United Nations issues rare early warning signals potential civil conflict in America


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
United Nations Issues Rare “Early Warning” – Signals Potential Civil Conflict In America
A United Nations Committee tasked with combating racism on a global scale has issued an ultra rare “early warning” for the United States citing “alarming racism” trends.



Who cares if one thinks it not true or not because those who aren't becoming aware are the very dumb asses who think everything is always a joke and will be the first ones taken out because oh everything is just sooooo funny and nothing can or will ever happen to lil ole America. Why i'm an Obama ass kisser they'll keep me safe because I supported my hero LMFAO.. You are the very same ones Hitler took out first bahahh.
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Well if this is true, I would highly recommend that the UN leave the U.S. and relocate to Europe. Many of us would not exactly shed any tears.
Well if this is true, I would highly recommend that the UN leave the U.S. and relocate to Europe. Many of us would not exactly shed any tears.

"I would highly recommend that the UN leave the U.S. and relocate to Europe."

^^^^ No, we don't want them either. Fuck The UN.

The Commie UN should relocate to Africa and Saudi Arabia considering the ONLY groups of people on the planet they want are Jungle Bunnies and Kebabs, so the Commie UN should go and live among their pets and savages.


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Well if this is true, I would highly recommend that the UN leave the U.S. and relocate to Europe. Many of us would not exactly shed any tears.


23 August 2017 – The United Nations body monitoring implementation of the global convention on prohibiting racial discrimination has called on high-level politicians and public officials of the United States to unequivocally and unconditionally reject and condemn racist hate speech and crimes in Charlottesville and throughout the country.

“We are alarmed by the racist demonstrations, with overtly racist slogans, chants and salutes by white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and the Ku Klux Klan, promoting white supremacy and inciting racial discrimination and hatred,” said Anastasia Crickley, Chairperson of UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), in a news release.

UN News - UN rights experts criticize US failure to unequivocally reject racist violent events

Guess you can't get any more " TRUE" than from the HORSES MOUTH ITSELF.
Lol the Nazi idiots hold one rally and the UN and left piss their pants...

Meanwhile Trump supporters all over the country have dealt with the lefts violence for over a year (and it's continuing to this day).

I'm guessing the "civil war" wouldn't take very long personally.

Is $25/h enough to get idiot college kids to dress up like terrorists and risk their lives? Little bastards should be happy to pick the lettuce for $8/h after a few of them get shot...
Well if this is true, I would highly recommend that the UN leave the U.S. and relocate to Europe. Many of us would not exactly shed any tears.

"I would highly recommend that the UN leave the U.S. and relocate to Europe."

^^^^ No, we don't want them either. Fuck The UN.

The Commie UN should relocate to Africa and Saudi Arabia considering the ONLY groups of people on the planet they want are Jungle Bunnies and Kebabs, so the Commie UN should go and live among their pets and savages.



I don't blame you a bit Lucy. Maybe Canada would take them since they want all of the worlds refugees anyway.
Well if this is true, I would highly recommend that the UN leave the U.S. and relocate to Europe. Many of us would not exactly shed any tears.

"I would highly recommend that the UN leave the U.S. and relocate to Europe."

^^^^ No, we don't want them either. Fuck The UN.

The Commie UN should relocate to Africa and Saudi Arabia considering the ONLY groups of people on the planet they want are Jungle Bunnies and Kebabs, so the Commie UN should go and live among their pets and savages.



I don't blame you a bit Lucy. Maybe Canada would take them since they want all of the worlds refugees anyway.
Well if this is true, I would highly recommend that the UN leave the U.S. and relocate to Europe. Many of us would not exactly shed any tears.

View attachment 145808

Rare United Nations Warning-Signals Potential Civil Conflict In America - Stock Board Asset

Unfortunately the UN is spot on with this prediction.

Anyone here in the Imperial Homelandwith two functioning brain cells can feel the r
ensure mounting and the tr
Unfortunately the UN is spot on with this prediction.

Anyone here in the Imperial Homeland with with two functioning brain cells can feel the pressure mounting and the trremors and rumbles of the oncoming conflict.

For those without Military or Intelligence experience in what was once called UW (Unconventional Warfare), now known as Fourth Generation Warfare, the War has begun and few notice.

To the Barricades! : We Will At Least Be Less Bored

Katie, bar the ever-lovin’ door. Compromise seems a forlorn hope in today’s strange version of America. Anger runs too deep. All that is left is to choose sides. We will then see whether the country sinks—continues sinking–into a Soviet future already largely upon us, or we see armed mobs battling in the streets.

Does this sound crazy? I don’t think so. The hostility is beyond anything I have seen in what has become a depressingly long life. In the media, on the web, anger seethes. Countries both civilized and not have plunged into bloodshed over as little. Think of Sunnis and Shias, Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics, Spanish and Basques.

In America, friends talk carefully to each other because they want to remain friends. Armed mobs take to the streets, blocking highways, shouting down speakers, burning cities, looting malls, playing the Knockout Game, organizing huge demonstrations. Things are far worse than in the upheavals of the Sixties. That rebellion, now receding from living memory, had a concrete and attainable goal: preventing young men from being forced to fight in a remote war in which they had no stake. When the draft ended, so did the riots.

Today’s hatreds are not about anything in particular. They are about everything in general, and thus irresolvable. The white insurrectionists seem to be adolescents of thirty-five, gripped by the strange immaturity that so many have noticed, angry at a world that they mistake for their parents. The blacks are furious because they somehow do not succeed in modern society. Their opposition, the Deplorables, feel drowned in everything they detest and fear. No peace is possible except by political coercion or conflict in the streets.

Half the country, led by New York, wants to control, and does control, everything of importance to the other half. Everything is decided remotely: what your children learn in school, what you can’t say to them because they might tell their teachers; who you have to hire, with whom you have to associate, what religious practices are permitted, whether you can have a Christmas tree in the town square or sing carols on the public streets, whether you can defend yourself and your family. New York versus the Deplorables. The city holds the high cards.

Bitter conflicts force the taking of sides, often with people one does not like. For example, I think Trump is a horse’s ass, dangerous, naive, uninformed, and a thoroughgoing damned fool. I detest the KKK (which barely exists, but never mind) and disagree with the Alt-Right on many things. Yet when I look at the other side, the armed bands, the censorship, thought control, indoctrination, the re-writing of history, their media arm, the identity politics, the push for control, control, control—I think,“I’ll take Trump—gack–and certainly the Deplorables.” And of course if violence comes, it’s one or the other. You can’t reason with a mob armed with lengths of rebar.

There is no principle in any of this. It is visceral. Animalic mobs of ill-bred semiliterates vandalize statues as eagerly as Muslims blowing up Buddhist monuments. This is war, of low intensity but still war. Culture war at first, but tending toward baseball-bat war. And the federal government sides with the vandals. So far the attacks not been answered, but a lot of the country is thinking, “Bring it on.” Conservatives are not creatures of the herd, and do not wave placards. But they too are armed.

The campaign highly orchestrated. The professional touch shows. The anger existed before Trump, and will exist after him, but he is being used by those who want to bring the Establishment, the Deep State, back into the White House.

Some time ago a fellow named Shicklgruber, a genius at marketing and cynical as Machiavelli, explained the technique for herding the public: Have a few simple ideas and repeat them over and over and over and over and over and over. Intellectuals, he said, want to make propaganda by offering complex ideas, and changing them frequently. This is because intellectuals become bored with simple ideas and want variety. Wrong, said Schick. Keep it simple and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.

Lol the Nazi idiots hold one rally and the UN and left piss their pants...

Meanwhile Trump supporters all over the country have dealt with the lefts violence for over a year (and it's continuing to this day).

I'm guessing the "civil war" wouldn't take very long personally.

Is $25/h enough to get idiot college kids to dress up like terrorists and risk their lives? Little bastards should be happy to pick the lettuce for $8/h after a few of them get shot...
I agree, these people can't seem to figure out that the nazis and kkk have been holding these rallies for many, many decades and for many, many decades the rest of us have been laughing at them. I listened to a guy that said he lived across the street from a park where every 3 or 4 years the nazis would show up in full uniform with flags and all. He said in his younger days he would call friends up to come over drink beer and sing Hanukkah songs to them. Now people are freaking out and giving the nazis what they want, attention.
United Nations Issues Rare “Early Warning” – Signals Potential Civil Conflict In America
A United Nations Committee tasked with combating racism on a global scale has issued an ultra rare “early warning” for the United States citing “alarming racism” trends.

View attachment 145806


Who cares if one thinks it not true or not because those who aren't becoming aware are the very dumb asses who think everything is always a joke and will be the first ones taken out because oh everything is just sooooo funny and nothing can or will ever happen to lil ole America. Why i'm an Obama ass kisser they'll keep me safe because I supported my hero LMFAO.. You are the very same ones Hitler took out first bahahh.
Why are you posting InfoWars links in the current events? You're ruining this forum with your constant fake news. Stop posting this fucking bullshit please.
Unfortunately the UN is spot on with this prediction.

Anyone here in the Imperial Homeland with with two functioning brain cells can feel the pressure mounting and the trremors and rumbles of the oncoming conflict.

For those without Military or Intelligence experience in what was once called UW (Unconventional Warfare), now known as Fourth Generation Warfare, the War has begun and few notice.

To the Barricades! : We Will At Least Be Less Bored

Katie, bar the ever-lovin’ door. Compromise seems a forlorn hope in today’s strange version of America. Anger runs too deep. All that is left is to choose sides. We will then see whether the country sinks—continues sinking–into a Soviet future already largely upon us, or we see armed mobs battling in the streets.

Does this sound crazy? I don’t think so. The hostility is beyond anything I have seen in what has become a depressingly long life. In the media, on the web, anger seethes. Countries both civilized and not have plunged into bloodshed over as little. Think of Sunnis and Shias, Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics, Spanish and Basques.

In America, friends talk carefully to each other because they want to remain friends. Armed mobs take to the streets, blocking highways, shouting down speakers, burning cities, looting malls, playing the Knockout Game, organizing huge demonstrations. Things are far worse than in the upheavals of the Sixties. That rebellion, now receding from living memory, had a concrete and attainable goal: preventing young men from being forced to fight in a remote war in which they had no stake. When the draft ended, so did the riots.

Today’s hatreds are not about anything in particular. They are about everything in general, and thus irresolvable. The white insurrectionists seem to be adolescents of thirty-five, gripped by the strange immaturity that so many have noticed, angry at a world that they mistake for their parents. The blacks are furious because they somehow do not succeed in modern society. Their opposition, the Deplorables, feel drowned in everything they detest and fear. No peace is possible except by political coercion or conflict in the streets.

Half the country, led by New York, wants to control, and does control, everything of importance to the other half. Everything is decided remotely: what your children learn in school, what you can’t say to them because they might tell their teachers; who you have to hire, with whom you have to associate, what religious practices are permitted, whether you can have a Christmas tree in the town square or sing carols on the public streets, whether you can defend yourself and your family. New York versus the Deplorables. The city holds the high cards.

Bitter conflicts force the taking of sides, often with people one does not like. For example, I think Trump is a horse’s ass, dangerous, naive, uninformed, and a thoroughgoing damned fool. I detest the KKK (which barely exists, but never mind) and disagree with the Alt-Right on many things. Yet when I look at the other side, the armed bands, the censorship, thought control, indoctrination, the re-writing of history, their media arm, the identity politics, the push for control, control, control—I think,“I’ll take Trump—gack–and certainly the Deplorables.” And of course if violence comes, it’s one or the other. You can’t reason with a mob armed with lengths of rebar.

There is no principle in any of this. It is visceral. Animalic mobs of ill-bred semiliterates vandalize statues as eagerly as Muslims blowing up Buddhist monuments. This is war, of low intensity but still war. Culture war at first, but tending toward baseball-bat war. And the federal government sides with the vandals. So far the attacks not been answered, but a lot of the country is thinking, “Bring it on.” Conservatives are not creatures of the herd, and do not wave placards. But they too are armed.

The campaign highly orchestrated. The professional touch shows. The anger existed before Trump, and will exist after him, but he is being used by those who want to bring the Establishment, the Deep State, back into the White House.

Some time ago a fellow named Shicklgruber, a genius at marketing and cynical as Machiavelli, explained the technique for herding the public: Have a few simple ideas and repeat them over and over and over and over and over and over. Intellectuals, he said, want to make propaganda by offering complex ideas, and changing them frequently. This is because intellectuals become bored with simple ideas and want variety. Wrong, said Schick. Keep it simple and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.

The UN is not your freind and they are the masters of AMERICAN CONTROL and Dictatorship they are the root to the US moving right into a NEW WORLD ORDER/ ONE WORLD ORDER the UN are kings of wanting to enslave us and our Country.

They are saying that as a fake front wake up.
Unfortunately the UN is spot on with this prediction.

Anyone here in the Imperial Homeland with with two functioning brain cells can feel the pressure mounting and the trremors and rumbles of the oncoming conflict.

For those without Military or Intelligence experience in what was once called UW (Unconventional Warfare), now known as Fourth Generation Warfare, the War has begun and few notice.

To the Barricades! : We Will At Least Be Less Bored

Katie, bar the ever-lovin’ door. Compromise seems a forlorn hope in today’s strange version of America. Anger runs too deep. All that is left is to choose sides. We will then see whether the country sinks—continues sinking–into a Soviet future already largely upon us, or we see armed mobs battling in the streets.

Does this sound crazy? I don’t think so. The hostility is beyond anything I have seen in what has become a depressingly long life. In the media, on the web, anger seethes. Countries both civilized and not have plunged into bloodshed over as little. Think of Sunnis and Shias, Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics, Spanish and Basques.

In America, friends talk carefully to each other because they want to remain friends. Armed mobs take to the streets, blocking highways, shouting down speakers, burning cities, looting malls, playing the Knockout Game, organizing huge demonstrations. Things are far worse than in the upheavals of the Sixties. That rebellion, now receding from living memory, had a concrete and attainable goal: preventing young men from being forced to fight in a remote war in which they had no stake. When the draft ended, so did the riots.

Today’s hatreds are not about anything in particular. They are about everything in general, and thus irresolvable. The white insurrectionists seem to be adolescents of thirty-five, gripped by the strange immaturity that so many have noticed, angry at a world that they mistake for their parents. The blacks are furious because they somehow do not succeed in modern society. Their opposition, the Deplorables, feel drowned in everything they detest and fear. No peace is possible except by political coercion or conflict in the streets.

Half the country, led by New York, wants to control, and does control, everything of importance to the other half. Everything is decided remotely: what your children learn in school, what you can’t say to them because they might tell their teachers; who you have to hire, with whom you have to associate, what religious practices are permitted, whether you can have a Christmas tree in the town square or sing carols on the public streets, whether you can defend yourself and your family. New York versus the Deplorables. The city holds the high cards.

Bitter conflicts force the taking of sides, often with people one does not like. For example, I think Trump is a horse’s ass, dangerous, naive, uninformed, and a thoroughgoing damned fool. I detest the KKK (which barely exists, but never mind) and disagree with the Alt-Right on many things. Yet when I look at the other side, the armed bands, the censorship, thought control, indoctrination, the re-writing of history, their media arm, the identity politics, the push for control, control, control—I think,“I’ll take Trump—gack–and certainly the Deplorables.” And of course if violence comes, it’s one or the other. You can’t reason with a mob armed with lengths of rebar.

There is no principle in any of this. It is visceral. Animalic mobs of ill-bred semiliterates vandalize statues as eagerly as Muslims blowing up Buddhist monuments. This is war, of low intensity but still war. Culture war at first, but tending toward baseball-bat war. And the federal government sides with the vandals. So far the attacks not been answered, but a lot of the country is thinking, “Bring it on.” Conservatives are not creatures of the herd, and do not wave placards. But they too are armed.

The campaign highly orchestrated. The professional touch shows. The anger existed before Trump, and will exist after him, but he is being used by those who want to bring the Establishment, the Deep State, back into the White House.

Some time ago a fellow named Shicklgruber, a genius at marketing and cynical as Machiavelli, explained the technique for herding the public: Have a few simple ideas and repeat them over and over and over and over and over and over. Intellectuals, he said, want to make propaganda by offering complex ideas, and changing them frequently. This is because intellectuals become bored with simple ideas and want variety. Wrong, said Schick. Keep it simple and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.


The United Nations
Less than 20 years after the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR) was founded, World War II had arrived and once that war was over, America was ready to join “the League of Nations.” America sat down in San Francisco with Alger Hiss, a charter member of the CFR whose sympathy with communism cannot be denied, and joined the United Nations, the successor to the League of Nations.

The U.N. constitution is a Marxist socialist paradigm.


The United Nations’ 18 acres of prime Manhattan land was donated by the Rockefeller family.

The U.N. Charter and constitution is a thin paraphrasing of the Soviet model which Alger Hiss borrowed from when he coauthored it.

World regionalism is spelled out clearly in the U.N. Charter, Chapters 8 through 11, using such terms as “regional arrangements, intergovernmental agreements, and metropolital areas.” Advocates of one-world socialism have already divided the world into 85 regions for policing purposes. In adopting the U.N. Charter, Congress has established the Charter as the Supreme Law of the land (Fugi v. State of California, 1950-52).

Following are just some of the policies of the United Nations:

  • Control of all zoning matters in the United States and the control of our national parks, rivers and historical sites.
  • Control over whether women are allowed to have babies.
  • Control over the economic and judicial policies of all nations.
  • Programs are being processed to create a tax on citizens of the United States as a permanent method of UN funding.
  • The United Nation has its own Army and United States soldiers must swear allegiance to this foreign government. Remember Michael New.

The goal of regional or metropolitan government is to eventually merge the U.S. into the “New World Order” – a one world socialist state under the United Nations.

By Executive Order No. 11647 on Feb. 10, 1972, President Nixon announced the United States was divided into 10 Federal Regional Councils, each controlled by an appointed bureaucrat for the stated purpose of improving coordination of the activities of all levels of government. The 10 federal regions were to be empowered to control all forms of regionalism within the U.S.. Regional divisions supplementing the 10 federal regions include state sub-regions, federal reserve regions, population regions, and regions to control the land, water and natural resources of America.

Regional government is a plan to eventually control all facets of our lives. Executive Order 11490 assigns numerous emergency preparedness functions to federal departments.

Financing of regional governments is acquired through Federal Revenue sharing. Revenue sharing is a mechanism whereby the state and local governments become financially dependent upon the federal government. Pressure can then be applied to any level of state government that refuses to comply with the dictates of the regional government rulers. All but 1 of the 10 federal regional capitals is either a Federal Reserve Bank or branch bank city.

George Bush and the New World Order
This is the “One World Government” that Strobe Talbot and Bill Clinton promoted. This is a “government” that allows as members terrorist states, ethnic cleansers like China (remember Tibet) and nations that allow slavery (Sudan) as members.

The United Nations destroyed two free nations (Rhodesia and South Africa), two nations which were not politically correct, and so, were forced to their knees. The UN spread vicious lies about Rhosesia and crippled the nation economically, finally turning it over to avowed Communists led by black radical Robert Mugabe – who promptly renamed it Zimbabwe. In the Republic of South Africa its capital, Johannesburg, now ruled by the inept and corrupt Nelson Mandela is looking less like the “London of Africa” and a lot more like the Ayatollah Khoemeini’s Teheran, Iran. Today Johannesburg is the most dangerous city in the world with one of the highest murder rates.

The U.N. human rights committee removed voice and representation from Sudanese who have been defending themselves against their own Government. Khartoum is carrying out a civil and religious war aimed largely at Sudanese Christians and followers of native African religions.

We are in the midst of a propaganda campaign desired to scare us and encourage us to see things the way The Order sees them. Since another great depression and financial crisis is almost certain, the nations should move now to organize themselves into a One World Economic Order to insure that even though such a calamity may occur, there will be “a reconstitution of a meaningful international monetary system.”

In Jason Bermas’ film, Invisible Empire is all conspiracy and no theory – proving beyond doubt how the elite have openly conspired to insidiously rule the globe via the engines of the CFR, the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group.

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