Unions Get Waivers Bought With Political Cash


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

Posted 06:51 PM ET

Politics: In a telltale Friday-night document dump, the White House released records showing the latest lucky recipients of Obama-Care cost waivers. By the wildest of coincidences, 87% of them belong to Big Labor unions.

Interesting, since Big Labor pulled out all the stops to get the president's signature on health care reform passed in March 2010. But as the waivers came, it's clear they never had any expectation of paying for it.

From the very start they carved out special exemptions for themselves, showing all the earmarks of political favors in exchange for campaign contributions. The actual skyrocketing costs, reduced choices and lousy service were shoved on the rest of us.

This isn't conspiracy thinking. Judicial Watch obtained records from closed-door meetings between Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO, Andy Stern of the SEIU and other labor advocates of health care nationalization, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Vice President Joe Biden, Majority Leader Harry Reid and ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. They point to deals cut to benefit Big Labor.

What's more, union leaders such as Stern, Trumka and Change to Win's Anna Burger were the most frequent White House visitors during the political battle.

No surprise then that 543,812 union workers have magically gotten waivers, according to documents dating from June 17, 2011, while only 69,813 nonunion workers did. That's a shocking 83% total for union members, who make up only 6% of the private workforce.

Big Labor Wins Big On ObamaCare Waivers, While Those Who Resisted Pay And Pay - Investors.com
the latest winners?

Who are the others? What percentage are the labor unions?

Posted 06:51 PM ET

Politics: In a telltale Friday-night document dump, the White House released records showing the latest lucky recipients of Obama-Care cost waivers. By the wildest of coincidences, 87% of them belong to Big Labor unions.

Interesting, since Big Labor pulled out all the stops to get the president's signature on health care reform passed in March 2010. But as the waivers came, it's clear they never had any expectation of paying for it.

From the very start they carved out special exemptions for themselves, showing all the earmarks of political favors in exchange for campaign contributions. The actual skyrocketing costs, reduced choices and lousy service were shoved on the rest of us.

This isn't conspiracy thinking. Judicial Watch obtained records from closed-door meetings between Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO, Andy Stern of the SEIU and other labor advocates of health care nationalization, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Vice President Joe Biden, Majority Leader Harry Reid and ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. They point to deals cut to benefit Big Labor.

What's more, union leaders such as Stern, Trumka and Change to Win's Anna Burger were the most frequent White House visitors during the political battle.

No surprise then that 543,812 union workers have magically gotten waivers, according to documents dating from June 17, 2011, while only 69,813 nonunion workers did. That's a shocking 83% total for union members, who make up only 6% of the private workforce.

Big Labor Wins Big On ObamaCare Waivers, While Those Who Resisted Pay And Pay - Investors.com

Considering all of the force applied to get it passed, it is incredible. Think about it. Lincoln Defeated Slavery, Obama Re-instituted it. You can get yearly exemptions if you try real hard, and know Somebody that's connected. ;)
There are a lot of corporations getting waivers let's not kid ourselves.

This is the answer:

Improved Medicare Single Payer Insurance for All is one substantial part of the solution.

- Easy to Implement: Medicare has been in existence since 1966, it provides
healthcare to those 65 and older, and satisfaction levels are high. The
structure is already in place and can be easily expanded to cover everyone.

- Simple: One entity – established by the government – would handle billing
and payment at a cost significantly lower than private insurance companies.
Private insurance companies spend about 31% of every healthcare dollar on
administration. Medicare now spends about 3%.

- Real Choice: An expanded and improved Medicare for All would provide
personal choice of doctors and other healthcare providers. While financing
would be public, providers would remain private. As with Medicare, you choose
your doctor, your hospital, and other healthcare providers.

- State and Local Tax Relief: Medicare for All would assume the costs of
healthcare delivery, thus relieving the states and local governments of the
cost of healthcare, including Medicaid, and as a result reduce State and
local tax burdens.

- Expanded coverage: Would cover all medically necessary healthcare
services – no more rationing by private insurance companies. There would be
no limits on coverage, no co-pays or deductibles, and services would include
not only primary and specialized care but also prescription drugs, dental,
vision, mental health services, and long-term care.

- Everyone In, Nobody Out: Everyone would be eligible and covered. No
longer would doctors ask what insurance you have before they treat you.

- No More Overpriced Private Health Insurance: Medicare for All would
eliminate the need for private health insurance companies who put profit
before healthcare, unfairly limit choice, restrict who gets coverage, and
force people into bankruptcy.

- Lower Costs: Most people will pay significantly less for healthcare.
Savings will be achieved in reduced administrative costs and in negotiated
prices for prescription drugs.

Healthcare-NOW! - Organizing for a national, single-payer healthcare system.
Anyone want to know what the waivers are for specifically? Not a single one you even knows what a minor tempest in a teacup you are even pissed off about.
Merril. You cant solve the problem of high prices caused by government subsidy's to the private sector with more subsidies to the private sector.

P.S. Is it rape if your willing?
more from the article

If any group should bear the full brunt of ObamaCare costs, it's Big Labor. Labor's million-dollar lobbyists shoved it onto an unwilling public, while union leaders vowed revenge against lawmakers who opposed it.

The SEIU's example is instructive. Having spent a large part of its $2.7 million lobbying budget on this bill, it spent nearly $300,000 on direct mail and other activities to oust Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., in the 2010 primary. Why? Because he had voted "no" on ObamaCare.

Meanwhile, unions together shelled out $100 million in 2010 to keep Democrats in office after the fiasco.

The fact those of us who never wanted this "reform" are left to pay for it, while Big Labor gets a free ride, shows the cynicism of Big Labor and the Democrats.

This is political corruption at its worst. ObamaCare can't be called a law anymore, let alone an equalizer of health care access, as it has claimed — it's just a machine for dispensing political favors, paid for by the rest of us.

Big Labor Wins Big On ObamaCare Waivers, While Those Who Resisted Pay And Pay - Investors.com
Anyone know what the waivers are for specifically? Not a single one you even knows what a minor tempest in a teacup you are even pissed off about.

We know some people are getting special treatment. I dont know if you have ever checked her out but lady justice is blind. The law for one should be the law for another.
The waivers are for a specific kind of policy and then only for a specific part of those policies. Some employers who actually give a damn about their part time employees offer them what is called in the industry a "mini-med" policy, it is basically a kind of healthcare coupon with limits on the amount that can be paid out. Now ANYONE that offers this kind of policy to their part time and seasonal employees may apply for a waiver, it is only good for one year and then the entire bridge program is only in effect until the health care exchanges are up and running. So all this fuss is over a waiver for a policy that no conservative in their right mind would offer part timers. No wonder it seems only unions and liberals are beneficiaries of this program, who else cares enough to go to the expense for temps and part timers? Certainly not any of you who are bitching about crap you have no idea about.
Crickets, they abandoned this thread like rats from a sinking ship, or like teabaggers from the truth.
The problem with Unions that you are ignoring is Government Infiltration. It's Fucked, It's Wrong, It's Dangerous.
What do you expect from one of the most corrupt administrations in the history of this nation?
approx 36% of unionized workers work for the govt like congress....

Congress has the ultimate union btw.

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