UPDATE: Mohammed Assaf IS Arab Idol!!!


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Jun 11, 2012
UPDATE: Mohammed Assaf IS Arab Idol!!!

"Mohammed Assaf, a strikingly talented, handsome, Gazan, a pure patriotic Palestinian, has just been chosen Arab Idol by millions of fans and viewers all over the world.Mohammed Assaf's talents were*recognized immediately*by the judges as he was compared to one of the 4 greats of Arab music ,*Abdel Halim Hafez, during his first audition for Arab Idol. It is likely Mohammed Assaf will go on to be recognized as the first newly discovered great Arabic singer of this century. The cultural impact of his artistic influence and meteoric rise to fame and what this means to Palestine and the Arab world is immeasurable." . . The new Palestinian Arab Idol thanked the whole Arab world, saying he had never believed that he would even get to the finals. He further said: " I want to thank the Palestinian people who have struggled for over 60 years.. I want to thank these amazing brave people who despite everything manage to live through." And he went on to thank his parents and the judges and the musicians and the other contestants and the producers and everyone who supported him. Great news for Mohammed Assaf and great news for Palestine. Seeing a people struggling overcome is beautiful and precious to watch, to behold!
Countdown Arab Idol 2013, Hearts beat for Mohammed Assaf. Sherri
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WOW! Yes, what wonderful news for Palestinians. They have a guy who can sing. What a magnificent Palestinian contribution to world peace, mankind & civilization. Give that man a nobel peace prize, right Sherri?
Let's play jeopardy!

The answer: People in the mile high club, or Arab Idol

The question: Who gives a flying fuck?
Mohammed Assaf had to jump through hoops to allow the Hamas authorities to let him compete. They have to stifle that sort of thing, you know.
Palestinians unite behind Gaza wedding singer for 'Arab Idol' final. "The Western-backed Mr Abbas called Mr Assaf last month to congratulate him on his strong showing and later, in a statement, urged people across the region to vote for the singer.Hamas at first seemed critical of the "Arab Idol" fever sweeping Gaza, with a spokesman saying last month that the name and idea of the show are blasphemous. However, Hamas is known for not going against public opinion. In a sign of a shift, a Hamas lawmaker in Gaza, Yehiyeh Moussa, this week praised Mr Assaf as the "ambassador for Palestinian art." "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/10136599/Palestinians-unite-behind-Gaza-wedding-singer-for-Arab-Idol-final.html. Hamas view of him, he is the ambassador for Palestinian art.
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Hamas MP praises Arab Idol winner's 'thankfulness to God' "JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- A Hamas MP praised Muhammad Assaf for becoming the first Palestinian to win the popular TV competition Arab Idol on Saturday night via Facebook.*MP Yahya Mousa posted on his Facebook page that he welcomed Assaf’s thanks to God and his kneeling to the ground as though in prayer when he was announced the winner.*Assaf won Arab Idol and dedicated his winning to the Palestinian people." *Hamas MP praises Arab Idol winner's 'thankfulness to God' | Maan News Agency. No reports here of Hamas opposing Mohammed Assaf or stifling his singing.
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I cannot track down the person who actually said the name and idea of the show Arab Idol are blasphemous a month ago, but when a person takes a moment to reflect on the title of this competition, Arab Idol, it becomes rather obvious why a religious person might make such a statement.
Arab Idol' boasts 1st Gaza finalistBy Samira Said, CNN. It was no small task for Assaf to travel to Cairo to audition for the wildly popular show."He needed a visa (to cross the Gaza-Egypt border), but he didn't have one," his father, Jabar, told CNN from Khan Younis, a refugee camp in Gaza. Israel imposes a blockade on Gaza, leaving residents without access to an airport.Palestinian officials had to make special arrangements for Assaf to leave Gaza, his mother, UmShadi, a math teacher, explained. By the time he arrived in Cairo, the doors to the venue where auditions were held had already closed."So he jumped the wall," she said. Security guards seized him and were going to escort him out when a Palestinian official with the show recognized Assaf from his performances in Gaza and gave him a candidate number, allowing him to compete.When asked by judges on the show why it took him two days to travel the 250 miles from Gaza to Cairo, Assaf simply replied, "problems at the crossing and such." http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/16/world/meast/gaza-arab-idol-contestant. His mothers words here, Palestinian officials had to make special arrangements for him to leave Gaza. Hamas are the government officials in Gaza presumably who helped Assaf.
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This channel is taken from Shahid.net
Assaf named goodwill ambassador by PA, UNJERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Mohammad Assaf, the first Palestinian to win the popular Arab Idol TV singing contest, will also become the UN's first Palestinian goodwill ambassador and the PA’s goodwill Diaspora ambassador.*Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas made the appointment shortly after Assaf’s win on Saturday evening, according to PA news agency WAFA.*Assaf will have “full diplomatic privileges” in his appointment, Abbas said, describing his winning as a “victory” for the Palestinian people.*Among those there to support Assaf were influential Palestinian businessman Munib al-Masri, PA Culture Minister Anwar Abu Aisheh, Palestinian Ambassador to Lebanon Ashraf Dabour, and Abbas’ son Yasser.The Arab Idol winner was also named goodwill ambassador for UNRWA, making Assaf the first Palestinian to receive the title.* Assaf named goodwill ambassador by PA, UN | Maan News Agency
Assaf named goodwill ambassador by PA, UNJERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Mohammad Assaf, the first Palestinian to win the popular Arab Idol TV singing contest, will also become the UN's first Palestinian goodwill ambassador and the PA’s goodwill Diaspora ambassador.*Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas made the appointment shortly after Assaf’s win on Saturday evening, according to PA news agency WAFA.*Assaf will have “full diplomatic privileges” in his appointment, Abbas said, describing his winning as a “victory” for the Palestinian people.*Among those there to support Assaf were influential Palestinian businessman Munib al-Masri, PA Culture Minister Anwar Abu Aisheh, Palestinian Ambassador to Lebanon Ashraf Dabour, and Abbas’ son Yasser.The Arab Idol winner was also named goodwill ambassador for UNRWA, making Assaf the first Palestinian to receive the title.* Assaf named goodwill ambassador by PA, UN | Maan News Agency

So this means some sort of reconciliation with Hamas and PA, cough cough.
I hope such a reconciliation comes soon. It would be nice to think Palestinians like Mohammed Assaf contributed to that happening. God, I pray, let there be a reconciliation between Palestinian factions soon and a speedy end to Injustices in Palestine. Sherri
Official: Hamdallah to head caretaker govt until Aug. 10BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Rami Hamdallah will stay on as head of a caretaker Palestinian Authority government for the next five weeks, a member of Fatah's Central Committee said Sunday.Jamal Muhaisen told Ma'an that the caretaker government will continue until August 10, in which time it is hoped that a unity government can be formed comprising Fatah and its Islamist rival, Hamas. Official: Hamdallah to head caretaker govt until Aug. 10 | Maan News Agency

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