care costs. That was a ruse that you fools bought into and what's dumb founding is how you all continue to defend the program despite not meeting the deliverables we were falsely promised.
Obama's not president. He's not the one sabotaging the healthcare system.

This was the GOP plan all along. Admit it.
If we can get the uninsured rate up 50%+ we might have a shot at getting health care prices back in line.
If we can get the uninsured rate up 50%+ we might have a shot at getting health care prices back in line.

Smaller risk pools, with more sick people means HIGHER prices.

Having near half of the population not able to pay for necessary medical care would DESTROY our healthcare system.
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Having initially dropped BIGLY under Obamacare uninsured rates have now been climbing back up ever since Trump won election and began messing with our healthcare:


The Uninsured Rate Is Going Up Again | HuffPost

U.S. Uninsured Rate Rises to 12.3% in Third Quarter

Or as Trumpsters would say:


Oh my Allah, you mean that if people are not forced to buy the product of well connected looters under penalty of law, the crooks who you serve lose business?

YES! I do mean that.

People who are healthy don't want to pay for insurance, UNTIL THEY ARE NOT HEALTHY.

The only way to be able to guarantee everyone access to coverage in free market based system is to mandate that they get covered healthy or not.
If we can get the uninsured rate up 50%+ we might have a shot at getting health care prices back in line.

Smaller risk pools, with more sick people means HIGHER prices.

I'm talking about health care prices, not insurance premiums. I know the insurance industry wants us to think of them as one in the same, but they're not.
Having initially dropped BIGLY under Obamacare uninsured rates have now been climbing back up ever since Trump won election and began messing with our healthcare:


The Uninsured Rate Is Going Up Again | HuffPost

U.S. Uninsured Rate Rises to 12.3% in Third Quarter

Or as Trumpsters would say:


Oh my Allah, you mean that if people are not forced to buy the product of well connected looters under penalty of law, the crooks who you serve lose business?

YES! I do mean that.

People who are healthy don't want to pay for insurance, UNTIL THEY ARE NOT HEALTHY.

The only way to be able to guarantee everyone access to coverage in free market based system is to mandate that they get covered healthy or not.

Back under the Capitalists, there was an option for such people - CATASTROPHIC COVERAGE.

When you Communists took over, you crushed that. Guess we normals will have to bring back common sense after it's exile under Obama...
Having initially dropped BIGLY under Obamacare uninsured rates have now been climbing back up ever since Trump won election and began messing with our healthcare:


The Uninsured Rate Is Going Up Again | HuffPost

U.S. Uninsured Rate Rises to 12.3% in Third Quarter

Or as Trumpsters would say:


Oh my Allah, you mean that if people are not forced to buy the product of well connected looters under penalty of law, the crooks who you serve lose business?

YES! I do mean that.

People who are healthy don't want to pay for insurance, UNTIL THEY ARE NOT HEALTHY.

The only way to be able to guarantee everyone access to coverage in free market based system is to mandate that they get covered healthy or not.

Back under the Capitalists, there was an option for such people - CATASTROPHIC COVERAGE.

When you Communists took over, you crushed that. Guess we normals will have to bring back common sense after it's exile under Obama...

Bullshit, the primary reason it was inexpensive was because they could carve out risk pools. For anyone that didn't meet all the criterias prices went up into stratosphere quickly and forget about getting insurance if you are actually sick already.

If you take bronze level coverage now, and apply same risk pool, prices would also be much lower.

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