Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

No comparison

CEO's earn a portion of his salary for building a company that returns wealth to its employees and shareholders, in the millions

What does the high salary of union bosses do
except show their hypocrisy

Horseshit. They get the big ticket salaries when their companies Lose money.

Not even a nice try, to compare six figure salaries of union bosses to 8 figure salaries of CEO's.

Again, in Japan, the UK, Germany, this sort of insanity doesn't happen.


Actually, you're wrong... again. I presume you're getting used to that by now.

No, actually, I'm not.

I work for a UK company, our CEO only gets high six figures.

CEO Compensation: US and other countries

Ratio of CEO Pay to Average Worker by Country | Creativeconflictwisdom's Blog

In Japan, the average CEO makes 11 times what a line worker makes, in Germany it's 12 to 1 and in the United Kingdom it's 22 to 1.

The United States? 475 to 1.

And incidently, it hasn't always been this way. In 1980, CEO compensation was only 44 times what line workers make.
Horseshit. They get the big ticket salaries when their companies Lose money.

Not even a nice try, to compare six figure salaries of union bosses to 8 figure salaries of CEO's.

Again, in Japan, the UK, Germany, this sort of insanity doesn't happen.


Actually, you're wrong... again. I presume you're getting used to that by now.

No, actually, I'm not.

I work for a UK company, our CEO only gets high six figures.

CEO Compensation: US and other countries

Ratio of CEO Pay to Average Worker by Country | Creativeconflictwisdom's Blog

In Japan, the average CEO makes 11 times what a line worker makes, in Germany it's 12 to 1 and in the United Kingdom it's 22 to 1.

The United States? 475 to 1.

And incidently, it hasn't always been this way. In 1980, CEO compensation was only 44 times what line workers make.

Your company is not necessarily representative of the US. Personally, I don't have an issue with companies paying their CEOs whatever the shareholders deem appropriate. Unlike you, I'm not obsessed about other people's money.

The CEO of BAE Systems, Ian King, got £3.2m last year.... and they made thousands of people redundant.
Your company is not necessarily representative of the US. Personally, I don't have an issue with companies paying their CEOs whatever the shareholders deem appropriate. Unlike you, I'm not obsessed about other people's money.

The CEO of BAE Systems, Ian King, got £3.2m last year.... and they made thousands of people redundant.

And that's the problem.

You see, this is where you conservatards are kind of self-defeating. You put thousands on the unemployment lines so a few douchebags can have a car elevator or a polo pony and an 8 figure salary, and then you wonder why they vote in far left politicians like Obama or Hollande. And they say "75% top marginal rate" and no one bats an eye.

It's funny to watch you guys go over the cliff.
Name one union head who increased productivity or reduced costs for the industry he was in.
Also in Europe because of high taxes
CEO's do not want high cash wages
CEO' s are compensated in ways that are not taxable for them

For example, when you work in the US for them
they will buy you a house, furnishings, etc
All owned by the corporation and avoiding tax back home in whatever
part of Europe you call home
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Just had a new deck put on the back of my home. Neighbor of mine that used to build homes built it. Had 3 bids for the deck.
One was for $6700
One was for $4500
One was for $4900

I chose the $4900 guy. He and another guy came and built it in 6 days.
His help was an older man from Indiana.
"I came down here because I can work and keep all the wages I make. The carpenters union do not care about us. All they care about is politics and my $$."
But I do admit Joe that many of the former union carpenters up your way do a better job than the average carpenter down here. You guys train them well and I like that. However, the market can demand that and a smart consumer can spot that.
If the unions are so great Joe how come all these guys are now in Georgia?
Name one union head who increased productivity or reduced costs for the industry he was in.

Why is that their job?

Incidently, my brother is a Sheet Metal worker who recently did a distribution center for Wal Mart. They completed their part on time and ahead of budget because they knew what they were doing.

Again, you jokers have this completely in reverse. We do not exist to serve them.
Are you comparing the work that a union boss does to what a CEO of a private corporation does?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Union bosses do not work.
They extort.

Name one CEO that extorts cash from their employees with the threat of a baseball bat to the head.

Admit it Joe. Unions are for those too weak to negotiate their own wage. Management have to earn their keep. Union workers just have to pay dues under threats and intimidation.

Unions are to create a middle class, because the plutocrats would steal the gold from our teeth if they thought they can get away with it.

They meet thuggery with thuggery. WHich, hey, is no ones fault.

Hey, I'm still waiting for you to defend that mine where they threw out the unions, then the safety standards fell and 16 miners died.

Just had a new deck put on the back of my home. Neighbor of mine that used to build homes built it. Had 3 bids for the deck.
One was for $6700
One was for $4500
One was for $4900

I chose the $4900 guy. He and another guy came and built it in 6 days.
His help was an older man from Indiana.
"I came down here because I can work and keep all the wages I make. The carpenters union do not care about us. All they care about is politics and my $$."
But I do admit Joe that many of the former union carpenters up your way do a better job than the average carpenter down here. You guys train them well and I like that. However, the market can demand that and a smart consumer can spot that.
If the unions are so great Joe how come all these guys are now in Georgia?

Dude, I don't know why ANYONe would want to live in Georgia or anywhere else in the south...
Your company is not necessarily representative of the US. Personally, I don't have an issue with companies paying their CEOs whatever the shareholders deem appropriate. Unlike you, I'm not obsessed about other people's money.

The CEO of BAE Systems, Ian King, got £3.2m last year.... and they made thousands of people redundant.

And that's the problem.

You see, this is where you conservatards are kind of self-defeating. You put thousands on the unemployment lines so a few douchebags can have a car elevator or a polo pony and an 8 figure salary, and then you wonder why they vote in far left politicians like Obama or Hollande. And they say "75% top marginal rate" and no one bats an eye.

It's funny to watch you guys go over the cliff.

Just like the 2010 midterm elections
no doubt

Sorry, the class envy just does not work
with most Americans. You know the majority
that don't belong to unions

Obama isn't working
Wages get pushed up and inflation roars.
All wages are added into the costs of goods and services.
Demand and skill level set the wages. Ask your plumber, electrician or HVAC guy.
And guess what? They are ALL flooding south because NO UNIONS.
Unions serve no purpose these days.
They are smart enough to negotiate on their own.

So the people who are too dumb to realize they are being ripped off by the wealthy move to the place where lots of their dumb ancestors threw away their lives so a few rich assholes could own slaves.

And today the same people are letting the wealthy run roughshod over them because they don't like the gays or the A-rabs or whoever...

Stupid people are fun!

So, the the smart people are the ones who passively let free market principles and capitalism deterioriate and let a ruling wealthy elite emerge? I guess you will tell us why and how they won't let anyone get ripped off???

Just like the 2010 midterm elections
no doubt

Sorry, the class envy just does not work
with most Americans. You know the majority
that don't belong to unions

Obama isn't working

THat would be the 2010 midterms where you didn't retake the senate, right?

Actually, the class envy thing does work. They were very good at getting all you stupid people who let them take away your union salaries get angry at the folks who were smart enough to not let that happen.

A Koch Brother, a Teabagger and an Union Guy go into a resturant, and the waiter brings out 10 cookies. After the Koch brother wolfs down 9 cookies, he says to the Teabagger, "Hey, that guy wants your cookie!"
Well...so much for "it's only the public sector unions we have a problem with" meme..
So, the the smart people are the ones who passively let free market principles and capitalism deterioriate and let a ruling wealthy elite emerge? I guess you will tell us why and how they won't let anyone get ripped off???

There are no "free markets", guy.

Get real.
if the Left and Papa Obama keep having their way

Just like the 2010 midterm elections
no doubt

Sorry, the class envy just does not work
with most Americans. You know the majority
that don't belong to unions

Obama isn't working

THat would be the 2010 midterms where you didn't retake the senate, right?

Actually, the class envy thing does work. They were very good at getting all you stupid people who let them take away your union salaries get angry at the folks who were smart enough to not let that happen.

A Koch Brother, a Teabagger and an Union Guy go into a resturant, and the waiter brings out 10 cookies. After the Koch brother wolfs down 9 cookies, he says to the Teabagger, "Hey, that guy wants your cookie!"


the crushing rejection of the House Democrats and Papa Obama policies
So Union bosses making $500,000 get to go up against CEOs who make $20 million

Just like the 2010 midterm elections
no doubt

Sorry, the class envy just does not work
with most Americans. You know the majority
that don't belong to unions

Obama isn't working

THat would be the 2010 midterms where you didn't retake the senate, right?

Actually, the class envy thing does work. They were very good at getting all you stupid people who let them take away your union salaries get angry at the folks who were smart enough to not let that happen.

A Koch Brother, a Teabagger and an Union Guy go into a resturant, and the waiter brings out 10 cookies. After the Koch brother wolfs down 9 cookies, he says to the Teabagger, "Hey, that guy wants your cookie!"


the crushing rejection of the House Democrats and Papa Obama policies

The Dems will probably retake the house this year, so not so much.

The GOP congress has an approval rating in the teens right now...
I will pretend I am a union member.

So lets see, I have to make a choice this election. Vote for a man that does not want to take away my right to unionize and make a living wage. Or vote for a guy that promises to break the union and have me working for 8 bucks an hour.

Gee, this will be tough.

And to those that hate the unions. Go on down to your local Teamsters or Iron Workers union hall and express your hate and disdain for those members. Let them know how you really feel and they will do the same for you.

You rethugs are fuking cowards if you ain't trashing a union man in person.

Try it and let us know the results. When you get out of hospital.

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