University students vote to make American flag optional

We should be able to fly whatever flag we want to and pledge allegiance to whatever flag we want to. Classrooms should be able to have the Confederate Flag or even the Nazi flag if they want. If the President wants to have the Russian flag in his offfice, what's wrong with that? It's just a meaningless cloth.
Every country has a flag. If you don't like the one that our home land has, you are free to relocate at anytime. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

Every country has a flag. If you don't like the one that our home land has, you are free to relocate at anytime. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


And you are also free to not have it forced on you. That's the great thing. :thup:
^^^ I don't believe that having a flag fly from somewhere on the property is forcing that flag on anyone. It isn't like each desk in every class room is going to be covered with one. Would those who are complaining rather the rest of us go that far instead of where it is that we decided to stop?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Throwing a "temper tantrum" will only make a person do whatever is the issue even more any way. Because of the complaints, I won't be surprised if more flags end up in their faces. Because a flying flag really isn't a detriment to a person's well being at the end of the day, maybe those who have a problem with it should learn how to pick their battles.
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^^^ I don't believe that having a flag fly from somewhere on the property is forcing that flag on anyone. It isn't like each desk in every class room is going to be covered with one. Would those who are complaining rather the rest of us go that far instead of where it is that we decided to stop?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Throwing a "temper tantrum" will only make a person do whatever is the issue even more any way. Because of the complaints, I won't be surprised if more flags end up in their faces. Because a flying flag really isn't a detriment to a person's well being at the end of the day, maybe those who have a problem with it should learn how to pick their battles.

There have been no temper tantrums except by the fetishists in this thread who can only argue from emotion.

What happened in the OP article was that they voted to make the flag "optional". That's right there in the title.

"Optional" means it's no longer forced. It means there is a choice. And having a choice definitely is not a detriment to a person's well being. It means the act actually has a meaning. When there is no choice ---- that's forced.

Some of our more basket-case members don't like the idea of "choice". They like the idea of the State forcing behavior. Kinda weird, but that sort of authority-worship apparently goes with fetishism.

I posted a picture earlier of a man named Earnest Starr. He was imprisoned and sent to hard labor---- because he refused a mob's demand that he kiss a flag. That actually happened. And that's what government-sponsored force leads to.

Not having it. This country stands for Liberty --- not force.
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^^^ Wow, that man made it sound like he was being forced to kiss a toilet seat with AIDS all over it. Also I don't believe that liberty is a one way street. If you don't like the flag, you have the liberty to not have one in your own personal space, but a person's own personal space is not what this issue is about. Its about a public place and why shouldn't a flag be there when the public place is on our piece of ground and not ground that belongs to another country?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If I moved to another country, I would not demand that the place's flag be removed because I didn't care for it. The flag represents each property and at the end of the day, a piece of fabric or whatever it is made of is all that it really is. Its not going to actually kill someone or make them sick.
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^^^ Wow, that man made it sound like he was being forced to kiss a toilet seat with AIDS all over it.

Doesn't matter; he was being sarcastic in order to defy those thugs who tried to force him.

And that was the whole issue ---- being forced. You don't have Liberty when you're forced.

You'll also notice around that same point in the thread, that some sixty or seventy other people were imprisoned, fined and otherwise treated as criminals for simply exercising their First Amendment-protected right of Free Speech.

This man got sentenced to hard labor for the "crime" of refusing to kiss a flag.

There is NO justification for that. NONE. ZERO.

This is institutional mob mentality. In this case it was anti-German mob mentality as it was in the time of World War I. Know what else was going on as a product of that same mentality Holly? People were having their dachshund dogs ripped from their arms and stoned to death in the middle of the street. THAT is where mob mentality leads, Holly.

Also I don't believe that liberty is a one way street. If you don't like the flag, you have the liberty to not have one in your own personal space, but a person's own personal space is not what this issue is about.

On the contrary it's exactly what it's about. Again, they voted to make it "optional". "Optional" means "not forced". I can write this same line seventy-eight more times and its meaning is not going to change.

Its about a public place and why shouldn't a flag be there when the public place is on our piece of ground and not ground that belongs to another country?

Why does it have to be? Hm? Again --- the key word is "mandatory". It always will be. The OP himself actually suggested "shouldn't this be mandatory". Only a statist authoritarian (read: fascist) would come up with a cockamamie idea like that. It's unAmerican.

P.S. If I moved to another country, I would not demand that the place's flag be removed because I didn't care for it.

Nor did these students. They said, and I'm going to repeat this now for the sixth time and it's still going to mean the same thing --- "OPTIONAL". It's right there in the thread title.
That's it, from here on in I'm boycotting UC Davis Student Senate meetings.


First a picture of a classroom of children supposedly Seig Heiling the American flag, and now a man arrested 100 years ago for not kissing the flag?

I really enjoy your up to date examples...

What next?

The McCarthy hearings?

Hey, there's plenty more. Actually it was 99 years ago and it was a mob that tried to make him do it, but there was actually a law that imprisoned him. For declining to worship a fucking piece of cloth.

And that's what this is all about ---- instutitionalized mob mentality. The dynamic where the mob, propped up by government, exercises that old ---- here comes that phrase again ---- excessive and irrational emotional bullshit to force its will on other people. NONE of y'all authoritarian statists have yet come up with a valid reason everybody should just bend over for that sort of mob mentality coercion. Which is to be expected, as there IS NO valid reason.

That's a picture of a patriot. A man who understood the difference between freedom of thought and fetishism. Who given the choice emphatically chose the Constitution over the mob.

Did you know the Governor of Montana issued 78 posthumous pardons for these absurd abuses of the United States Constitution?

>> Gov. Brian Schweitzer said the state was “about 80 years too late” in pardoning the mostly working-class people of German descent who were convicted of breaking what was then one of the harshest sedition laws in the nation.

“This should have been done a long time ago,” said Schweitzer, the son of German immigrants.

About 40 family members attended a ceremony where the governor signed the pardons, including descendants of farmers, butchers, carpenters and cooks.

Keith Sime’s uncle, Herman Bausch, was a pacifist who refused to buy war bonds and spent 28 months in prison for being outspoken about it. Sime said it was important for the state to finally recognize the injustice.

‘This is America’
August Lambrecht was imprisoned for seven months for predicting the United States would “get a licking” in France. His great-grandson, David Gabriel, said Lambrecht left the state after his release for fear of being imprisoned again.

“This is America,” Gabriel said. “Having freedom of speech and saying what is on your mind doesn’t make you a criminal and it shouldn’t.”

Seventy-six men and three women were convicted of sedition. They were imprisoned for an average of 19 months, often based on casual comments made in saloons. <<​

THAT ^^ ...... is where your cherished state-sponsored mob mentality leads. THAT is what this coercion of praying to an inanimate object leads to if left unchecked. And that is why it needs to be stopped in its tracks.

Robots..... SMH

Today you and yours are the mob.

Actually "I and mine" are supporting the option. As in the title of this thread.

Mobs do not do "options". That's why they're "mobs".

Ernie Starr did not get an "option". He got hard labor. For not kissing an idol.
That's what you wanna plant your flag on is it?

Your example is ancient history.

Today, you and yours are the mob.
Nazis are very nationalistic.

And Communists like to think of themselves as more advanced than that.

But both are bloody minded genocidal maniacs.

The big difference today is that nazis are a fading memory and you commies are alive and well.
^^^ Wow, that man made it sound like he was being forced to kiss a toilet seat with AIDS all over it.

Doesn't matter; he was being sarcastic in order to defy those thugs who tried to force him.

And that was the whole issue ---- being forced. You don't have Liberty when you're forced.

You'll also notice around that same point in the thread, that some sixty or seventy other people were imprisoned, fined and otherwise treated as criminals for simply exercising their First Amendment-protected right of Free Speech.

This man got sentenced to hard labor for the "crime" of refusing to kiss a flag.

There is NO justification for that. NONE. ZERO.

This is institutional mob mentality. In this case it was anti-German mob mentality as it was in the time of World War I. Know what else was going on as a product of that same mentality Holly? People were having their dachshund dogs ripped from their arms and stoned to death in the middle of the street. THAT is where mob mentality leads, Holly.

Also I don't believe that liberty is a one way street. If you don't like the flag, you have the liberty to not have one in your own personal space, but a person's own personal space is not what this issue is about.

On the contrary it's exactly what it's about. Again, they voted to make it "optional". "Optional" means "not forced". I can write this same line seventy-eight more times and its meaning is not going to change.

Its about a public place and why shouldn't a flag be there when the public place is on our piece of ground and not ground that belongs to another country?

Why does it have to be? Hm? Again --- the key word is "mandatory". It always will be. The OP himself actually suggested "shouldn't this be mandatory". Only a statist authoritarian (read: fascist) would come up with a cockamamie idea like that. It's unAmerican.

P.S. If I moved to another country, I would not demand that the place's flag be removed because I didn't care for it.

Nor did these students. They said, and I'm going to repeat this now for the sixth time and it's still going to mean the same thing --- "OPTIONAL". It's right there in the thread title.
I agree that the guy shouldn't have been punished in any way for his feelings where the flag is concerned, but it isn't like anything bad would've happened to him if he had just done what he was told to do either. At the end of the day, how much was really being asked of the guy? Very little if anything at all.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Also since when is flying a flag of any form a way to force their meanings onto anyone? Why is this issue even the big deal that it is in the first place? A flying flag does not hurt anyone.
^^^ Wow, that man made it sound like he was being forced to kiss a toilet seat with AIDS all over it.

Doesn't matter; he was being sarcastic in order to defy those thugs who tried to force him.

And that was the whole issue ---- being forced. You don't have Liberty when you're forced.

You'll also notice around that same point in the thread, that some sixty or seventy other people were imprisoned, fined and otherwise treated as criminals for simply exercising their First Amendment-protected right of Free Speech.

This man got sentenced to hard labor for the "crime" of refusing to kiss a flag.

There is NO justification for that. NONE. ZERO.

This is institutional mob mentality. In this case it was anti-German mob mentality as it was in the time of World War I. Know what else was going on as a product of that same mentality Holly? People were having their dachshund dogs ripped from their arms and stoned to death in the middle of the street. THAT is where mob mentality leads, Holly.

Also I don't believe that liberty is a one way street. If you don't like the flag, you have the liberty to not have one in your own personal space, but a person's own personal space is not what this issue is about.

On the contrary it's exactly what it's about. Again, they voted to make it "optional". "Optional" means "not forced". I can write this same line seventy-eight more times and its meaning is not going to change.

Its about a public place and why shouldn't a flag be there when the public place is on our piece of ground and not ground that belongs to another country?

Why does it have to be? Hm? Again --- the key word is "mandatory". It always will be. The OP himself actually suggested "shouldn't this be mandatory". Only a statist authoritarian (read: fascist) would come up with a cockamamie idea like that. It's unAmerican.

P.S. If I moved to another country, I would not demand that the place's flag be removed because I didn't care for it.

Nor did these students. They said, and I'm going to repeat this now for the sixth time and it's still going to mean the same thing --- "OPTIONAL". It's right there in the thread title.
I agree that the guy shouldn't have been punished in any way for his feelings where the flag is concerned, but it isn't like anything bad would've happened to him if he had just done what he was told to do either. At the end of the day, how much was really being asked of the guy? Very little if anything at all.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Also since when is flying a flag of any form a way to force their meanings onto anyone? Why is this issue even the big deal that it is in the first place? A flying flag does not hurt anyone.
If a flying flag does not hurt anyone, why did the Confederate flag come down?
I agree that the guy shouldn't have been punished in any way for his feelings where the flag is concerned, but it isn't like anything bad would've happened to him if he had just done what he was told to do either.

Ordered to kiss a flag --- by a mob isn't something "bad happening"? Seventy people lined up and arrested and imprisoned and fined for simply expressing an opinion isn't "something bad happening"? Suppose as you wrote this post the sheriff busted into your house and threw you in jail for posting it? Good GOD woman THINK.


P.S. Also since when is flying a flag of any form a way to force their meanings onto anyone? Why is this issue even the big deal that it is in the first place? A flying flag does not hurt anyone.

Good.Then making it an optional choice doesn't either. Can't have it both ways.
^^^ No, making it optional doesn't hurt anyone, but making it optional can be a form of disrespect towards those who fought and died for our freedom. Also, what right would a sheriff have to throw me in jail for what I choose to say? It isn't like I have placed a threat on another person.

^^^ Wow, that man made it sound like he was being forced to kiss a toilet seat with AIDS all over it.

Doesn't matter; he was being sarcastic in order to defy those thugs who tried to force him.

And that was the whole issue ---- being forced. You don't have Liberty when you're forced.

You'll also notice around that same point in the thread, that some sixty or seventy other people were imprisoned, fined and otherwise treated as criminals for simply exercising their First Amendment-protected right of Free Speech.

This man got sentenced to hard labor for the "crime" of refusing to kiss a flag.

There is NO justification for that. NONE. ZERO.

This is institutional mob mentality. In this case it was anti-German mob mentality as it was in the time of World War I. Know what else was going on as a product of that same mentality Holly? People were having their dachshund dogs ripped from their arms and stoned to death in the middle of the street. THAT is where mob mentality leads, Holly.

Also I don't believe that liberty is a one way street. If you don't like the flag, you have the liberty to not have one in your own personal space, but a person's own personal space is not what this issue is about.

On the contrary it's exactly what it's about. Again, they voted to make it "optional". "Optional" means "not forced". I can write this same line seventy-eight more times and its meaning is not going to change.

Its about a public place and why shouldn't a flag be there when the public place is on our piece of ground and not ground that belongs to another country?

Why does it have to be? Hm? Again --- the key word is "mandatory". It always will be. The OP himself actually suggested "shouldn't this be mandatory". Only a statist authoritarian (read: fascist) would come up with a cockamamie idea like that. It's unAmerican.

P.S. If I moved to another country, I would not demand that the place's flag be removed because I didn't care for it.

Nor did these students. They said, and I'm going to repeat this now for the sixth time and it's still going to mean the same thing --- "OPTIONAL". It's right there in the thread title.
I agree that the guy shouldn't have been punished in any way for his feelings where the flag is concerned, but it isn't like anything bad would've happened to him if he had just done what he was told to do either. At the end of the day, how much was really being asked of the guy? Very little if anything at all.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Also since when is flying a flag of any form a way to force their meanings onto anyone? Why is this issue even the big deal that it is in the first place? A flying flag does not hurt anyone.
If a flying flag does not hurt anyone, why did the Confederate flag come down?
Only those who say that they are hurt by it can answer that question..

God bless you two always!!!

No, making it optional doesn't hurt anyone, but making it optional can be a form of disrespect towards those who fought and died for our freedom.

Zat so? How?

Two other posters tried to make this point. One of them, and the article itself --- which is a blog (opinion) not a news article --- calls it "desecration". The other poster used the word "disparage". I challenged both of them to explain how they can reach that conclusion --- both ran away. That's because there is no negative in simply making something compulsory into not-compulsory.

If I offer you ice cream, and you decline it, did you "disrespect" the ice cream? Did you "'disparage" it? Did you "desecrate" it? Not at all; you simply declined.

To cut right to the chase though, it comes down to this ----
Who exactly are you to dictate to the students of a college in California how they should run their own Senate?

Also, what right would a sheriff have to throw me in jail for what I choose to say? It isn't like I have placed a threat on another person.

Exactly. You would have no basis to be tossed in jail, none whatsoever. Yet that's what happened to Earnest Starr, and some seventy other people. And that's where mob mentality leads if somebody doesn't put the brakes on it.

Whelp --- consider me the brakeman. And there's no reason I should have to do it alone. Anyone who values Liberty should be pitching in. But I'll serve until y'all catch up.
^^^ We are not ordering that a flag be kissed the way that man ended up experiencing. A flag waving is all that this is about which is something that has not robbed anyone of anything in all of the decades that it has been done, so if a mob actually does exist over this matter, what harm exactly have they brought upon other people?

God bless you always!!!

Having a flag at the school is not the same as being forced to kiss the flag. If you are born in this country citizenship is forced on you. You don't get a choice.

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