Unrest reported in Libya

Seif Al Islam Gaddafi Nearing Niger Border, Tuareg Official Says


DAKAR, Senegal — Moammar Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent is now believed to be heading toward Niger, a desert nation just south of Libya where his brother and dozens of Gadhafi loyalists already have sought refuge, a government official said Tuesday.

Rissa ag Boula, an adviser to Niger's president and an elected member of the regional council of the northern Nigerien town of Agadez, spoke to The Associated Press by telephone. He said he was in touch with the ethnic Tuaregs who are helping guide Seif al-Islam Gadhafi across the ocean of dunes that mark the path from Libya to next-door Algeria and finally to Niger.

The ethnic Tuaregs were among Gadhafi's strongest supporters that fought to keep him in power and one of his other sons as well as several of his generals relied on Tuareg guides to reach Niger in September.

"If he comes here, the government will accept him, but the government will also need to respect its international obligations. It's up to him to decide (whether to stay on the run or come to Niger)," Boula said, referring to the fact that Seif al-Islam is wanted by the International Criminal Court.

Boula, who is Tuareg himself and earlier led a rebellion against the Nigerien government that was reportedly funded by Gadhafi, said that Seif al-Islam appeared to be poised to cross into Algeria in order to make his way to Niger. It would be the same route that his brother al-Saadi Gadhafi and more than 30 other Gadhafi loyalists had used in September.

Niger's government has said that members of the Gadhafi regime wanted by the International Criminal will be turned over to the world body.

Al-Saadi Gadhafi, who is not wanted by the the world court but is the subject of a United Nations sanction, and several others considered key regime figures have been placed under house arrest in Niger's capital in a gated compound. The others are also under surveillance but are allowed to leave their villas, Niger's government said.

Seif Al Islam Gaddafi Nearing Niger Border, Tuareg Official Says
I don't think his death should be stressed over.
I understand the reasons for looking at the legalities but he's dead and a new country is about to emerge.
Just draw a line under it all and start afresh.

Really, you think Libya should not be held to the same standards as the rest of the world do you? That will be well helpful to all those not in the favourite group.

Now we have pictures of 53 men executed in Sirte with their hands tied.

BBC News - Bodies of Gaddafi supporters 'found executed' in Sirte

I'm talking about Gaddafi specifically.
Take his death as point zero if you like - the new Libya starts from there.
Libya: NATO Delays End To Bombing Campaign


BRUSSELS -- NATO postponed a definite decision to end its bombing campaign in Libya as consultations continued Wednesday with the U.N. and the country's interim government over how and when to wind down the operation.

Last week, the alliance announced preliminary plans to phase out its mission on Oct. 31. NATO's governing body – the North Atlantic Council, or NAC – was expected to formalize that decision Wednesday.

Air patrols have continued in the meantime because some alliance members were concerned that a quick end to NATO's seven-month operation could lead to a resurgence in violence.

On Wednesday, spokeswoman Carmen Romero said NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen was consulting with the United Nations and Libya's National Transition Council.

"The NAC will meet with partners on Friday to discuss our Libya mission and take a formal decision," she said, adding that there was an "ongoing process" in the U.N. Security Council.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Tuesday during a visit to Japan that some of Libya's leaders had called for NATO to continue its mission "during this interim as they try to establish some new governance."

Panetta declined to say whether the Obama administration intends to seek military ties with Libya's new government, amid uncertainty about Islamist influences there after the demise of strongman Moammar Gadhafi.

NATO's 26,000 sorties, including 9,600 strike missions, destroyed about 5,900 military targets since they started on March 31. These included Libya's air defenses and more than 1,000 tanks, vehicles and guns, as well as Gadhafi's command and control networks.

The daily airstrikes enabled the rebels' ragtag forces to advance and take Tripoli two months ago. On Sunday, Libya's interim rulers declared the country liberated, launching the oil-rich nation on what is meant to be a two-year transition to democracy.

Libya: NATO Delays End To Bombing Campaign
COLONEL Gaddafi's son Saif-al-Islam is ready to turn himself in, according to a senior Libya official.

Abdel Majid Mlegta, a senior military figure in Libya's new transitional government, said Saif and former intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi want to hand themselves in to the International Criminal Court.

"They are proposing a way to hand themselves over to The Hague," Mlegta told Reuters from Libya.

However, the ICC said they have not had confirmation on this move, with a spokesman adding: "We are trying to contact the National Transitional Council for more information."

Mlegta said his information came from intelligence sources who told him that Saif al-Islam and Senussi were trying to broker a deal to surrender to the court through a neighbouring country, which he did not name.

They had concluded that it was not safe for them to remain in Libya, or to go to Algeria or Niger, two countries where Gaddafi family members are already sheltering.

Read more: Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam 'set to hand himself in to war crimes court' - mirror.co.uk

I want him caught alive and brought to the Hague so we can hear what he has to say.
COLONEL Gaddafi's son Saif-al-Islam is ready to turn himself in, according to a senior Libya official.

Abdel Majid Mlegta, a senior military figure in Libya's new transitional government, said Saif and former intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi want to hand themselves in to the International Criminal Court.

"They are proposing a way to hand themselves over to The Hague," Mlegta told Reuters from Libya.

However, the ICC said they have not had confirmation on this move, with a spokesman adding: "We are trying to contact the National Transitional Council for more information."

Mlegta said his information came from intelligence sources who told him that Saif al-Islam and Senussi were trying to broker a deal to surrender to the court through a neighbouring country, which he did not name.

They had concluded that it was not safe for them to remain in Libya, or to go to Algeria or Niger, two countries where Gaddafi family members are already sheltering.

Read more: Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam 'set to hand himself in to war crimes court' - mirror.co.uk

I want him caught alive and brought to the Hague so we can hear what he has to say.

Man hes really turning himself in? If I were him I would be in Cuba or Venezuela right now, to hell with all this.
COLONEL Gaddafi's son Saif-al-Islam is ready to turn himself in, according to a senior Libya official.

Abdel Majid Mlegta, a senior military figure in Libya's new transitional government, said Saif and former intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi want to hand themselves in to the International Criminal Court.

"They are proposing a way to hand themselves over to The Hague," Mlegta told Reuters from Libya.

However, the ICC said they have not had confirmation on this move, with a spokesman adding: "We are trying to contact the National Transitional Council for more information."

Mlegta said his information came from intelligence sources who told him that Saif al-Islam and Senussi were trying to broker a deal to surrender to the court through a neighbouring country, which he did not name.

They had concluded that it was not safe for them to remain in Libya, or to go to Algeria or Niger, two countries where Gaddafi family members are already sheltering.

Read more: Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam 'set to hand himself in to war crimes court' - mirror.co.uk

I want him caught alive and brought to the Hague so we can hear what he has to say.

Man hes really turning himself in? If I were him I would be in Cuba or Venezuela right now, to hell with all this.

Well we'll need to wait and see if it is true and even if it is true it still would possibly be a very difficult thing to get him there alive.

It sounds like he is not finding it easy to move and does not have confidence in his safety in any country he can get to, assuming this report is true.
I want him caught alive and brought to the Hague so we can hear what he has to say.

Man hes really turning himself in? If I were him I would be in Cuba or Venezuela right now, to hell with all this.

Well we'll need to wait and see if it is true and even if it is true it still would possibly be a very difficult thing to get him there alive.

It sounds like he is not finding it easy to move and does not have confidence in his safety in any country he can get to, assuming this report is true.

If they turn him over to the Libyans, he is dead, no if ands or but about it, this is potential suicide I would never turn myself over if I were him.
Man hes really turning himself in? If I were him I would be in Cuba or Venezuela right now, to hell with all this.

Well we'll need to wait and see if it is true and even if it is true it still would possibly be a very difficult thing to get him there alive.

It sounds like he is not finding it easy to move and does not have confidence in his safety in any country he can get to, assuming this report is true.

If they turn him over to the Libyans, he is dead, no if ands or but about it, this is potential suicide I would never turn myself over if I were him.

I agree that would be why he has mentioned from a neighbouring country. Maybe he is there already. I think his best hope is to get the ICC to arrange his transfer but even then I think there are a lot of people who will kill him if they can.
Well we'll need to wait and see if it is true and even if it is true it still would possibly be a very difficult thing to get him there alive.

It sounds like he is not finding it easy to move and does not have confidence in his safety in any country he can get to, assuming this report is true.

If they turn him over to the Libyans, he is dead, no if ands or but about it, this is potential suicide I would never turn myself over if I were him.

I agree that would be why he has mentioned from a neighbouring country. Maybe he is there already. I think his best hope is to get the ICC to arrange his transfer but even then I think there are a lot of people who will kill him if they can.

He is not safe if he is anywhere near Libya, everyone knows Seif was next in line to replace his dad and he was very adamant about putting down the revolution, you know they have not forgotten that, the Libyans will want his head.
If they turn him over to the Libyans, he is dead, no if ands or but about it, this is potential suicide I would never turn myself over if I were him.

I agree that would be why he has mentioned from a neighbouring country. Maybe he is there already. I think his best hope is to get the ICC to arrange his transfer but even then I think there are a lot of people who will kill him if they can.

He is not safe if he is anywhere near Libya, everyone knows Seif was next in line to replace his dad and he was very adamant about putting down the revolution, you know they have not forgotten that, the Libyans will want his head.

Well it may be that or it may be this

In any case, they said that Niger was asking for too much money for them to stay.

Muammar Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi proposes handing himself in | News | National Post

On Saturday he was apparently claiming he was going to have a 'comeback' and there are Libyans who say they are ready for him

According to RIA Novosti, a Russian news agency, an un-named website of Gaddafi's supporters had earlier posted a statement that Seif al-Islam had been named an heir to the Libyan dictator and charged with the command of forces fighting the rebels. Other reports circulating say that Sayf al-Islam al-Qaddafi has already got the support of the tribes loyal to his father Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi, tribes which had promised to fight against the current government and take revenge for the "killing of the colonel and his son Mutassim". Some experts now suggest the Libyan conflict could now be prolonged and grow from a political into an interethnic struggle.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: "We continue our resistance to full revenge"

Then there is the tales we hear about Western Societies not wanting to hear what he will reveal and I have even heard some things about wanting him gone concerning Africa.

I think it will be a hard job for the ICC to manage to get him safely out if he has decided to give himself up with so many whose interest it is for him to be dead.
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I agree that would be why he has mentioned from a neighbouring country. Maybe he is there already. I think his best hope is to get the ICC to arrange his transfer but even then I think there are a lot of people who will kill him if they can.

He is not safe if he is anywhere near Libya, everyone knows Seif was next in line to replace his dad and he was very adamant about putting down the revolution, you know they have not forgotten that, the Libyans will want his head.

Well it may be that or it may be this

In any case, they said that Niger was asking for too much money for them to stay.

Muammar Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi proposes handing himself in | News | National Post

On Saturday he was apparently claiming he was going to have a 'comeback' and there are Libyans who say they are ready for him

According to RIA Novosti, a Russian news agency, an un-named website of Gaddafi's supporters had earlier posted a statement that Seif al-Islam had been named an heir to the Libyan dictator and charged with the command of forces fighting the rebels. Other reports circulating say that Sayf al-Islam al-Qaddafi has already got the support of the tribes loyal to his father Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi, tribes which had promised to fight against the current government and take revenge for the "killing of the colonel and his son Mutassim". Some experts now suggest the Libyan conflict could now be prolonged and grow from a political into an interethnic struggle.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: "We continue our resistance to full revenge"

Then there is the tales we hear about Western Societies not wanting to hear what he will reveal and I have even heard some things about wanting him gone concerning Africa.

I think it will be a hard job for the ICC to manage to get him safely out if he has decided to give himself up with so many whose interest it is for him to be dead.

Why not board a plane to Cuba and continue the struggle there?
There is some interesting speculation going on though

A UK- based website aligned to the MDC is reporting that ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is now a guest of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe in Harare.

The website quotes the MDC Veterans Activists Association as having have called on Zimbabweans to storm the house in the Gunhill suburb of Harare to effect a mass citizens' arrest.

Eyewitness reports say riot police have taken over Africa Unity Square in a strong show of force. It is unclear whether this is related to widespread rumours sweeping the capital about Gaddafi's presence.

The VAA claims Gaddafi staged a nocturnal entry into Zimbabwe aboard a Zimbabwe Air force jet that landed at Suri-Suri Airbase in Chegutu at 01:07am on Wednesday morning

"He was quickly whisked to a sprawling mansion in Harare's Gunhill suburb under the cover of darkness with members of MDC VAA in a secret pursuit. We kept a hawk's eye on the house since Wednesday until this morning (Friday)," says their statement.

Observers here believe this is highly unlikely, as the military base is a no-go area and casual observers cannot possibly see what goes on there.

Furthermore, the VAA's statement that they saw "heavily armed female blonde body guards of Libyan origin patrolling around the house where the former despot is holed up" stretched the imagination a little too far.

The group, which claims to have video footage, has not yet released it. Our requests to VAA for further evidence have thus far gone unanswered. More later.

Website claims Gaddafi in Harare | The Zimbabwean
There is some interesting speculation going on though

A UK- based website aligned to the MDC is reporting that ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is now a guest of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe in Harare.

The website quotes the MDC Veterans Activists Association as having have called on Zimbabweans to storm the house in the Gunhill suburb of Harare to effect a mass citizens' arrest.

Eyewitness reports say riot police have taken over Africa Unity Square in a strong show of force. It is unclear whether this is related to widespread rumours sweeping the capital about Gaddafi's presence.

The VAA claims Gaddafi staged a nocturnal entry into Zimbabwe aboard a Zimbabwe Air force jet that landed at Suri-Suri Airbase in Chegutu at 01:07am on Wednesday morning

"He was quickly whisked to a sprawling mansion in Harare's Gunhill suburb under the cover of darkness with members of MDC VAA in a secret pursuit. We kept a hawk's eye on the house since Wednesday until this morning (Friday)," says their statement.

Observers here believe this is highly unlikely, as the military base is a no-go area and casual observers cannot possibly see what goes on there.

Furthermore, the VAA's statement that they saw "heavily armed female blonde body guards of Libyan origin patrolling around the house where the former despot is holed up" stretched the imagination a little too far.

The group, which claims to have video footage, has not yet released it. Our requests to VAA for further evidence have thus far gone unanswered. More later.

Website claims Gaddafi in Harare | The Zimbabwean

Hmmm Seif would be safe in Harare, I don't see Mugabe turning him in.
There is some interesting speculation going on though

A UK- based website aligned to the MDC is reporting that ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is now a guest of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe in Harare.

The website quotes the MDC Veterans Activists Association as having have called on Zimbabweans to storm the house in the Gunhill suburb of Harare to effect a mass citizens' arrest.

Eyewitness reports say riot police have taken over Africa Unity Square in a strong show of force. It is unclear whether this is related to widespread rumours sweeping the capital about Gaddafi's presence.

The VAA claims Gaddafi staged a nocturnal entry into Zimbabwe aboard a Zimbabwe Air force jet that landed at Suri-Suri Airbase in Chegutu at 01:07am on Wednesday morning

"He was quickly whisked to a sprawling mansion in Harare's Gunhill suburb under the cover of darkness with members of MDC VAA in a secret pursuit. We kept a hawk's eye on the house since Wednesday until this morning (Friday)," says their statement.

Observers here believe this is highly unlikely, as the military base is a no-go area and casual observers cannot possibly see what goes on there.

Furthermore, the VAA's statement that they saw "heavily armed female blonde body guards of Libyan origin patrolling around the house where the former despot is holed up" stretched the imagination a little too far.

The group, which claims to have video footage, has not yet released it. Our requests to VAA for further evidence have thus far gone unanswered. More later.

Website claims Gaddafi in Harare | The Zimbabwean

Hmmm Seif would be safe in Harare, I don't see Mugabe turning him in.

I must admit the same thought crossed my mind.
More war crimes in 'Liberated' Libya

The 267 bodies were found in recent days in the city of Sirte and its suburbs, according to the Quryna newspaper which cited Red Cross sources. It said most of the victims were people loyal to the regime of Gaddafi, who was captured and killed near Sirte last week.

The sources told the newspaper that the bodies were counted and photographed by transitional authorities before they were buried in mass graves near Sirte. Quryna reported that many of the victims appeared to have been executed.

According to the report, officials at the National Transitional Council (NTC) have pledged to conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the deaths and punish those responsible.

The news comes less than a week after 53 decomposing bodies were found in the garden of the Mahari Hotel in Sirte. Human Rights Watch said the victims were apparently supporters of Gaddafi and had been executed, possibly by anti-Gaddafi forces who were staying at the hotel.

Channel 6 News » Report: More than 250 Gaddafi supporters found dead in Sirte
There is some interesting speculation going on though

A UK- based website aligned to the MDC is reporting that ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is now a guest of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe in Harare.

The website quotes the MDC Veterans Activists Association as having have called on Zimbabweans to storm the house in the Gunhill suburb of Harare to effect a mass citizens' arrest.

Eyewitness reports say riot police have taken over Africa Unity Square in a strong show of force. It is unclear whether this is related to widespread rumours sweeping the capital about Gaddafi's presence.

The VAA claims Gaddafi staged a nocturnal entry into Zimbabwe aboard a Zimbabwe Air force jet that landed at Suri-Suri Airbase in Chegutu at 01:07am on Wednesday morning

"He was quickly whisked to a sprawling mansion in Harare's Gunhill suburb under the cover of darkness with members of MDC VAA in a secret pursuit. We kept a hawk's eye on the house since Wednesday until this morning (Friday)," says their statement.

Observers here believe this is highly unlikely, as the military base is a no-go area and casual observers cannot possibly see what goes on there.

Furthermore, the VAA's statement that they saw "heavily armed female blonde body guards of Libyan origin patrolling around the house where the former despot is holed up" stretched the imagination a little too far.

The group, which claims to have video footage, has not yet released it. Our requests to VAA for further evidence have thus far gone unanswered. More later.

Website claims Gaddafi in Harare | The Zimbabwean

Hmmm Seif would be safe in Harare, I don't see Mugabe turning him in.

:redface: oops, that one was about Dad and was in August.....
I agree that would be why he has mentioned from a neighbouring country. Maybe he is there already. I think his best hope is to get the ICC to arrange his transfer but even then I think there are a lot of people who will kill him if they can.

He is not safe if he is anywhere near Libya, everyone knows Seif was next in line to replace his dad and he was very adamant about putting down the revolution, you know they have not forgotten that, the Libyans will want his head.

Well it may be that or it may be this

In any case, they said that Niger was asking for too much money for them to stay.

Muammar Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi proposes handing himself in | News | National Post

On Saturday he was apparently claiming he was going to have a 'comeback' and there are Libyans who say they are ready for him

According to RIA Novosti, a Russian news agency, an un-named website of Gaddafi's supporters had earlier posted a statement that Seif al-Islam had been named an heir to the Libyan dictator and charged with the command of forces fighting the rebels. Other reports circulating say that Sayf al-Islam al-Qaddafi has already got the support of the tribes loyal to his father Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi, tribes which had promised to fight against the current government and take revenge for the "killing of the colonel and his son Mutassim". Some experts now suggest the Libyan conflict could now be prolonged and grow from a political into an interethnic struggle.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: "We continue our resistance to full revenge"

Then there is the tales we hear about Western Societies not wanting to hear what he will reveal and I have even heard some things about wanting him gone concerning Africa.

I think it will be a hard job for the ICC to manage to get him safely out if he has decided to give himself up with so many whose interest it is for him to be dead.

I wonder if Julian Assange could offer him a couch?
He is not safe if he is anywhere near Libya, everyone knows Seif was next in line to replace his dad and he was very adamant about putting down the revolution, you know they have not forgotten that, the Libyans will want his head.

Well it may be that or it may be this

Muammar Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi proposes handing himself in | News | National Post

On Saturday he was apparently claiming he was going to have a 'comeback' and there are Libyans who say they are ready for him

According to RIA Novosti, a Russian news agency, an un-named website of Gaddafi's supporters had earlier posted a statement that Seif al-Islam had been named an heir to the Libyan dictator and charged with the command of forces fighting the rebels. Other reports circulating say that Sayf al-Islam al-Qaddafi has already got the support of the tribes loyal to his father Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi, tribes which had promised to fight against the current government and take revenge for the "killing of the colonel and his son Mutassim". Some experts now suggest the Libyan conflict could now be prolonged and grow from a political into an interethnic struggle.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: "We continue our resistance to full revenge"

Then there is the tales we hear about Western Societies not wanting to hear what he will reveal and I have even heard some things about wanting him gone concerning Africa.

I think it will be a hard job for the ICC to manage to get him safely out if he has decided to give himself up with so many whose interest it is for him to be dead.

I wonder if Julian Assange could offer him a couch?

Gaddafi should have moved to Calabasas back in March and started his own reality show "The Gaddafis'.
The plot thickens

Qatar admits sending hundreds of troops to support Libya rebels

Qatari chief-of-staff reveals extent of involvment, saying troops were responsible for training, communications and strategy

The revelation came as Qatar hosted a conference on the post-Gaddafi era that was attended by the leader of Libya's ruling National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, who described the Qataris as having planned the battles that paved the way for victory.

Qatari special forces are reported to have provided infantry training to Libyan fighters in the western Nafusa mountains and in eastern Libya. Qatar's military even brought Libyan rebels back to Doha for exercises. And in the final assault on Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli in late August, Qatari special forces were seen on the frontline. Qatar also gave $400m to the rebels, helped them export oil from Benghazi and set up a TV station in Doha.

Libyan gratitude is clear. The maroon and white flag of Qatar is often flown at celebrations and Algeria Square in central Tripoli has been renamed Qatar Square in honour of the country's support in toppling Gaddafi. Some, however, express concern at the emirate's support for Islamist elements such as the 17 February Martyrs Brigade, one of the most influential rebel formations, led by Abdel-Hakim Belhaj.

Qatar admits sending hundreds of troops to support Libya rebels | World news | The Guardian

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