University Compares Pro-Life Students to White Supremacists


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Kinda funny...members of a pro-life group were denied official club status at John Hopkins U....on the same day they approved a pro-Palestinian group club status. The Pal group actually has a history of violent behavior....and there are black pro-lifers in the group that was denied.

The SGA at Johns Hopkins voted March 12 to deny Voice for Life the right to become an official student club. That vote was affirmed on March 24 by the SGA’s senate.
SGA representatives did not return calls seeking comment.
“We were pretty shocked when the students showed their bias toward the pro-life students,” Hawkins said.
According to emails obtained by Fox News, members of the SGA compared the pro-life students to white supremacists.
“And this is why we don’t approve groups like Voice for Life,” one SGA member wrote, linking to an article about a white supremacist group at Towson University. ":cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

"Hawkins said the comparison was particularly offensive to African-American members of the pro-life group.
“To compare pro-lifers with white supremacists – it’s unreal,” she said.
Another SGA member said they objected to pro-life displays at Johns Hopkins, saying she “felt personally violated, targeted and attacked at a place where we previously felt safe and free to live our lives.” :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

"Ironically, she said, on the same day their group was denied status, the student lawmakers approved status for a pro-Palestinian group.
“That group actually has a history of violence on other campuses along with anti-Semitism,” she said."

University Compares Pro-Life Students to White Supremacists - Todd Starnes - Page 1
Not the university, the student body government.

And that was stupid of them.
Oh. Ok, so the student body government doesn't represent the university. Got it.
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Most of the pro life movement today is young. The baby killers have to join an unwillingness to murder infants to something else the would be considered reprehensible. If the face of your movement was black Kermit Gosnell what would you do?
I don't have a cookie for you, but you certainly deserve one for making that completely irrelevant observation.
I'm glad I could help you distinguish between the university and the student body KG:)
Is the pro-life contingent for banning the sale of guns to stop more than 10,000 Americans from getting killed every year? Or is it just fetuses they want to save by banning abortion?

Its okay to gun down hundreds of thousands of children. The rw's also support hitting children, molesting them and starving them.

Its only fetuses they care about.

Children? Not so much.
Is the pro-life contingent for banning the sale of guns to stop more than 10,000 Americans from getting killed every year? Or is it just fetuses they want to save by banning abortion?

Its okay to gun down hundreds of thousands of children. The rw's also support hitting children, molesting them and starving them.

Its only fetuses they care about.

Children? Not so much.

The big difference here is that Conservatives are against all types of child abuse.
libs on the other hand target children by the millions every year....on purpose.
And it's a death sentence.

Go pedal your BS to other libs. They'll be stupid enough to believe you.
I'm glad I could help you distinguish between the university and the student body KG:)

You simply highlighted your idiocy, but thank you anyway.

Again you show you have issues with the in, you don't understand or use it properly. You must be an educator:


  • An educational institution designed for instruction, examination, or both, of students in many branches of advanced learning, conferring...
  • The members of this collectively.
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