Union jobs for everyone...except us.

I would not be surprised if they have thrown that strategy around. Of course the union organizers are already planning on heading to other shops around the country and organizing them also. This shit aint new. Stupid laws that prevent unions from collecting dues is. If unions can't collect dues then country clubs should not be able to either. Your side is the anti union side not ours.. If Amazon wants to abandon multi million dollar warehouse districts and start over that is their business. The unions will respond in kind

Close one facility, make clear that unionizing will be immediately followed by unemployment...I expect that many employees will be a lot less eager to slit their own throats.
Ya, unions have never went on strike before.lol your a dumb fuck. Hillarious
OK.you didn't read what I posted...or you did read it and comprehended nothing. Which is it?
You are a dumb fuck plain and simple. Unions know what the ramifications of unionizing are. They understand that the company can pull up and leave. That is the risk of unionizing. They also understand they can follow the company and unionize the new new shop. When Unions strike the are causing economic damage to them selves they understand this also. This shit ain't new but evidently it is new to you. Go fuck your self
Yep they can do that if it their content breaks the rules of the agreement for service. Whether or not that is the case I do not know.
Thank you.

Now if that agreement of service includes doing things that don't hurt the company financially or public appearance ( sounds reasonable right? Most companies have this ) then they should have at their discretion right now not to have to host union content against them.

Now as a platform I personally don't believe Amazon should have that right. If you do, I respect that stance. At least you aren't a hypocrite.
Contracts matter. You sign one when you pay for service. Both sides must abide terms of agreement. Don't agree with terms find service else where. Contracts can not be one sided or chaos ensues.
You are a dumb fuck plain and simple. Unions know what the ramifications of unionizing are. They understand that the company can pull up and leave. That is the risk of unionizing. They also understand they can follow the company and unionize the new new shop. When Unions strike the are causing economic damage to them selves they understand this also. This shit ain't new but evidently it is new to you. Go fuck your self
WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! This sinking through that thick skull yet, fuckhead? They cannot strike until AFTER THE EMPLOYEES VOTE IN THE UNION, you mental midget!
Again the disney thing is not a good example, stop talking about it.
I will talk about whatever I feel like talking about when I feel like talking about it. You are free to address or ignore as you will.

Your love of comic books don't matter they're part of the disney catalogue now. I like comic book story lines but i just watched various shows as a kid.
Same here. Although it wasn't by choice. I don't have a love of comic books, as I never recieved any as a kid outside of when I broke my arm in five places and was in a hospital for several weeks. My parents simply didn't have the disposable money for something like that.

Everything Disney does is for money. They have an all white executive board. Not even willing to give a couple diversity hires.

What do you think those people with no experience in the field were? Would you like to do your own googling or...?

I know you think snowflake and other bad characters hurts disney's bottom line but it's at worst a wash because they're pleasing a lot of other people.
They lost money doing it. What people are they pleasing? You are taking the hardline stance that it's not politically motivated... Right? I thought that was what you were trying to do.


yea you can and you come off like a little irrational nerd who doesn't know how storytelling in 2021 works

"hurr durr snowflake hurt their bottom line"

NO it didn't and people like you constantly give it free press
You are a dumb fuck plain and simple. Unions know what the ramifications of unionizing are. They understand that the company can pull up and leave. That is the risk of unionizing. They also understand they can follow the company and unionize the new new shop. When Unions strike the are causing economic damage to them selves they understand this also. This shit ain't new but evidently it is new to you. Go fuck your self
WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! This sinking through that thick skull yet, fuckhead? They cannot strike until AFTER THE EMPLOYEES VOTE IN THE UNION, you mental midget!
So is your dumb fucking ass saying Amazon is going to pull up and move before the vote? Amazon ain't going to pull up and move just because of a vote. Unions know what the company can do in response to unionization. They will consider that when voting to unionize or not evidently there are enough interested in dealing with that response to vote on it. Are we betting on whether or not they unionize? Your a dumb fuck
yea you can and you come off like a little irrational nerd who doesn't know how storytelling in 2021 works

"hurr durr snowflake hurt their bottom line"

NO it didn't and people like you constantly give it free press
The evidence doesn't support your stance. And it doesn't go unnoticed that you didn't address many points there.

I'm ok with that if you are. *shrugs*
So is your dumb fucking ass saying Amazon is going to pull up and move before the vote? Amazon ain't going to pull up and move just because of a vote. Unions know what the company can do in response to unionization. They will consider that when voting to unionize or not evidently there are enough interested in dealing with that response to vote on it. Are we betting on whether or not they unionize? Your a dumb fuck

I guess I need to explain this as though I were dealing with a particularly-slow child. The union is voted in. Amazon shuts down the facility the next day. There is no point in a strike, because the facility is shut down!
Some workers in Amazon’s Bessemer, Ala., warehouse complain that the company’s aggressive performance expectations leave them little time to take bathroom breaks.

The stakes couldn’t be higher for Amazon, which is fighting the biggest labor battle in its history on U.S. soil. Next Monday, the National Labor Relations Board will mail ballots to 5,805 workers.

Wait, aren't libs all about "a living wage" and "fairness" for workers?

since when does corporate america represent the left?

Any other delusions?
Well... There was the Gillet debacle. The Parler thing was already brought up. Youtube has been demonetizing conservative channels for a good while now...

Have you looked into what they are trying to do with Comics? They literally named two heroes "Snowflake" and "Safespace"... I'm sure they could have gotten that kind of thing to work, if they would have gotten people to write it, and draw it, that actually LIKED comics. They wanted to show they were a progressive company and hired people based on gender and policy, rather than skills. I haven't heard about it in a while, perhaps they let it go as a failure.

Pro tip to anyone thinking some massive corporation is left leaning, it's not and that argument doesn't work. Absurd on the face of it
I absolutely agree that it used to be. Not so much anymore.

Jeff bezos king of predatory business practices is not some secret socialist lol
I agree with that statement... But... There is mounting evidence that there are social/political pressures on these companies. You know... Given that it's not making them money, yet they are still trying to make social/political statements within their businesses.

You're combining so many things there.

No Disney (who owns marvel) is still capitalist , not left leaning. They're out of the niche business they don't give a fuck about old comic book fans anymore. They have to justify the billions they paid. Comics don't matter that is all to set up other properties and use to test story lines now. They aren't important to Disney's portfolio.
You think they DON'T want to make a new cast of super heroes to make movies about? It STARTED with comic books. It's the market research of what will and won't work. So... Yes. They are trying out properties, and finding out they are failing.

The thing is... I have no idea what information they had that they thought it would work. I can only assume it was based on pressures from... Somewhere. Sure as hell wasn't from the base of people that are buying their products. They act as if they have no idea who their customers are.

Gillet made a massive mistake, and walked it back, because they're capitalists and wanted to make money. They were doing that for money, not left leaning
Again... Why did they think it would work in the first place?

All they are doing is signalling left cultural signals to protect their bottom line. They have a fiduciary responsibility. The system works.

THe difference is both employees and customers are changing their calculus on what they should. It's all still in the pursuit of profit tho.

No one who is in it purely for profit represents the left. Antithetical
Well they clearly believe that the left will support their capitalist goals.
I was told comics went in the direction it did to appeal to girls. Unfortunately for them all girls aren’t intersectional weirdos...like the morons they hired to write the crap comics they were shoving down everyone’s throats.
I was told comics went in the direction it did to appeal to girls. Unfortunately for them all girls aren’t intersectional weirdos...like the morons they hired to write the crap comics they were shoving down everyone’s throats.
Well... They tried to anyway.

I have no problems with them wanting to appeal to other audiences. Absolutely, more power to them. But to do it in the way they did was... Just stupid. You don't do that by hiring people who don't know what they are doing. I mean... 2021 storytelling. I'm pretty sure 2021 storytelling is supposed to be better than 1960's storytelling. The artwork was better than 1960's... They actually might have hit 80's stuff in that aspect. At least, the things I have seen.

I am admittedly not a connoisseur of comics, maybe there are way better stuff out there that I haven't been exposed to.
Some workers in Amazon’s Bessemer, Ala., warehouse complain that the company’s aggressive performance expectations leave them little time to take bathroom breaks.

The stakes couldn’t be higher for Amazon, which is fighting the biggest labor battle in its history on U.S. soil. Next Monday, the National Labor Relations Board will mail ballots to 5,805 workers.

Wait, aren't libs all about "a living wage" and "fairness" for workers?


since when does corporate america represent the left?

Any other delusions?

Like thinking MSNBC represents the left. They reprsent something partisan but GE ain't representing the left.

Pro tip to anyone thinking some massive corporation is left leaning, it's not and that argument doesn't work. Absurd on the face of it

Jeff bezos king of predatory business practices is not some secret socialist lol

You really aren't that bright.
Total contribution: $8.9 million
Top recipients: Joe Biden

Big Tech and CEOs Poured Millions Into The Election. Here’s Who They Supported
Some workers in Amazon’s Bessemer, Ala., warehouse complain that the company’s aggressive performance expectations leave them little time to take bathroom breaks.

The stakes couldn’t be higher for Amazon, which is fighting the biggest labor battle in its history on U.S. soil. Next Monday, the National Labor Relations Board will mail ballots to 5,805 workers.

Wait, aren't libs all about "a living wage" and "fairness" for workers?


since when does corporate america represent the left?

Any other delusions?

Like thinking MSNBC represents the left. They reprsent something partisan but GE ain't representing the left.

Pro tip to anyone thinking some massive corporation is left leaning, it's not and that argument doesn't work. Absurd on the face of it

Jeff bezos king of predatory business practices is not some secret socialist lol

You really aren't that bright.
Total contribution: $8.9 million
Top recipients: Joe Biden

Big Tech and CEOs Poured Millions Into The Election. Here’s Who They Supported

we're a capitalist society big banks give democrats money

are they liberal too?

What exactly do you expect them to do fire the workers. It has been tried before my multiple companies. The free market system works. They have the right to fire the employees and lose shit loads of money in the process. Scabs cost more than Union workers and they have to cross picket lines. Mean while even if they get Scabs to cross the line they are untrained. How much government intervention do you want? You own servers you should have some control over what happens on them both in form of content and safety controls. You can't have a business with no security on your servers they can get viruses and bring the whole thing down. Also if you don't wanna have porn sites on your servers you should have control over that. When you sign up for services there are rules you agree to follow. Follow them or get booted. That is the way it is. The hosting service suffers the loss of income from a client. Country clubs have rules that you have to follow or get booted are they the only ones who should have some control over their shit.

I suspect they already have plans in place to close the entire facility and relocate elsewhere.
I would not be surprised if they have thrown that strategy around. Of course the union organizers are already planning on heading to other shops around the country and organizing them also. This shit aint new. Stupid laws that prevent unions from collecting dues is. If unions can't collect dues then country clubs should not be able to either. Your side is the anti union side not ours.. If Amazon wants to abandon multi million dollar warehouse districts and start over that is their business. The unions will respond in kind

What kind of fuck twit would compare country club dues with Unions ?
Some workers in Amazon’s Bessemer, Ala., warehouse complain that the company’s aggressive performance expectations leave them little time to take bathroom breaks.

The stakes couldn’t be higher for Amazon, which is fighting the biggest labor battle in its history on U.S. soil. Next Monday, the National Labor Relations Board will mail ballots to 5,805 workers.

Wait, aren't libs all about "a living wage" and "fairness" for workers?


since when does corporate america represent the left?

Any other delusions?

Like thinking MSNBC represents the left. They reprsent something partisan but GE ain't representing the left.

Pro tip to anyone thinking some massive corporation is left leaning, it's not and that argument doesn't work. Absurd on the face of it

Jeff bezos king of predatory business practices is not some secret socialist lol

You really aren't that bright.
Total contribution: $8.9 million
Top recipients: Joe Biden

Big Tech and CEOs Poured Millions Into The Election. Here’s Who They Supported

we're a capitalist society big banks give democrats money

are they liberal too?


No kidding, how may millions did they contribute? Don't forget grandmas that contributed...dumbass.
Some workers in Amazon’s Bessemer, Ala., warehouse complain that the company’s aggressive performance expectations leave them little time to take bathroom breaks.

The stakes couldn’t be higher for Amazon, which is fighting the biggest labor battle in its history on U.S. soil. Next Monday, the National Labor Relations Board will mail ballots to 5,805 workers.

Wait, aren't libs all about "a living wage" and "fairness" for workers?


since when does corporate america represent the left?

Any other delusions?

Like thinking MSNBC represents the left. They reprsent something partisan but GE ain't representing the left.

Pro tip to anyone thinking some massive corporation is left leaning, it's not and that argument doesn't work. Absurd on the face of it

Jeff bezos king of predatory business practices is not some secret socialist lol

You really aren't that bright.
Total contribution: $8.9 million
Top recipients: Joe Biden

Big Tech and CEOs Poured Millions Into The Election. Here’s Who They Supported

we're a capitalist society big banks give democrats money

are they liberal too?


No kidding, how may millions did they contribute? Don't forget grandmas that contributed...dumbass.

Are implying the grandmas did it for financial gain?

why do you plebs think lobbying wouldn't be an expense for these people?

Like thinking an American company paying the CCP to enter the chinese market makes them commies. . . They're just living under the states rules as a private entity.
yea you can and you come off like a little irrational nerd who doesn't know how storytelling in 2021 works

"hurr durr snowflake hurt their bottom line"

NO it didn't and people like you constantly give it free press
The evidence doesn't support your stance. And it doesn't go unnoticed that you didn't address many points there.

I'm ok with that if you are. *shrugs*

Points about what? I'm distracted by your babbling about comic books that don't make any money

Which is why i told you to shut the fuck up retard

Welcome to basic communication. If you have a point don't hide it in pablum
Some workers in Amazon’s Bessemer, Ala., warehouse complain that the company’s aggressive performance expectations leave them little time to take bathroom breaks.

The stakes couldn’t be higher for Amazon, which is fighting the biggest labor battle in its history on U.S. soil. Next Monday, the National Labor Relations Board will mail ballots to 5,805 workers.

Wait, aren't libs all about "a living wage" and "fairness" for workers?


since when does corporate america represent the left?

Any other delusions?

Like thinking MSNBC represents the left. They reprsent something partisan but GE ain't representing the left.

Pro tip to anyone thinking some massive corporation is left leaning, it's not and that argument doesn't work. Absurd on the face of it

Jeff bezos king of predatory business practices is not some secret socialist lol

You really aren't that bright.
Total contribution: $8.9 million
Top recipients: Joe Biden

Big Tech and CEOs Poured Millions Into The Election. Here’s Who They Supported

we're a capitalist society big banks give democrats money

are they liberal too?


No kidding, how may millions did they contribute? Don't forget grandmas that contributed...dumbass.

Are implying the grandmas did it for financial gain?

why do you plebs think lobbying wouldn't be an expense for these people?

Like thinking an American company paying the CCP to enter the chinese market makes them commies. . . They're just living under the states rules as a private entity.

Still not seeing how many millions banks contributed.

So you're suggesting Bezos contributing $9 million doesn't expect financial gain.
Some workers in Amazon’s Bessemer, Ala., warehouse complain that the company’s aggressive performance expectations leave them little time to take bathroom breaks.

The stakes couldn’t be higher for Amazon, which is fighting the biggest labor battle in its history on U.S. soil. Next Monday, the National Labor Relations Board will mail ballots to 5,805 workers.

Wait, aren't libs all about "a living wage" and "fairness" for workers?


since when does corporate america represent the left?

Any other delusions?

Like thinking MSNBC represents the left. They reprsent something partisan but GE ain't representing the left.

Pro tip to anyone thinking some massive corporation is left leaning, it's not and that argument doesn't work. Absurd on the face of it

Jeff bezos king of predatory business practices is not some secret socialist lol

You really aren't that bright.
Total contribution: $8.9 million
Top recipients: Joe Biden

Big Tech and CEOs Poured Millions Into The Election. Here’s Who They Supported

we're a capitalist society big banks give democrats money

are they liberal too?


No kidding, how may millions did they contribute? Don't forget grandmas that contributed...dumbass.

Are implying the grandmas did it for financial gain?

why do you plebs think lobbying wouldn't be an expense for these people?

Like thinking an American company paying the CCP to enter the chinese market makes them commies. . . They're just living under the states rules as a private entity.

Still not seeing how many millions banks contributed.

So you're suggesting Bezos contributing $9 million doesn't expect financial gain.

i'm not going to google what you already know

just the speaking fees they pay democrats alone a year . . . .

if you find bankers donating to democrats shocking you have no idea what country you're in.
Points about what? I'm distracted by your babbling about comic books that don't make any money
I suggest you reread the post.

Which is why i told you to shut the fuck up retard
You are free to tell me to do so... I'm under no requirement to do so. I'm also alright with how you represent yourself in this discussion. Doesn't hurt me a bit.

Welcome to basic communication. If you have a point don't hide it in pablum
It's a simple thing. Here is the post again, feel free to address those things you didn't the first time. You do remember the things you write, correct? So feel free to skip those.

Again the disney thing is not a good example, stop talking about it.
I will talk about whatever I feel like talking about when I feel like talking about it. You are free to address or ignore as you will.

Your love of comic books don't matter they're part of the disney catalogue now. I like comic book story lines but i just watched various shows as a kid.
Same here. Although it wasn't by choice. I don't have a love of comic books, as I never recieved any as a kid outside of when I broke my arm in five places and was in a hospital for several weeks. My parents simply didn't have the disposable money for something like that.

Everything Disney does is for money. They have an all white executive board. Not even willing to give a couple diversity hires.

What do you think those people with no experience in the field were? Would you like to do your own googling or...?

I know you think snowflake and other bad characters hurts disney's bottom line but it's at worst a wash because they're pleasing a lot of other people.
They lost money doing it. What people are they pleasing? You are taking the hardline stance that it's not politically motivated... Right? I thought that was what you were trying to do.

Points about what? I'm distracted by your babbling about comic books that don't make any money
I suggest you reread the post.

Which is why i told you to shut the fuck up retard
You are free to tell me to do so... I'm under no requirement to do so. I'm also alright with how you represent yourself in this discussion. Doesn't hurt me a bit.

Welcome to basic communication. If you have a point don't hide it in pablum
It's a simple thing. Here is the post again, feel free to address those things you didn't the first time. You do remember the things you write, correct? So feel free to skip those.

Again the disney thing is not a good example, stop talking about it.
I will talk about whatever I feel like talking about when I feel like talking about it. You are free to address or ignore as you will.

Your love of comic books don't matter they're part of the disney catalogue now. I like comic book story lines but i just watched various shows as a kid.
Same here. Although it wasn't by choice. I don't have a love of comic books, as I never recieved any as a kid outside of when I broke my arm in five places and was in a hospital for several weeks. My parents simply didn't have the disposable money for something like that.

Everything Disney does is for money. They have an all white executive board. Not even willing to give a couple diversity hires.

What do you think those people with no experience in the field were? Would you like to do your own googling or...?

I know you think snowflake and other bad characters hurts disney's bottom line but it's at worst a wash because they're pleasing a lot of other people.
They lost money doing it. What people are they pleasing? You are taking the hardline stance that it's not politically motivated... Right? I thought that was what you were trying to do.


again with your poor communication

there is a reason people don't break up quotes like that. Don't do it.

not gonna read it. Save your crying about snowflake for someone who cares. Not even good fiction marvel sucks....Expecting it to get better under disney
again with your poor communication

there is a reason people don't break up quotes like that. Don't do it.
I will do whatever I want to do, when I feel like doing it.

not gonna read it. Save your crying about snowflake for someone who cares. Not even good fiction marvel sucks....Expecting it to get better under disney
*shrugs* Ok... Don't read it. I don't really care if you remain as you are. That's your choice.

Just remember... Nobody can make you look stupid. You have to do it.

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