England is breaking down like a cheap suit.

Webster was an anarchist , yes. Its evident in his writings!
As you probably know, he simply hated the UK monarchy and started to take letters out of words he felt weren't needed. But one funny word is, "Interesting". We omit the first 'e', we say, "Intresting", you guys don't.
As you probably know, he simply hated the UK monarchy and started to take letters out of words he felt weren't needed. But one funny word is, "Interesting". We omit the first 'e', we say, "Intresting", you guys don't.
gee, I did not know. I will not change and I do not like tea.
When Trump starts rebuilding the wall he needs to make it big enough to keep all the 3rd world scum from coming anywhere near this country. We don't need people or cultures like this. They do nothing for us but create turmoil, division, crime, health concerns, and a massive drain on public services.
The US has is better in that people from Central and South America are far more preferable than the Islamic death cult.
I know they aren't Muslims.

Witnesses say the removal of the child was the flashpoint which kicked off the rioting last night, with the disorder lasting for hours.

It is claimed five children, who are understood to be of Romanian heritage and aged between 16 and four, were removed from their parents 'by force' and taken into care.

Yup. This was a right wing bulllshit with Robinson at the heart of it.
As you would expect.
The locals actually put out the fire.

Immigrants live in detention centres not in housing or very rarely do. Many local people were interveiwed and they complained that the police did not take action.
But nobody got hurt so you cant complain.
This whole thread is a monument to right wing american ignoance. You people are as thick as shit.

Got it. All is free. Just like your medical. Yet you bark and bark about the evil whites feeding your illegal entry horde.

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