Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

So union leaders make chump change compared to corporate CEOs. I don't know why the right wing hates working people.
Yup. Takes real smarts to run the unions.

Wonder if the dues paying members have any idea what the heads of those unions are pulling in every year??

I'm sure they do. And I'm sure they look at the fact they are the only workers in this country still making good money and say, "Job well done!"

Of course they will say ``Job well done`` when they `work` less than 40 hours a week and much much less than 52 weeks a year, with all the 30 minute coffee breaks, several times a day and all the vacation they exhorted and for putting a screw in place on the assembly line every 15 minutes.

Unionists are the most selfish people on Earth, and their millionaire bosses are the most despicable.

The fact that manufacturing jobs are mostly overseas now is the fault of unionist thugs who don`t have the self-respect to look in the mirror and ask themselves: Am I worth to get that much for giving so little.
Yup. Takes real smarts to run the unions.

Wonder if the dues paying members have any idea what the heads of those unions are pulling in every year??

I'm sure they do. And I'm sure they look at the fact they are the only workers in this country still making good money and say, "Job well done!"

Of course they will say ``Job well done`` when they `work` less than 40 hours a week and much much less than 52 weeks a year, with all the 30 minute coffee breaks, several times a day and all the vacation they exhorted and for putting a screw in place on the assembly line every 15 minutes.

Unionists are the most selfish people on Earth, and their millionaire bosses are the most despicable.

The fact that manufacturing jobs are mostly overseas now is the fault of unionist thugs who don`t have the self-respect to look in the mirror and ask themselves: Am I worth to get that much for giving so little.

Except a sense of entitlement...OR ELSE! AND don't forget excessive taxation on businesses BY Government drives business out for friendlier climes.
Yup. Takes real smarts to run the unions.

Wonder if the dues paying members have any idea what the heads of those unions are pulling in every year??

Why the hell wouldn't they? They're not idiots.
Your company is not necessarily representative of the US. Personally, I don't have an issue with companies paying their CEOs whatever the shareholders deem appropriate. Unlike you, I'm not obsessed about other people's money.

The CEO of BAE Systems, Ian King, got £3.2m last year.... and they made thousands of people redundant.

And that's the problem.

You see, this is where you conservatards are kind of self-defeating. You put thousands on the unemployment lines so a few douchebags can have a car elevator or a polo pony and an 8 figure salary, and then you wonder why they vote in far left politicians like Obama or Hollande. And they say "75% top marginal rate" and no one bats an eye.

It's funny to watch you guys go over the cliff.

....And, with any luck, they'll be taking "Turtle" McConnell with them, in November.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-A09a_gHJc]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]​

"In recent months, Mr. McConnell has been trying to keep the right flank at bay, voting against a bipartisan highway bill, for example, that conservative members disliked. He has also endorsed an earmark ban, in sharp contrast to former years, when his earmarks for Kentucky were the stuff of campaign fodder.

At times, his attempts to navigate the treacherous divide between placating conservatives and not appearing obstinate fall flat. Late last year, he insisted on a vote on his own alternative to the Senate Democrats’ version of the payroll tax cut bill, to demonstrate that Republicans supported the continued cut. But Mr. DeMint and other conservatives led a rebellion, and the bill received a humiliating 20 votes. When Mr. McConnell talked his conference into approving a short-term measure instead, it blew up in the House, with conservative members there complaining that Mr. McConnell had sold them out."

You wanna hand a chunk of your paycheck over to corrupt strangers, then go for it. Just don't force others too. When you're done paying off your Union Bosses and Big Brother, there will only be scraps left for you and your family. But hey, that's your choice. Forcing Citizens to join Unions is immoral and Unamerican.
In my opinion, the worst characteristic of unions is what they consider their best: The false premise that everyone is equal.

Well, everyone is NOT equal. It takes a certifiable idiot to say that everybody is equal.

Everybody deserves equal opportunity, but not equal outcome.

Some would like nothing better than lounge and free-load and let others do the work, while some others have a conscience and a soul and awareness of self-worth.

Yet, the union compels every union member to pay the same dues and offer them the same benefits.
The unions totally and completely disregard personal worth, personal efforts, personal ambition, all in the name of some phony equality. Then, when it comes to crunch time and the company has to downsize, the unions ALWAYS protect the worst drones with the longest seniority.

And worst of all, the unions deny decent, honest hard-working people the right to work, based on the union's neanderthal and Marxist (pardon the redundancy) view of the world. Unions support the right to choose about abortion but could not care less about one's right to support his family by honest work.

Just ask the good people of North Carolina how they felt when Boeing was barred from opening a factory to provide jobs for thousands, due to unionist obstinacy.
What we have here is quite a few posters rolling over CEO's while attacking the unions, yet CEO pay has increased double that of the S&P for over three decades.
People bitch that union wages increase the price of goods, yet close their eyes to the effect of CEO pay and it's effect on pricing. And based on the increase of CEO pay versus the S&P, CEO's aren't doing their jobs. CEO pay increases should at the most should mirror the growth of the S&P.
And then there's the flat waged of the workers. Over two-thirds of the US economy is driven by consumer spending, how can the economy grow when the consumer has less and less expendable income?
But noo, let's just roll over and accept our diminish ability to contribute to the economy.

I think that's called statistical fallacy. Why not link CEO pay to interest rates? Or exchange rates? It makes as much sense.
Wages have not flat lined for workers. This is another statistical quirk of the left. Don't look at households,whose size can and does vary, but look at per capita wages.

In the global economy people are increasingly paid what they are worth. How much is a Bill Gates worth? How much is a Jack Welch worth? those men added billions to the value of their companies? Are there over-paid CEOs? Sure. But there are lots more over-paid union leaches.
In my opinion, the worst characteristic of unions is what they consider their best: The false premise that everyone is equal.

Well, everyone is NOT equal. It takes a certifiable idiot to say that everybody is equal.

Everybody deserves equal opportunity, but not equal outcome.

Some would like nothing better than lounge and free-load and let others do the work, while some others have a conscience and a soul and awareness of self-worth.

Yet, the union compels every union member to pay the same dues and offer them the same benefits.
The unions totally and completely disregard personal worth, personal efforts, personal ambition, all in the name of some phony equality. Then, when it comes to crunch time and the company has to downsize, the unions ALWAYS protect the worst drones with the longest seniority.

And worst of all, the unions deny decent, honest hard-working people the right to work, based on the union's neanderthal and Marxist (pardon the redundancy) view of the world. Unions support the right to choose about abortion but could not care less about one's right to support his family by honest work.

Just ask the good people of North Carolina how they felt when Boeing was barred from opening a factory to provide jobs for thousands, due to unionist obstinacy.

Unions should not be forced on Citizens. It should be about the freedom to choose. Personally, i can't recommend anyone give a sizeable portion of their paycheck to Union Bosses and Big Brother. But i believe in their right to make that decision for themselves. Unions have used violent coercive methods for too many years. Those days need to come to an end. People should be allowed to decide for themselves about Unions.
Big Union is Big Business. After you pay off the Union Bosses and Big Brother, what's left for you? I don't understand why so many want to give more of their hard-earned money away to corrupt strangers. So many Americans are just lost.

Ever had a union rep? Do you know what they do?

Union Bosses live very well. Big Union is Big Business. Don't kid yourself on that. Personally, I prefer not giving a big chunk of my paycheck away to corrupt Union Bosses and Big Brother. But that's just me. Americans should have the choice on deciding to join Unions or not. They should never be forced to. If they're so wonderful, they shouldn't have to be forced on people. You want to give more of your paycheck to corrupt strangers, go for it. But count me out.

So, I'll ask again since you didnt understand. Have you ever had a Union REP? (Not Boss) Do you know what they do?
In my opinion, the worst characteristic of unions is what they consider their best: The false premise that everyone is equal.

Well, everyone is NOT equal. It takes a certifiable idiot to say that everybody is equal.

Everybody deserves equal opportunity, but not equal outcome.

Some would like nothing better than lounge and free-load and let others do the work, while some others have a conscience and a soul and awareness of self-worth.

Yet, the union compels every union member to pay the same dues and offer them the same benefits.
The unions totally and completely disregard personal worth, personal efforts, personal ambition, all in the name of some phony equality. Then, when it comes to crunch time and the company has to downsize, the unions ALWAYS protect the worst drones with the longest seniority.

And worst of all, the unions deny decent, honest hard-working people the right to work, based on the union's neanderthal and Marxist (pardon the redundancy) view of the world. Unions support the right to choose about abortion but could not care less about one's right to support his family by honest work.

Just ask the good people of North Carolina how they felt when Boeing was barred from opening a factory to provide jobs for thousands, due to unionist obstinacy.

Unions should not be forced on Citizens. It should be about the freedom to choose. Personally, i can't recommend anyone give a sizeable portion of their paycheck to Union Bosses and Big Brother. But i believe in their right to make that decision for themselves. Unions have used violent coercive methods for too many years. Those days need to come to an end. People should be allowed to decide for themselves about Unions.

Unions are like horse and buggy: They far outlived their usefulness. Nowadays the majority of unions and union members are in the government services, where any union effort for job security, safety, equality and fairness is a moot point, because any outrageous union demand will be met, because governments have an inexhaustible source of working capital: The Taxpayers.

The question should be: What have unions done for me lately?
Neotrotsky engages in class warfare. Then he'll tell you that only the left does what he just did.

Then he'll blame the reason he did it on the left too.

I think that was addressed to me.

I think you are a very intelligent poster. However, you come across as believing the lie that "right = evil; left = saintly", but one thing I must say for you is that you are rarely, if ever, down right rude. There are good people on both sides of the spectrum.

Several people have pointed out to me their view of Neo in the past couple of hours. I guess I just don't read his interactions with people on the other side enough to have noticed. I can't say that about you. Your posts are, in fact, well worth reading and always make good sense even if I don't agree with you.

I just wish you'd consistantly use the quote feature. I hate having to hunt back in the thread to see who you are addressing all the time. Don't tell anyone but I even recall you putting me in my place a few times.


PS I hope you take that as the compliment it is intended to be and fight any preconceived notion that I am evil simply because I see myself leaning right.

I was addressing Neo but it's cool. I dont believe that left is great and right is wrong. "The left" never can agree on shit, some are right and some are wrong but they always aim their gun on each other first.

Both parties are fucked up, I just agree with Dems on more issues. And seriously dislike the "na-na-na-na" party the right has become since GWB.
Ever had a union rep? Do you know what they do?

Union Bosses live very well. Big Union is Big Business. Don't kid yourself on that. Personally, I prefer not giving a big chunk of my paycheck away to corrupt Union Bosses and Big Brother. But that's just me. Americans should have the choice on deciding to join Unions or not. They should never be forced to. If they're so wonderful, they shouldn't have to be forced on people. You want to give more of your paycheck to corrupt strangers, go for it. But count me out.

So, I'll ask again since you didnt understand. Have you ever had a Union REP? (Not Boss) Do you know what they do?

Yes, I had a union representative when I was young, immature, foolish, stupid and unsure of myself.

Then I grew up and did not need one, not that having one ever benefited me in any way.
Union Bosses live very well. Big Union is Big Business. Don't kid yourself on that. Personally, I prefer not giving a big chunk of my paycheck away to corrupt Union Bosses and Big Brother. But that's just me. Americans should have the choice on deciding to join Unions or not. They should never be forced to. If they're so wonderful, they shouldn't have to be forced on people. You want to give more of your paycheck to corrupt strangers, go for it. But count me out.

So, I'll ask again since you didnt understand. Have you ever had a Union REP? (Not Boss) Do you know what they do?

Yes, I had a union representative when I was young, immature, foolish, stupid and unsure of myself.

Then I grew up and did not need one, not that having one ever benefited me in any way.

at least you're not young and immature anymore. That has exactly shit to do with Union Reps tho
Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent


yes the 1%

Michael J. Sullivan, general president of the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association
Salary: $1,043,023

Robert A. Scardelletti, international president of the Transportation Communications Union
Salary: $748,531

Newton B. Jones, president of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
Salary: $607,022

Terence M. O’Sullivan, general president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America
Salary: $589,124

John T. Niccollai, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 464A
Salary: $532,752

Gerald McEntee, international president of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
Salary: $512,369

Wow, some impressive salaries, don't ya think? I'm sure that is very comparable to CEO's of major corporations, don't ya think? Why should Michael J Sullivan earn $1 million for overseeing an association with a mere membership of over 150,000 union workers? I mean that really is out of line, don't ya think?

Really, these people should not make any more than those they represent. In fact, everyone should make the same amount, no matter what their job. Don't you agree? I know it sounds a bit socialistic, but it seems Neuterovsky would agree.
I looked at one of the Union boss's websites. He declared war on Republicans.

I don't think Unions are any longer a haven for free thought and speech.

I'm sorry it has come to this.
I looked at one of the Union boss's websites. He declared war on Republicans.

I don't think Unions are any longer a haven for free thought and speech.

they haven't been for decades.

Hoffa Sr. payed the price for it...
Just had a new deck put on the back of my home. Neighbor of mine that used to build homes built it. Had 3 bids for the deck.
One was for $6700
One was for $4500
One was for $4900

I chose the $4900 guy. He and another guy came and built it in 6 days.
His help was an older man from Indiana.
"I came down here because I can work and keep all the wages I make. The carpenters union do not care about us. All they care about is politics and my $$."
But I do admit Joe that many of the former union carpenters up your way do a better job than the average carpenter down here. You guys train them well and I like that. However, the market can demand that and a smart consumer can spot that.
If the unions are so great Joe how come all these guys are now in Georgia?

Dude, I don't know why ANYONe would want to live in Georgia or anywhere else in the south...

Obviously you don't.
But the former union workers are here by the tens of thousands.
So,mething about freedom and right to work.
For the wage THEY SET, not the dumbed down median union wage.
And the women down here are not FUGLY.
So, I'll ask again since you didnt understand. Have you ever had a Union REP? (Not Boss) Do you know what they do?

Yes, I had a union representative when I was young, immature, foolish, stupid and unsure of myself.

Then I grew up and did not need one, not that having one ever benefited me in any way.

at least you're not young and immature anymore. That has exactly shit to do with Union Reps tho

No self-respecting mature adult with an IQ higher than his/her shoe size needs a union thug to "represent" him/her.
I looked at one of the Union boss's websites. He declared war on Republicans.

I don't think Unions are any longer a haven for free thought and speech.

I'm sorry it has come to this.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqk07seex6g]Union Leader Hints at Violence "Take to the Streets and Do What Needs to Be Done - YouTube[/ame]

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