Union members more productive than NonUnion Scabs

All true..

I recall my brother-in-law while working for a General Motors union shop being beaten up and put in the hospital for being too productive.

It seems that his quota of work was supposed to take 8 hours but he could do it in 2 hours and just continued working the full 8 hours.

After repeated warnings by the other union members to, slow down or else, he was finally caught and beaten..
Alas, "productivity" is also the main topic, and sorry if you can't get it straight in your head. But you do bring up a point that "training" is a key element that separates Union members from scab workers.

Union vs. Non-Union: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity
How many main topics does this article have? :confused:

How many variables does it have, of which training is one..................

Well, one variable I see is "propensity of people to mindlessly suck up and spew union propaganda".

For most in this thread, the value is low. For some, it's quite high.
I have been a civil sevant for over 29 years. The AFLCIO union is pretty big on base. However I have never had a need to join a union. Why not? I have go to work every day and do my job, and what is expected of me. I have always believed in 40 hours work for 40 hours pay. I gyuess I am from the old school. My father once told me, son if you think someone in this world owes you something, you are damn badly fooled. Words from a wise man. Thoes who do embrace the union, what have they done for the economy? Where are all the solid steel jobs in Pa? What happened to Detroit? I thank goodness live in a right to work state or open shop. Unions really aint that cool from all ive seen. Just a thought. Thanks for the forum. Jack Elliott

Well, I am not sure whoes forum it is, but thanks for posting your thoughts. I worked Union until I retired and never thought anyone owed me a living either, I worked, I was paid. I worked in power generation that turned the machines that boosted the economy. I built water towers & oil/gas tanks & refineries, ships & boilers & nuclear plants & co-gens & dams to boost the economy.

PA is a long story, and needs a thread of its own. You probably haven't seen much of the building trades then, because they are cool & patriotic of any American you would want for a friend. When the job goes up, so does the American flag.
All true..

I recall my brother-in-law while working for a General Motors union shop being beaten up and put in the hospital for being too productive.

It seems that his quota of work was supposed to take 8 hours but he could do it in 2 hours and just continued working the full 8 hours.

After repeated warnings by the other union members to, slow down or else, he was finally caught and beaten..
The laziest man I ever worked with was UMW. If he couldn't sit down while he did it, he didn't do it. Kept threatening to "call the union and shut down the job site".

Conversely, another guy I worked with was UMW. Young guy, hard worker. Hadn't caught the union mindset yet. He kept telling stories about union guys breaking into each others' tool boxes and stealing tools.
Productivity dosen't just happen Tao...Productivity is the result of training...Now most of us non-union guys got our training in the field, as opposed to spending large amounts of cash in a classroom or seminar somewhere...Did your union seminar talk about infiltrating message boards and talk radio programs?

No, it that what your boss told you when you were under his desk?

Is that how your dues were spent to make you a more skilled and productive worker?

Why of course it paid to make us the best in our field, and leave scabs in the dust..........
All true..

I recall my brother-in-law while working for a General Motors union shop being beaten up and put in the hospital for being too productive.

It seems that his quota of work was supposed to take 8 hours but he could do it in 2 hours and just continued working the full 8 hours.

After repeated warnings by the other union members to, slow down or else, he was finally caught and beaten..
The laziest man I ever worked with was UMW. If he couldn't sit down while he did it, he didn't do it. Kept threatening to "call the union and shut down the job site".

Conversely, another guy I worked with was UMW. Young guy, hard worker. Hadn't caught the union mindset yet. He kept telling stories about union guys breaking into each others' tool boxes and stealing tools.

I worked with a union member that got a note from her Dr. that she needed extra smoke breaks...and she got them. This is no shit.
This study does much to support calls for extensive targeted training with demanding qualifications

it doesn't support the conclusion you seem to want it to

I beg your pardon...........

TITLE: "Union members more productive than NonUnion Scabs "

"Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity"

Bullshit, brother!

I spent a lot of my long legal career working in Labor and Employment. I've seen up close and personal what scaggy union members do and how unions operate. They "protect" lazy scum bags over some bogus matter that doesn't mean crap; verbal warnings and written warnings and then when the jackass is fired and files suit the National Labor Relations Board is the taxpayer funded legal counsel for the union and the scum bag. I've seen lawyers for the defense (the employer, who by the way, pays its own legal fees and costs) jack up NLRB lawyers who wouldn't know a labor law if it jumped up and bit them in the ass. And in most cases the NLRB and unions lose these lawsuits.

All of this "jockeying for position" costs the employer, legal fees paid by employers, stupid union contracts, and all the other stuff ad up to consumers paying more for their product. Employers could do a hell of a lot more and better for their employees if they didn't pay out the note for union bullshit.

The union upper yuckety-yuks benefit from more union dues than anybody else. Their pockets are filled to the brim.

As for the non-union scabs ... good for them. When a strike is called the employer can permanently replace every union member on the picket line - and they should.

Nope, don't see anything there either. You must be on the wrong thread. Are you confused about where you are or what the topic is of this thread??


Funny, you're the only one thats not seeing it though.

But I'm sure every single other poster is wrong, and you're right :thup:

That must be the case. Does that mean they lost their grip on reality? Seeing it is cons, I would tend to agree with that assumption.
Productivity dosen't just happen Tao...Productivity is the result of training...Now most of us non-union guys got our training in the field, as opposed to spending large amounts of cash in a classroom or seminar somewhere...Did your union seminar talk about infiltrating message boards and talk radio programs?

No, it that what your boss told you when you were under his desk?

Is that how your dues were spent to make you a more skilled and productive worker?

Why of course it paid to make us the best in our field, and leave scabs in the dust..........

Another blasted wasteland of union propaganda...Open up another thread extolling the virtues of unionism Tao...I'm sure your seminar notes will be more successul next time....lololol
Nope, don't see anything there either. You must be on the wrong thread. Are you confused about where you are or what the topic is of this thread??


Funny, you're the only one thats not seeing it though.

But I'm sure every single other poster is wrong, and you're right :thup:

That must be the case. Does that mean they lost their grip on reality? Seeing it is cons, I would tend to agree with that assumption.
wow, your delusions are deep
All true..

I recall my brother-in-law while working for a General Motors union shop being beaten up and put in the hospital for being too productive.

It seems that his quota of work was supposed to take 8 hours but he could do it in 2 hours and just continued working the full 8 hours.

After repeated warnings by the other union members to, slow down or else, he was finally caught and beaten..
The laziest man I ever worked with was UMW. If he couldn't sit down while he did it, he didn't do it. Kept threatening to "call the union and shut down the job site".

Conversely, another guy I worked with was UMW. Young guy, hard worker. Hadn't caught the union mindset yet. He kept telling stories about union guys breaking into each others' tool boxes and stealing tools.

I worked with a union member that got a note from her Dr. that she needed extra smoke breaks...and she got them. This is no shit.
This study does much to support calls for extensive targeted training with demanding qualifications

it doesn't support the conclusion you seem to want it to

I beg your pardon...........

TITLE: "Union members more productive than NonUnion Scabs "

"Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity"

Bullshit, brother!

I spent a lot of my long legal career working in Labor and Employment. I've seen up close and personal what scaggy union members do and how unions operate. They "protect" lazy scum bags over some bogus matter that doesn't mean crap; verbal warnings and written warnings and then when the jackass is fired and files suit the National Labor Relations Board is the taxpayer funded legal counsel for the union and the scum bag. I've seen lawyers for the defense (the employer, who by the way, pays its own legal fees and costs) jack up NLRB lawyers who wouldn't know a labor law if it jumped up and bit them in the ass. And in most cases the NLRB and unions lose these lawsuits.

All of this "jockeying for position" costs the employer, legal fees paid by employers, stupid union contracts, and all the other stuff ad up to consumers paying more for their product. Employers could do a hell of a lot more and better for their employees if they didn't pay out the note for union bullshit.

The union upper yuckety-yuks benefit from more union dues than anybody else. Their pockets are filled to the brim.

As for the non-union scabs ... good for them. When a strike is called the employer can permanently replace every union member on the picket line - and they should.

You are officially drafted as my adoptive "Granny" Keep posting and I love your style! :) especially the "Bullshit Brother" line...lol
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Nope, don't see anything there either. You must be on the wrong thread. Are you confused about where you are or what the topic is of this thread??


Funny, you're the only one thats not seeing it though.

But I'm sure every single other poster is wrong, and you're right :thup:

That must be the case. Does that mean they lost their grip on reality? Seeing it is cons, I would tend to agree with that assumption.

JB isn't a con. Neither is goldcatt. And I'm only a con if you insist on a modern day binary con/lib linear axis.

You've had your ass handed to you. Multiple times. By people across the political spectrum.
GLEW: "You are officially drafted as my adoptive "Granny" Keep posting and I love your style! especially the "Bullshit Brother" line...lol"

Why, thank you!!

*Granny grins* I've been adopted!
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Human Beings don't stop being Human Being because they do or don't work Union. Motivation, Incentive, Integrity, effect result. The rest here is propaganda. You either have it in you to do the right thing or you don't.

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