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Unmasking ANTIFA

The Nature of Fascism

'I am concerned basically with two questions. First, is it possible to identify through an examination of the economics of fascist regimes, sufficiently distinct features ti speak of a fascist economic system? This question requires not merely an examination of economic policies, but an assessment of whether the effect of these policies was, or seemed likely to be, sufficiently incisive to modify, more or less radically, the existing economic structure, and so justify its description of a new economic system. Secondly, it it is possible to speak of a fascist economic system, can this concept be employed usefully as a conceptual tool to identify whether a regime may correctly be described as fascist?'
(Woolf, The Nature of Fascism, Ch. 8 Did a Fascist Economic System Exist?)

A Japanese connection to militarism also links to fascism and economics. This assemblage resonates with the coming U.S. Millenials vote in 2020, where inexperience and gullability will be the stick-and-carrot that inculcates an emotive ideological mimesis of Mussolini's movement to temp them into a socialist trap. Millenials are the economically suppressed voting population that we think are most susceptible. The carrot is divided into sections, at least one being universal health care. Here is what Woolf has to say about Japanese connections to fascism:

'If regimes can be defined as fascist according to the concepts of sociologists and political scientists, can they not also be so defined in terms of their economic systems? To test this hypothesis, I have chosen for my enquiry five regimes of a politically authoritarian character. Two of these -- fascist Italy and nazi Germany -- would be accepted as fascist according to most criteria; the third -- the Japanese military regime of the 1930s -- offers considerable evidence of the description of fascist, not least in economic terms; the final two -- Brazil under Vargas and Argentina under Peron -- represent a trest case of the extent to which the concept of a fascist economic system might be applicable. Because of the particular characteristics of the two South American states, I shall reserve discussion of their economic problems and policies until I have completed my examination of the three former countries.

Italy, Germany, Japan: the problems confronting the regimes

When Mussolini, Hitler and the Japanese militarists seized power, they were faced by economic problems created partly by the specific character of the previous economic development of the individual countries, and partly by the unsettled conditions of the international economy after the first world war. In other words, they inherited structural problems peculiar to their own countries, and were confronted by conjunctural problems common to all countries between the wars.
All three countries were subject to pressure from rising populations. The increase in agricultural production failed to keep pace with the rise in population, except in Japan until the 1920s. In consequence, Germany and Italy, as later Japan, were forced to import growing quantities of foodstuff. The rate increase of employment also grew more slowly than that of the population in Italy and Japan, although the problem only really affected Germany in the 1920s. Emigration had formed a major outlet for this excess population, particularly in Italy, but also in Germany in the late nineteenth century. Only in Japan was emigration of no importance before the late 1930s. But in the 1920s and 1930s this outlet was checked by the United States' restriction on immigration and by the effects of the depression.'
(Woolf, pp. 120-1)
Lutherans and Mennonites are mentioned:

Antifa (United States) - Wikipedia
'....Sanctuary Movement...'

Sanctuary Movement
Sanctuary movement - Wikipedia
'....The movement was a response to federal immigration policies....Lutherans....Mennonites.'

Mennonites - Wikipedia
'....rejection of infant baptism.'

This is an interesting piece of evidence for a Mennonite connection to Antifa's support of sharia, because sharia means 'path to water.'

Mennonite history links to Anabaptists, and the ability of OALC to remain functional during national dissidence, as already mentioned, may also include Mennonites, quietists who reside more out of the limelight, exist in the shades.

'But even what we call "sects" after Troeltsch, which concentrated on the "saved", those who really deserved to be members, were in a sense frustrated churches. That is, either like Presbyterians in England, they aspired to take over one the national church; or like some Anabaptists, they despaired of the larger society, but just for that reason tried to reduce their contacts with it to a minimum. They still tried to circumscribe a zone in which they defined religious life.'
(Taylor, A Secular Age, p. 449)
If Alcoff can attack people wearing a mask, then we as a society have every right to know his identity.
Cool. If the mods allow it I have a list of your types to put out there.

And list the people they physically attacked or terrorized in restaurants, homes etc. while you're at it.
There are videos for many of your Nazi’s. They post their violence proudly online.

I've seen videos and they aren't Nazis. They are speaking out against ANTIFA, and were then attacked by ANTIFA and their ByAnyMeans comrades.

You can't find any vids showing them harassing people in restaurants or terrorizing the wives of their opponents in their homes. They also don't run around in masks trying to hide their identities. The fact that ANTIFA does is a big tell that they are both cowards and intent on violence.
You can find videos of anything online. I’ll PM the mods in a bit to see if posting hit lists is allowed. I don’t want to, but if your side has moved the goal posts to come to this, then I’ll play your game.
For studies on shari'a, the obvious question is where OALC, Mennonites, etc. in Minnesota come into geographical proximity to the hijab now in Congress.
'The characteristics of a system can sometimes be highlighted by identifying what it is not. Fascism was not a traditional autocracy, of a Middle Eastern or historic Latin American nature. It was not merely an extreme case of bourgeois liberalism, the last desperate stage of capitalism, as various marxists claimed, in which the facade of democracy is stripped and the true nature of capitalist society is cruelly exposed. Racism was not an essential characteristic of fascism. German racism was not matched by Italian racism and the adoption of Mussolini of the 1938 anti-semitic legislation was more a consequence of international diplomatic alignments than the outgrowth of internal developments. It is true that before 1938 there were minority elements within the Italian party that were anti-semitic. Giovanni Preziosi is the most notable of this group. See Renzo De Felice, Storia degli ebrei italiani sotto il fascismo, Turin, 1962.

While sharing obvious characteristics with totalitarian marxist regimes in practice, fascism and marxism contrast in a number of respects. First, the social classes which were attracted to them were different and the traditional elites with which they comprised were different. The exception is the managerial and technocratic elite, which any modern society needs. Second, the ideal goals of fascism and marxism are different. Although contradicted in practice by concrete marxist regimes, marxism derives its ideals from the classic democratic precepts of liberty, equality and fraternity. Instead of glorifying violence, the state, and the will to power, marxism was historically anti-militaristic, looked forward to the philosophical anarchist's dream of the withering away of the state and the elimination of power and control from the relations of men.

Whether the ideal goals of fascism would have been reached in fact in Germany if the nazi regime had lasted longer and won, instead of lost the war, is a point deserving of some speculation. Prior to the outbreak of the war the Nazi Party had achieved substantial progress in bringing the business and military hierarchies under its domination. The necessities of the war, however, served to revive the power, to a certain extent, of the business community because its skills were required for war production. The importance of the military leadership needs no elaboration. In this sense the prosecution of the second world war, instead of helping to carry the fascist model forward to an ideal conclusion in Germany, set it back, while military defeat ultimately destroyed it. Yet there is no evidence that, even during the war, the power of the regime was basically shaken.
Another characteristic of fascism is the glorification of terror and violence. Terrors, justified in the name of the fascist revolution, to defend and advance the revolution; violence, glorified for its own sake, as an attack upon the virtues (bourgeois virtues) of compromise and peaceful adjustment....The lower-middle class, rejecting proletarian egalitarianism as socially degrading, while not having a secure social position itself, would be most vulnerable to the fascist appeal.....As a member of the masses the good Homo fascistus was expected to be a true believer and an obedient and brave follower. 'Believe, obey, fight,' was the injunction Mussolini gave to the Italian masses. Fascist doctrine thereby became a cult, a pseudo-religion, with a gospel, commandments, ritual, and authorized interpreters of the doctrine; with the leader, of course, as the infallible final authority. Homo fascistus as a mass man became politicized, not in the sense of acquiring a critical political sensibility, but rather in the sense of becoming available for political mobilization through the experience of fascist political socialization.
All these claims were qualified by the assertion of the supremacy of the national interest. Fascism arose in all countries as an anti-socialist movement, and continually reiterated its determination to replace class conflict by class collaboration in the national interest.'
(Woolf, op cit)
OALC mentioned previously links to Laestadianism in Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden, and this video links a Somalian terrorist and Antifa, around timepoint 2:07:

ANTIFA is a terrorist, fascist organization intent on destroying the Constitution, our culture, and our freedom. It's important to know who they are (and I am all for protesting while wearing masks to be made illegal...just as it was illegal for the KKK to wear hoods - they are ideological soul mates).

Here's one of their leaders: Joseph Alcoff, who works for Americans For Financial Reform under his real name, and goes to great effort to conceal his role as an ANTIFA leader.

View attachment 235590

Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda
Fascists hate anti-fascists...it's some strange Law of Nature.
ANTIFA is a terrorist, fascist organization intent on destroying the Constitution, our culture, and our freedom. It's important to know who they are (and I am all for protesting while wearing masks to be made illegal...just as it was illegal for the KKK to wear hoods - they are ideological soul mates).

Here's one of their leaders: Joseph Alcoff, who works for Americans For Financial Reform under his real name, and goes to great effort to conceal his role as an ANTIFA leader.

View attachment 235590

Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda
These are the same guys who spit on soldiers returning from VietNam.
ANTIFA is a terrorist, fascist organization intent on destroying the Constitution, our culture, and our freedom. It's important to know who they are (and I am all for protesting while wearing masks to be made illegal...just as it was illegal for the KKK to wear hoods - they are ideological soul mates).

Here's one of their leaders: Joseph Alcoff, who works for Americans For Financial Reform under his real name, and goes to great effort to conceal his role as an ANTIFA leader.

View attachment 235590

Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda
Fascists hate anti-fascists...it's some strange Law of Nature.
Antifa are cowardly fascists....
We go back to anti-sharia protests in 2017 because they link the Northwest Coast to Minnesota State Capitol:

10 Jun 2017 Anti-Sharia Marches, Counter-Protests Lead to Fighting and Arrests

URL is correctly transcribed and will function if typed in the spacebar.
ANTIFA is a terrorist, fascist organization intent on destroying the Constitution, our culture, and our freedom. It's important to know who they are

Far-right rally in Portland met by anti-fascist protesters

Portland Police officers are protecting & serving Nazi "Proud Boys" while denouncing their counter-protesters as "Antifa" and "anti-Fascists." Is Antifa fascist and anti-fascist at the same time? The cops explicitly support & endorse fascist policies, and denounce any opposition as anarchism.

Commies always try to hide their stripes.

The Proud Boys.

You get to be a SECOND CLASS HUMAN who serves those.... who do harm to you.... but you feel good doing it, because your JDAAC preacher tells you that you will go to Heaven for being a SECOND CLASS HUMAN....

This is true.

In the 1800s in Europe, a "Christian" man was supposed to have a steady job working for wages. Any other "business" dealings were preached unchristian in church, and privately reserved or set aside for "Jews" at city hall.

That "white Christian" labor union employees-only mentality, aggravated by the Great Depression led to Holocaust, Kristallnacht and war.

You must be on drugs.
ANTIFA is a terrorist, fascist organization intent on destroying the Constitution, our culture, and our freedom. It's important to know who they are (and I am all for protesting while wearing masks to be made illegal...just as it was illegal for the KKK to wear hoods - they are ideological soul mates).

Here's one of their leaders: Joseph Alcoff, who works for Americans For Financial Reform under his real name, and goes to great effort to conceal his role as an ANTIFA leader.

View attachment 235590

Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda

This is the same tactic as

1. dressing up Col Tim Osman, giving him money, and having him radicalize orphans in Afghan as "bin Laden"
2. Tom Metzger founding the "anti semite" skinheads - never mind Metzger is Jewish
3 Having Graham, Osteen, Jackson, Hagee and the rest, all Jews, preach as "Christians" on TV... all about Israel, all you unchosen idiots must serve ISRAEL
4. Having Mossad agent Simon Elliot masquerade as Al Baghdadi, leader of ISIS

This guy is Jewish. Mark it. HE antagonizes as a larger "divide and conquer" strategy to blind us about... who he is and what his kind has done....


When you play "The Joos" card, you've already lost, bub.
ANTIFA is a terrorist, fascist organization intent on destroying the Constitution, our culture, and our freedom. It's important to know who they are (and I am all for protesting while wearing masks to be made illegal...just as it was illegal for the KKK to wear hoods - they are ideological soul mates).

Here's one of their leaders: Joseph Alcoff, who works for Americans For Financial Reform under his real name, and goes to great effort to conceal his role as an ANTIFA leader.

View attachment 235590

Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda
Fascists hate anti-fascists...it's some strange Law of Nature.

Fascists and anti fascists are the same, try learning something someday.
ANTIFA is a terrorist, fascist organization intent on destroying the Constitution, our culture, and our freedom. It's important to know who they are (and I am all for protesting while wearing masks to be made illegal...just as it was illegal for the KKK to wear hoods - they are ideological soul mates).

Here's one of their leaders: Joseph Alcoff, who works for Americans For Financial Reform under his real name, and goes to great effort to conceal his role as an ANTIFA leader.

View attachment 235590

Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda
Fascists hate anti-fascists...it's some strange Law of Nature.
So antifa goons are in fact self-loathing....Seems legit.
There are no excerpts from Bray in this thread. Bray speaks at timepoint 5:27 in this video
When you play "The Joos" card, you've already lost, bub.


The worst group of supremacist humans now insists that you can never notice when they do ill to other humans.

Epstein wasn't Jewish, because if you thought he was, you'd be playing "The Joos" card....

Sometimes it is hard to tell which group is posting shit like that. There are the Zionist Jews, who know what they've done, and then there are the "second class humans," the Christians, who can never think their way out of that paper bag over their heads...

Christian and Moron are one and the same....

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