University students vote to make American flag optional

This is insanely stupid left wing fanaticism.
They want to invoke the right to essentially disparage the symbol of their liberty to invoke their rights.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote and this is basically their agreement to that.

Yuh huh.

And where exactly is the "disparagement" in not-having-to mime some robot behavior, hm? The last poster that tried this bullshit, I called him on it and he ran away. Electing to not have something foisted on you is "disparaging", is it?

Let's say some Fox Noise employee gets a restraining order to keep Bill O'Really's falafel off her. Is she then "disparagig" Bill O'Really? Hm?

Howzat work?
Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.
Perhaps you should relocate to a country where patriotism is illegal?
One that doesn't have a national flag.

One could certainly move to a country that doesn't put its schoolchildren and other robots through a robotic prayer to a piece of cloth. In fact, that would be literally every country in the world with the exception of the Philippines --- our own colony. Nobody else wanks that way. Literally nobody.

Why is that exactly? Why are we, all alone, so into fetishism? :eusa_think:
Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.
Perhaps you should relocate to a country where patriotism is illegal?
One that doesn't have a national flag.

Patriotism should come from the heart and not by force. Its like you can't force someone to love you.

How about you move to N.Korea where everyone is force to show patriotism and praise their leaders.

Can't think of a country where they dont' have a national flag, where they don't have patriotism?

we don't have N Koreas, or Nazi Germanys, version of patriotism, despite your low opinion of the US.

It isn't about "patriotism". The OP tried to twist it into that but he got called on that leap too.

It's about "fetishism", not "patirotism".
Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.

BINGO. "Mandatory patriotism" is exactly the issue. Aptly phrased. Because nothing says 'meaningful' like coercion.
No one is talking about "Mandatory Patriotism". We are talking tradition. Having the US Flag displayed at the meeting has been a tradition.
No one is even forcing anyone to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Did they vote to remove the state flag of California too?
Why does the sight of the American Flag disturb so many liberals
Patriotism is taught. If it isn't taught to the next generation, don't be surprised if that next generation both has no interest in the existence of the country and doesn't consider others as fellow countrymen.
Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.
Perhaps you should relocate to a country where patriotism is illegal?
One that doesn't have a national flag.

One could certainly move to a country that doesn't put its schoolchildren and other robots through a robotic prayer to a piece of cloth. In fact, that would be literally every country in the world with the exception of the Philippines --- our own colony. Nobody else wanks that way. Literally nobody.

Why is that exactly? Why are we, all alone, so into fetishism? :eusa_think:
In Europe in particular the entire idea of separate countries is being deliberately destroyed. Call it fetishism or any other disparaging term you want to use. It's the very idea of nations that is under attack. It's all about the globalism. We are one federation. One culture.
Why is patriotism optional now?

Ha ha, you spelled "fetishism" wrong.

Kinky, dood.

Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

FUCK the fuck no. What kind of police state runs your kinky fantasies?


cute picture, when was it taken?

Likely before December 1942, when Congress changed the protocol for proper robot behavior because it was too similar to another country's robot behavior.

Ya can't be havin' sentient robots. :nono:
nice bit of propaganda...

"they're holding their little arms up in a Nazi salute, so it must be bad"

Except, by your own admission, they haven't done it for 75 years or more.

How do you 'salute' your standard?

I see I should have spelled that out more.

The comparison is this -- by the 1940s the robotic salute we were making our children do bore a striking resemblance to the robotic salute Nazi Germany made its robots do.

Well we can't have that, and here's why.

If our robots happen to look at their robots, it would be immediately apparent that their robots and our robots are doing the same thing. "Look", our robots would say, "their robots are acting just like us! Why---- golly jeepers, we must be robots too!!"

Well, you can't have self-aware robots walking around knowing they're robots. That's when said robots start throwing off their chains and actually thinking for themselves. At that point they're no longer --- robots. And if they're no longer robots--- they can't be controlled by the State.

Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.

BINGO. "Mandatory patriotism" is exactly the issue. Aptly phrased. Because nothing says 'meaningful' like coercion.
No one is talking about "Mandatory Patriotism". We are talking tradition. Having the US Flag displayed at the meeting has been a tradition.
No one is even forcing anyone to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Did they vote to remove the state flag of California too?
Why does the sight of the American Flag disturb so many liberals

You've actually already answered that question in your first sentence --- the word "mandatory". Liberalism doesn't believe in "mandatory". And if you'll look back at the OP what it does is make the fetish, and this is the exact word, "optional". When something is "optional" it means there's a choice involved. And THAT makes all the difference.

This ain't rocket surgery.
Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.

BINGO. "Mandatory patriotism" is exactly the issue. Aptly phrased. Because nothing says 'meaningful' like coercion.
No one is talking about "Mandatory Patriotism". We are talking tradition. Having the US Flag displayed at the meeting has been a tradition.
No one is even forcing anyone to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Did they vote to remove the state flag of California too?
Why does the sight of the American Flag disturb so many liberals

You've actually already answered that question in your first sentence --- the word "mandatory". Liberalism doesn't believe in "mandatory". And if you'll look back at the OP what it does is make the fetish, and this is the exact word, "optional". When something is "optional" it means there's a choice involved. And THAT makes all the difference.

This ain't rocket surgery.
Why remove the flag in the first place? Why doe it disturb you so much to see the symbol of our country?
Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.
Perhaps you should relocate to a country where patriotism is illegal?
One that doesn't have a national flag.

One could certainly move to a country that doesn't put its schoolchildren and other robots through a robotic prayer to a piece of cloth. In fact, that would be literally every country in the world with the exception of the Philippines --- our own colony. Nobody else wanks that way. Literally nobody.

Why is that exactly? Why are we, all alone, so into fetishism? :eusa_think:
In Europe in particular the entire idea of separate countries is being deliberately destroyed. Call it fetishism or any other disparaging term you want to use. It's the very idea of nations that is under attack. It's all about the globalism. We are one federation. One culture.

How can a population so heavily into fetishism ---- not even understand what it is?

Fetishism means an object. A real, tangible physical object, a thing. A thing that is charged with some kind of supernatural/taboo/divine essence. An idol.

In this case the fetish is the flag. A thing, a real tangible thing ---- not some abstract concept like "nation" or "globalism" ---- an actual piece of cloth made of actual threads, in actual China.

Not a single thread of that has the remotest thing to do with anything you wrote here.
Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.
Perhaps you should relocate to a country where patriotism is illegal?
One that doesn't have a national flag.

One could certainly move to a country that doesn't put its schoolchildren and other robots through a robotic prayer to a piece of cloth. In fact, that would be literally every country in the world with the exception of the Philippines --- our own colony. Nobody else wanks that way. Literally nobody.

Why is that exactly? Why are we, all alone, so into fetishism? :eusa_think:
In Europe in particular the entire idea of separate countries is being deliberately destroyed. Call it fetishism or any other disparaging term you want to use. It's the very idea of nations that is under attack. It's all about the globalism. We are one federation. One culture.

How can a population so heavily into fetishism ---- not even understand what it is?

Fetishism means an object. A real, tangible physical object, a thing. A thing that is charged with some kind of supernatural/taboo/divine essence. An idol.

In this case the fetish is the flag. A thing, a real tangible thing ---- not some abstract concept like "nation" or "globalism" ---- an actual piece of cloth made of actual threads, in actual China.

Not a single thread of that has the remotest thing to do with anything you wrote here.
Tell me.. Why do you hate the symbol of our country? Why is seeing the flag so disturbing to you
Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.

BINGO. "Mandatory patriotism" is exactly the issue. Aptly phrased. Because nothing says 'meaningful' like coercion.
No one is talking about "Mandatory Patriotism". We are talking tradition. Having the US Flag displayed at the meeting has been a tradition.
No one is even forcing anyone to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Did they vote to remove the state flag of California too?
Why does the sight of the American Flag disturb so many liberals

You've actually already answered that question in your first sentence --- the word "mandatory". Liberalism doesn't believe in "mandatory". And if you'll look back at the OP what it does is make the fetish, and this is the exact word, "optional". When something is "optional" it means there's a choice involved. And THAT makes all the difference.

This ain't rocket surgery.
Why remove the flag in the first place? Why doe it disturb you so much to see the symbol of our country?

You didn't even read what I just explained.

If it's such a worshipworthy fetish ----------------- why does it have to be forced?
Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.

BINGO. "Mandatory patriotism" is exactly the issue. Aptly phrased. Because nothing says 'meaningful' like coercion.
No one is talking about "Mandatory Patriotism". We are talking tradition. Having the US Flag displayed at the meeting has been a tradition.
No one is even forcing anyone to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Did they vote to remove the state flag of California too?
Why does the sight of the American Flag disturb so many liberals

You've actually already answered that question in your first sentence --- the word "mandatory". Liberalism doesn't believe in "mandatory". And if you'll look back at the OP what it does is make the fetish, and this is the exact word, "optional". When something is "optional" it means there's a choice involved. And THAT makes all the difference.

This ain't rocket surgery.
Why remove the flag in the first place? Why doe it disturb you so much to see the symbol of our country?

You didn't even read what I just explained.

If it's such a worshipworthy fetish ----------------- why does it have to be forced?
So basically you are suggesting we should not even have a flag because it disturbs you.
Remove the flag from all public places and government buildings. According to you, the US flag that you hate so much should be relegated to being a thing from the past. Should be bring back manned space flight so we can return to the moon and collect all the flags we left there? If you hate the flag so much why don;t you move to a country of your choosing.
BINGO. "Mandatory patriotism" is exactly the issue. Aptly phrased. Because nothing says 'meaningful' like coercion.
No one is talking about "Mandatory Patriotism". We are talking tradition. Having the US Flag displayed at the meeting has been a tradition.
No one is even forcing anyone to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Did they vote to remove the state flag of California too?
Why does the sight of the American Flag disturb so many liberals

You've actually already answered that question in your first sentence --- the word "mandatory". Liberalism doesn't believe in "mandatory". And if you'll look back at the OP what it does is make the fetish, and this is the exact word, "optional". When something is "optional" it means there's a choice involved. And THAT makes all the difference.

This ain't rocket surgery.
Why remove the flag in the first place? Why doe it disturb you so much to see the symbol of our country?

You didn't even read what I just explained.

If it's such a worshipworthy fetish ----------------- why does it have to be forced?
So basically you are suggesting we should not even have a flag because it disturbs you.
Remove the flag from all public places and government buildings. According to you, the US flag that you hate so much should be relegated to being a thing from the past. Should be bring back manned space flight so we can return to the moon and collect all the flags we left there? If you hate the flag so much why don;t you move to a country of your choosing.

So basically I am saying how come you drones just walk around murmuring "must ..... do..... what .. the ..... State.... says..... at ..... all ..... times....."?

Can't you just grow a pair and think for yourself? Is it soooooooooooo difficult to question Authority?

I just don't get the whole fetish thing. Maybe some people are into that kinky shit, I dunno. But in the case of kinky shit, again it's optional --- nobody's forcing you to worship a pair of women's underwear or whatever it is.

What then is the POINT of force-fed fetishism, other than State Control? What is it saying other than "we can make you do this"?

Fetishism in general just seems so infantile. I prefer to leave infantile to the infants.


There's the flag-fetish, and there's the First Amendment. Guess which comes first.
Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens? You drape a flag over the coffin of a soldier coming home, show some respect. I don't even know why this would be an issue for any American.

University students vote to make American flag optional

Students at the University of California, Davis proved you don't need a Bic lighter to desecrate Old Glory -- you just need a majority vote.

The UC Davis Student Senate passed legislation revoking a long-standing rule that required the American flag "stand visibly" at every senate meeting.

"It shall not be compulsory for the flag of the United State (sic) of America to be displayed at the ASUCD Senate meetings," the new legislation declares.

Ironically, the author of the anti-American bill is a student who recently became a naturalized citizen.

"The concept of the United States of America and patriotism is different for every individual," Itmar Waksman told the CBS affiliate in Sacramento.

Under the new rules, any senator who wants to display Old Glory must file a petition.

"It will then be at the discretion of the Senate Pro Tempore whether to approve, reject or set the decision to a vote of the Senate," the bill states.

Reason #26 for conservative snowflakes to be outraged today. They are in a never ending search for things to be faux outraged at.
You can be patriotic without draping yourself in a piece of cloth.

Ultimately, no matter what anyone thinks, the flag is more than just a piece of cloth. It represents something but it also doesn’t have a singular meaning for everyone. Even for me, as a veteran, the meaning of the flag is not the same as all other vets and service members. There are as many different meanings for the flag as there are strands and stitches on the flag flying outside my office window. It is the plural view that make up the fabric of our nation that makes this country great.

The flag is more than piece of cloth whether you like it or not
Why is patriotism optional now? Shouldn't this be a compulsory requirement for all citizens?

Mandatory patriotism is what they do in countries like North Korea and Nazi Germany.
Perhaps you should relocate to a country where patriotism is illegal?
One that doesn't have a national flag.

One could certainly move to a country that doesn't put its schoolchildren and other robots through a robotic prayer to a piece of cloth. In fact, that would be literally every country in the world with the exception of the Philippines --- our own colony. Nobody else wanks that way. Literally nobody.

Why is that exactly? Why are we, all alone, so into fetishism? :eusa_think:
One could certainly move to a country that doesn't put its schoolchildren and other robots through a robotic prayer to a piece of cloth
Such as?
Why haven't you left for it?

Why are we, all alone, so into fetishism?

noun: fetishism, plural noun: fetishisms

  • 1. a form of sexual behavior in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, activity, part of the body, etc.: "erotic fetishism"
  • ▪ excessive and irrational devotion or commitment to a particular thing: "a critique of the new technological fetishism"
  • 2. worship of an inanimate object for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit
Which is your definition?

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